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Murder in St. Luietz (Guns - Stilettos & Money)
Murder in St. Luietz (Guns - Stilettos & Money)
Murder in St. Luietz (Guns - Stilettos & Money)
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Murder in St. Luietz (Guns - Stilettos & Money)

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About this ebook

A conman with the perfect plan, Destroyed by his GSA Investigator wife, chooses to utilize the ultimate in new identities to disappear on a remote island. Tracked down by a ruthless hit man for the non-forgiving Russian mafia, He resorts to both guns and stilettos to disappear once again. Never figuring on, the small islands police force, being able to discover his new identity.

Release dateMay 2, 2015
Murder in St. Luietz (Guns - Stilettos & Money)

Richard Nurse

Richard Nurse is an American author best known for using real-life experiences to craft his works of fiction, nonfiction and poetry.It was a style he developed and continued to use when college professors took a liking to the way he integrated truth with imagination, often confusing them on which was real or not.Under the guidance of published professors and bestselling Pulitzer Prize winners, like Karen Hunter, Richard went on to earn his Creative Writing degree, from Hunter College, and cultivate his skills in every aspect of writing from fiction, non-fiction and poetry to periodicals, (which he has been published in multiple times).

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    Book preview

    Murder in St. Luietz (Guns - Stilettos & Money) - Richard Nurse

    Murder in St. Luietz

    Guns ~ Stilettos ~ & ~ Money

    By:  Richard Nurse

    © April 2, 2015

    All Rights Reserved

    Smashwords Edition,

    License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    This story is a work of fiction by the author. While some places and agencies are actual, their part in the story, as well as all other locations, businesses, and organizations listed were derived purely from the author’s imagination as the story was written.

    The island of St. Luietz, as well, exists totally within the authors mind. As does the Commissioner, who handles everything on the island the Governor General does not want to. As a final note, the GAO-IU stands for Government Accounting Office Investigative Unit. While the GAO is a real agency, the Investigative Unit exists only within my imagination.

    Murder in St. Luietz

    Guns ~ Stilettos ~ & ~ Money

    By:  Richard Nurse

    ©April 2, 2015

    All Rights Reserves

    This book was written and published in the United States of America, by the author.

    Cover Art by  Paul Potiki

    URL for stock image used:

    Dedicated to:

    Susan J. Nurse

    This book is dedicated to my love and wife of many years. Without her editorial support and her platonic acceptance, of my laptop as my seemingly constant companion, this long-held dream would still be just that, a dream.

    Richard Nurse

    Table of Contents

    PART 1

    Triggers and Settings

    PART 2


    PART 3


    PART 4

    Unexpected Help & Unwanted Visitors

    PART 5

    Moves and Counter Moves

    PART 6

    Successes & Failures

    PART 7

    Flushing out the Moles


    About the Author


    Triggers and Settings

    The Trigger

    Washington, D. C.

    The Island of St. Luietz

    The Trigger

    When a vote in an appropriations committee in the U. S. Senate produces a surprise result, the effects reach far and wide.  The effects were felt first, at home, in Washington, D.C., followed by Moscow, when some very powerful members of the Russian underworld learn some disturbing information.  The final effect lands in the laps of the only two homicide detectives on the remote Caribbean island of St. Luietz, known as Gonzo and Maria, by the island’s population.

    The contract had been slipped in as an amendment, to the Senate version, of a major appropriations bill. Had been killed by a sudden change in its sponsoring senator’s vote, was the brainchild of one Hans Jobe BeGoud.  Hans works as a Lobbyist for one of the Beltway Bandits that actually has extremely deep ties to the Russian underworld. 

    Without her knowing it, Hans’s wife Deborah becomes the trigger that sets the events into motion. After the congressional vote, GAO Special Agent Deborah BeGoud, Han’s wife of one year, suddenly finds her marriage at an end.  In addition, her husband Hans abruptly disappears without a trace.

    Unknown to her he reappears, at least in name, on the island nation of St. Luietz initially as a tourist, but with a plan to disappear on the island.  Instead, three weeks later he becomes a person of interest in a gruesome and emotionally charged murder.

    Unable to locate Hans, the police on St. Luietz reach out to his wife, in hopes that she might be of help.  Even though she is unable to provide the police with a way to contact Hans, the investigation of the murder eventually leads to a direct interaction between the police force on St. Luietz, and two of the highly trained Special Agents for the Investigated Unit of the GAO for the United States of America.  With an unexpected, assist from one of the leading private investigative and consulting firms in the Washington area. 

    The unexpected assist arrives in the form of Ms. Sonja Skates, Gonzo’s cousin. Unaware of the recent events on the island, she arrives for a planned vacation with her family.  Always up for a challenge, and a chance to spend time with her favorite cousin, Sonja quickly joins in on the investigation and brings some much-needed help and intelligence capabilities. 

    It would seem as if Hans and his life-long friend and lover, pick off the island of St. Luietz to go underground and disappear was not the wisest.

    And to steal a line from Indiana Jones, The last Crusade,  You might say, They Chose Poorly for his former employer has a totally unknown presence on this remote tropical paradise, where island time is normal time and is about to become Crazy Time.

    As the story unfolds, on this usually peaceful island, Hans’ true nature and background are revealed, along with some very special abilities and secrets that not even his wife is aware of.

    Washington, D. C.

    My name is Deborah BeGoud, and I am about to do something that just might change my life forever.  I am a Senior Special Agent for the Investigative Unit of the GAO of the government of the United States.  Along with my fellow agent, Special Agent Toni Anderson, we have made the determination that a contract that is included in an upcoming Congressional appropriations bill appears to be either a scam or pure fraud.

    While the GAO normally is interested in how the government’s money is spent, after it has been appropriated, this particular contract has both of us quite concerned.  I voiced my concern in a staff meeting two days ago, along with an idea I had, and it received less than a warm reception from my immediate superior, the Deputy Director For Contract Enforcement, although all of my fellow agents felt that Toni and I were right and that my idea was sound.

    At the moment I am standing at the edge of the line for a particular coffee shop in the Senate office building, that I know is a habitual stop for a senior aide to a senator. Toni and I thought we might be able to get him to switch his vote, and kill the appropriation and the contract. 

    I knew my target well, as we had dated a number of times in the past but had realized that there was too much of the possibility for work conflicts to interfere with our relationship, so we had parted ways as a couple but had remained friends.

    He saw me as he entered the café, and I slipped into the line next to him. He smiled, albeit a bit warily, as he asked, To what do I owe the pleasure of your company this morning Deborah.

    I smiled back at him and said, Just a little friendly visit Arthur, and a message you might want to convey to your esteemed senator.  The approval of a certain approbations bill, due for a vote this week, might actually put the senator in the ‘Lemon Light’ instead of the Lime Light".

    Arthur was good and did not let the smile leave his face, as he quietly asked me if a certain lobbyist was aware of the message I was asking him to pass on.  I kept the smile on my face as I told him that no, he did not, and I would appreciate it if he did not find out about our meeting this morning. 

    Arthur nodded, and quietly told me that he would pass the message on  He also told me  that he would tell the senator from whom it had come, as it would make him take it more seriously when he knew the source.

    I thanked Arthur and slipped out of line just as he placed his order, which I imagine they already had ready for him since I had already paid for it.

    ¤ ¤ ¤

    I am not sure how my husband Hans, found out that I was behind the change in the senator’s vote, and the killing of the bill and his contract, but he did, and the result was that I was suddenly a single woman, well at least legally separated, two days after the vote. 

    While there were no repercussions from my immediate supervisor at work, the drastic changes on the home front had been fast and decisive, for reasons that I did not fully understand. 

    The Island of St. Luietz

    St. Luietz: Three Weeks Later

    The housekeeper had discovered the body when she came to clean the villa after the end of its latest rental contact. She actually never saw the body, which for her was a very good thing. Instead, she sensed that something was wrong as soon as she opened the main door to the house. The strong odor of decay had swept over her instantly. She had shut the door immediately, and walked to the village center and the police office. There she told the desk officer what she thought she had found.

    The officer on duty, who had known her for years, did not doubt her story in the least. He immediately called his sergeant on the radio, and then he and the housekeeper left for the villa on foot.

    When they got to the villa, they found the sergeant’s car already parked in front of the address. The sergeant was not in sight as they started up the walk.  However, before they reached the front door, the sergeant came around the side of the house and joined them on the porch.

    Before opening the door, he asked the housekeeper to repeat her story. He asked her to tell him exactly what she had touched. The sergeant then took the key to the villa from her and asked her to wait in his car. Once she was out of earshot, he quickly related to the desk officer what he had seen through the window in back.

    He unlocked the door and then they slowly and cautiously entered the house—not because they thought the killer might still be inside, but rather so that they didn't disturb any possible evidence within the house.

    The door swung open to reveal a most unpleasant sight. On the bed on the other side of the room was what at first glance appeared to be the body of a man in the early stages of decay.





    St. Luietz

    Washington D.C.

    Introduction - Saturday

    Saturday morning on St. Luietz, normally the busiest time and day of the week, for the women who cleaned the numerous villas that were for rent to tourists on this lush tropical island?  The vast majority of the leases began and ended on Saturdays, so while the

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