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TT's Tips on Aging
TT's Tips on Aging
TT's Tips on Aging
Ebook36 pages30 minutes

TT's Tips on Aging

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About this ebook

Time passes. We all get older. We all become senior citizens. Most of us retire. All of us have to cope with the effects of time on ourselves, our families and our way of life. There is much that can be done to ensure graceful and active later years. This book considers some of the things we can and must do. Seniors have advantages and disadvantages over the young in many areas. It is all a matter of recognizing and maximizing what we have, not dwelling on what we have lost.

PublisherLes Johns
Release dateApr 28, 2015
TT's Tips on Aging

Tim Talbot

Tim has travelled extensively and lived longer than many. He likes to pass on his experience in many fields to others. Tim has tried many hobbies and the books he writes are intended to help new entrants to these past-times. Occasionally even someone experienced in the hobby may learn a new wrinkle. The books are intentionally fairly short although hopefully not lacking in the information provided. There is no intention to produce exhaustive details of the subject matter. The books are intended to provide initial interest for those who may have only thought about trying the activity. Encouragement is the objective.

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    Book preview

    TT's Tips on Aging - Tim Talbot

    TT's Tips on



    Tim Talbot

    SmashWords Edition

    All Rights Reserved © 2015 Tim Talbot

    Other Books

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    Table of Contents

    #Chapter 1 ..... Becoming a Senior

    #Chapter 2 ..... Fit for Anything as a Senior

    #Chapter 3 ..... Paying for it as a Senior

    #Chapter 4 ..... Living at Home as a Senior

    #Chapter 5 ..... A Senior Potpourri

    Chapter 1

    Becoming a Senior

    It happens naturally and it can be avoided in only one way. It creeps up imperceptibly for some. For others it arrives without warning, almost as a complete surprise. It has many names. It has many consequences. It presents many choices. Some seize it as an opportunity. For others it is a confusing and restricting disappointment and it becomes a physical and psychological waiting room for the ultimate end. It is retirement.

    The day before was normal. As a middle aged experienced, probably expert in the field, there was no problem that could not be answered, no colleague seeking advice would be turned away, every customer's difficulty could be solved. Even the extended few drinks on Friday night had not been unusual. There had been gold watch sessions before and there would be others in the future. At home even the wife may have been talked into a drink or a quiet trip to the local hostelry.

    Now it was the next morning. There was no hangover. The drinking had not been to excess. There was just -- nothing. No job to go to, no friends to greet, no clients to whom to sell the next product, no reason to get up. It was just like the first day of a holiday but it was different. No packing had been done, no journey was contemplated. After a few similar mornings it began to dawn that there would be nothing for evermore. This vacation had no termination date. No re-start day would come round. No relaxing drinks at the end of a hard day would be taken again. After a week or so with no visits from any of the work mates it was clear that something fundamentally different had happened.

    Retirement had become a fact. After going to bed as a vital working giant in the office or workshop, albeit a bit older than the others, dawn

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