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Minimalist Living: A Guide to Simple Living, Declutter & Frugal Living (Speedy Boxed Sets): Minimalism, Frugal Living and Budgeting: Minimalism, Frugal Living and Budgeting
Minimalist Living: A Guide to Simple Living, Declutter & Frugal Living (Speedy Boxed Sets): Minimalism, Frugal Living and Budgeting: Minimalism, Frugal Living and Budgeting
Minimalist Living: A Guide to Simple Living, Declutter & Frugal Living (Speedy Boxed Sets): Minimalism, Frugal Living and Budgeting: Minimalism, Frugal Living and Budgeting
Ebook103 pages1 hour

Minimalist Living: A Guide to Simple Living, Declutter & Frugal Living (Speedy Boxed Sets): Minimalism, Frugal Living and Budgeting: Minimalism, Frugal Living and Budgeting

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Minimalism is not about having almost nothing. Rather, it’s about stripping down to the bare necessities in order to clear the mind, get more freedom and save more money. The Japanese are the best examples of a minimalist people. If you want to be as effective as the Japanese, then you better start by copying the principles of minimalism. Begin by reading the three books in this collection.
Release dateNov 22, 2019
Minimalist Living: A Guide to Simple Living, Declutter & Frugal Living (Speedy Boxed Sets): Minimalism, Frugal Living and Budgeting: Minimalism, Frugal Living and Budgeting

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    Repetitive content, and the editing left much to be desired - unpleasant to read due to grammatical errors.

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Minimalist Living - Speedy Publishing

Table of Contents

Adopting the Minimalist Lifestyle

The Minimalist Lifestyle

Minimalism- A Guide to Simple Living

Chapter 1- What is Minimalism?

Chapter 2- What Are the Benefits of Adopting the Minimalist Lifestyle?

Chapter 3- How Do You Get Started With the Minimalist Lifestyle- Sorting Out the Home?

Chapter 4- How to Repurpose and Why Do It?

Chapter 5- How To Sort Of Out Finances as A Minimalist

Chapter 6- What Is the Importance of Budgets for the Minimalist?

Chapter 7- How to Shop as A Minimalist

About The Author

Adopting the Minimalist Lifestyle

How to Achieve A Stress Free, Simple Life

By: Ariel Horowitz

Chapter 1- What is the Minimalist Lifestyle?

Living with fewer possessions is one of the main facets of the minimalist lifestyle that people often focus on when exploring the basic tenets of minimalism. However, it is important to know that the minimalist lifestyle can vary according to the individual person’s preferences. While embracing the minimalist lifestyle fully will offer the most benefits, it is possible to tailor one’s practice of minimalism to fit into a person’s routine without creating feelings of deprivation. When implemented properly, the basic tenants of minimalism will enhance one’s life by offering more opportunities for personal growth that is free from the trappings of material possessions. Here, are the main components of a minimalist lifestyle along with the benefits they offer for those who choose this method of living.

Minimized Possessions

Eliminating clutter through discarding unneeded possessions is one of the most obvious aspects of a minimalist lifestyle. Minimalists strive to only keep the objects they use on a daily basis in their home. By avoiding bringing unnecessary items into their home, they can reduce their use of natural resources while also enjoying the benefits of being unencumbered by material possessions.

Reduced Spending

People are constantly being bombarded by advertising that touts the benefits of living in excess. However, many people accrue large amounts of debt trying to keep up with their neighbors. Newer cars, larger homes and fancy wardrobes are all major drains on one’s financial resources. A minimalist lifestyle rejects the idea that one needs newer and better possessions to replace ones that are already working. This can lead to reduced spending and increased savings that can boost one’s financial standing.

Simplicity in Appearance

In addition to establishing a home based upon simplicity, those who live a minimalist lifestyle may also make minor changes in their appearance that can have a major impact upon their life enjoyment. For example, eliminating one-use items from the closet can free up space while cutting down on overspending. Simple, basic wardrobe pieces that are versatile enough to be worn several different ways are favorite clothing choices among minimalists. This simplifies getting dressed in the morning along with the many cleaning routines associated with an overflowing wardrobe. Additionally, choosing a minimalist hairstyle and skin care routine can enable a person to still look good while slashing the time one spends on their appearance.

Streamlined Schedules

In a society focused on achievement and success, many people pack their schedules with appointments and activities that leave them feeling stressed and drained. Instead of rushing around to meet deadlines, a minimalist will choose the activities that are essential and leave the rest off of their schedule. This may include sports activities, pointless social occasions and work events that are not critical for their daily lives. By streamlining their schedules, minimalists find more time to spend engaged in activities that provide greater satisfaction such as hobbies and time with their family.

Simple Meal Plans

Eliminating processed foods and complicated meal plans is another major component of the minimalist lifestyle. Many minimalists choose to spend some of the time they save from streamlining their schedule on planting a garden stocked with plenty of fruits and vegetables. However, it is important to note that vegetarianism is not a critical element of living a minimalist lifestyle; it is just very common among minimalists to eat healthier. When wanting a change of scenery, minimalists may choose to pack a picnic lunch rather than dining out at an expensive restaurant.

Emphasis on Personal Fulfillment

The minimalist lifestyle emphasizes personal fulfillment through the elimination of all things that do not positively impact one’s life. This means giving up wasteful habits that hinder productivity and personal happiness. Whether that means giving up on having a new car or cutting down on one’s activities, the main goal is to find better ways to live with simplicity. Once one has streamlined their spending habits and daily activities, they can then focus on the things that make them truly happy. Creative careers, a focus on family time and the pursuit of one’s passions are all associated with living a minimalist lifestyle.

Individualized Lifestyles

One of the most commonly overlooked aspects of the minimalist lifestyle is that it can be individualized according to one’s current lifestyle and future goals. For example, someone who is pursuing a professional career may find that work functions must be left on their schedule and that they must have a few extra suits in their wardrobe. However, they may discover that they can cut back on dining out and clear their home of clutter. Finding a person’s own unique path is essential to making a minimalist lifestyle work over the long term.

Learning more about the minimalist lifestyle can provide a person with a new perspective on living that can bring many benefits into their life. By choosing to implement one or all of the basic tenants of minimalism into their life, a person can begin to enjoy greater freedom and personal fulfillment. Although this lifestyle may seem strict from afar, it is actually simple to tailor to fit one’s individual or family needs. Due to the flexibility that exists in the choices one makes while living the minimalist lifestyle, it is easy for anyone to embrace as they move toward a better way of living without the concern of acquiring more possessions than one can effectively maintain.

Chapter 2- Important Things to Simplify in Your Life

At many points in your life, you have said that you just want things to be simpler. This is a common battle cry across the land, and you'll probably hear plenty of others say it too. While you might not be able to simplify every last detail of your life, what are some of the things you

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