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Sugar Detox, Detox Cleanse and Detox Recipes Made Easy: Beat Sugar Cravings and Sugar Addiction: Beat Sugar Cravings and Sugar Addiction
Sugar Detox, Detox Cleanse and Detox Recipes Made Easy: Beat Sugar Cravings and Sugar Addiction: Beat Sugar Cravings and Sugar Addiction
Sugar Detox, Detox Cleanse and Detox Recipes Made Easy: Beat Sugar Cravings and Sugar Addiction: Beat Sugar Cravings and Sugar Addiction
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Sugar Detox, Detox Cleanse and Detox Recipes Made Easy: Beat Sugar Cravings and Sugar Addiction: Beat Sugar Cravings and Sugar Addiction

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The sweet taste of sugar makes it highly addictive. This is a fact because once you get used to sugar, your body will naturally crave for more. But accumulated sugar in the body is a bad thing that’s why you need to detoxify. Here’s a set of three books that discusses sugar detox in detail. Easy-to-follow recipes are included to beat sugar cravings.
Release dateNov 22, 2019
Sugar Detox, Detox Cleanse and Detox Recipes Made Easy: Beat Sugar Cravings and Sugar Addiction: Beat Sugar Cravings and Sugar Addiction

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    Sugar Detox, Detox Cleanse and Detox Recipes Made Easy - Speedy Publishing

    Is It Time For A Sugar Detox?

    How to Cleanse The Body of Excess Sugar Naturally

    By: Lisa Patrick

    Chapter 1- Why is a Sugar Detox Necessary?

    Refined sugar, in excess, has been linked to a number of different ailments, including weight gain, and an increased risk for liver and heart disease, and many others. Sugar is found in everything from breakfast cereals and bread, to many condiments such as ketchup and barbeque sauce, and even health foods such as protein bars and yogurt! Simple sugars, the natural sugars found in milk or whole fruits, have not been shown to exhibit the same affects on the body as refined sugars. This is because the protein, nutrients and fiber in milk and fruits slows down the consumption of sugar into the blood stream. So, please note, the word sugar refers to refined sugars only.

    Refined Sugars

    Sugar can sometimes be masked in many of the foods you consume. Because it is worded under different names other than sugar, you may have a hard time recognizing sugar in your diet. Below is a list of some of the words used to describe sugar in food products. Be especially mindful if any of these ingredients are listed as the first few ingredients! As a general rule, the farther away these ingredients are the better. This simply means, the farther away the ingredient is, the less of the ingredient used in the product.

    Evaporated Cane Juice

    Brown rice syrup

    Agave nectar

    High fructose corn syrup




    Malt syrup


    Evaporated cane juice

    Sugar and Weight Gain

    Sugar causes insulin, the hormone responsible for excess energy to be stored as fat, levels to increase, thus leading to an increased number of fat cells, thus leading to an increase in body weight. Sugar can also contribute to weight gain, because it does not contain nutrients; it is an empty calorie, therefore, you can consume large amounts of it, without feeling satisfied.

    Sugar and Liver Disease

    Sugar and alcohol have been shown to have the same affects on the liver. Research shows evidence that fructose and glucose in excess, can have the same toxic affect on the liver as ethanol, the alcohol in alcoholic drinks. This means that sugar too, can slowly deteriorate of the liver.

    Sugar and Heart Disease

    Research has shown that a specific molecule, glucose metabolite glucose 6-phosphate, in sugar can adversely affect the pumping mechanism of the heart, thus increasing your chances of heart failure. When too much sugar is built up, GPS adds up, causing more stress on the heart. According to the Center for Disease Control, more than half the people diagnosed with heart disease, die within a year.

    Sugar and other Ailments

    As sugar causes dips in insulin levels, sugar has been linked to mood swings, depression, migraines, and poor eyesight. Sugar has also been linked to auto immune diseases such as (arthritis and multiple sclerosis), gout, and osteoporosis.

    Sugar Addiction

    Because sugar can induce a feel good high, it can cause you to crave it, which can lead to a sugar addiction. In fact, sugar has even been compared to a drug, in that it gives you a high, then just like a drug when it wears off, cause you to crash and become fatigued. The American Heart Association recommends a daily sugar intake of no more than about 100 calories, or 6 teaspoons, for women, and about 150 calories, or 9 teaspoons, for men. But, even then, the daily consumption of even a small amount of sugar can lead to increased sugar tolerance, which puts you at risk for consuming even more sugar.

    Before you know it, you have become one of the candidates for many of the sugar related ailments listed above. Some signs you are addicted to sugar include: you may let loose and eat more than you planned, you may feel bad when you miss your daily sugar fix, you may have low blood sugar symptoms such as feeling nervous, shaky or have a cold sweat. If by chance, you have found yourself in one of these situations, because of high sugar consumption and want to get out, a sugar detox can help.

    Why Sugar Detox

    A Sugar detox can help eliminate sugar from your body, and help reduce your cravings for sugar. It can also help you develop more healthy eating habits, by slowly eliminating your sugar intake, replacing high, sugary sweets with vegetables, fruits, and other healthier choices, which will help detox, or flush, sugar from your body. Once you have succeeded at reducing your sugar cravings, you can slowly begin to incorporate healthy sugars back into your life, which is occasionally, and not every day. In fact, it is said that once you start to incorporate sugar back into your diet, the sugary treats that used to just taste sweet, will taste even sweeter, which makes you want less of it.

    4 Step Plan to Eliminating Sugar in Your Life

    Step 1: Identify hidden sugar. Be cautious of food labels in your home and grocery store, checking the labels for hidden sugars. Then get rid of and steer clear of them.

    Step 2: Replace all high sugar and processed foods, with more healthier choices, such as high quality protein, whole grains, whole fruits, whole vegetables, and other low sugar products.

    Step 3: Make a conscious effort to avoid sugary foods. You may find this hard at first, but hang in there! If you find yourself craving sugar, simply find an activity to do that will exert your attention from it, such as doing yard work or calling a supportive friend!

    Step 4: Plan for Success! Since there are no quick fixes to anything, the best way to eliminate sugar addiction and its ailments, is to plan a healthy lifestyle. This means cautiously choosing to avoid sugar in your daily diet.

    Chapter 2- The Main Rules of the Sugar Detox

    Today, individuals consume more than an average amount of sugar in one day. The amount of sugar individual’s consume is actually pretty scary. We are consuming an unhealthy amount of sugar, without even realizing it. When an individual consumes too much sugar they normally have weight issues such as; gaining weight or even becoming obese. It is important to keep tabs on how much sugar you consume on a daily basis.

    When people are consuming a high amount of sugar, they tend to not get the nutrition they need in their diet. Are you an individual who is trying to live a healthier life? Looking to lose weight as well? Then you should look into doing a sugar detox; there are different types of sugar detox challenges an individual can partake in, and even do a detox for the rest of their life, depending on your outlook. Do you think you could do it and aim towards a healthier diet?

    When an individual is to do a sugar detox they are able to cleanse their body from excess sugar and other toxins. With sugar detox an individual is able to clear out the bad in their body, without starving their self. After a sugar detox an individual will feel better about their well being. They will have more energy, and be able to get around better. Sugar detox can help individuals who are dealing with; cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, and even diabetes. With sugar detox an individual can also save money; food that is high in sugar is more expensive than foods that have a low amount of sugar.

    This diet seems perfect, however there are cons to the sugar detox that an individual needs to be aware of. An individual will have to give up their eating habits, which can be hard and seem almost impossible. In order for an individual to complete a sugar detox they have to be able to discipline themselves and break their old habits. Breaking eating habits can be hard, and an individual will need to overcome their cravings for sweets, which

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