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Frugal Living Guide For The Minimalism Lifestyle- Ultimate Boxed Set For The Minimalist: 3 Books In 1 Boxed Set: 3 Books In 1 Boxed Set
Frugal Living Guide For The Minimalism Lifestyle- Ultimate Boxed Set For The Minimalist: 3 Books In 1 Boxed Set: 3 Books In 1 Boxed Set
Frugal Living Guide For The Minimalism Lifestyle- Ultimate Boxed Set For The Minimalist: 3 Books In 1 Boxed Set: 3 Books In 1 Boxed Set
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Frugal Living Guide For The Minimalism Lifestyle- Ultimate Boxed Set For The Minimalist: 3 Books In 1 Boxed Set: 3 Books In 1 Boxed Set

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A frugal living doesn’t necessarily equate to poverty. In fact, a lot of billionaires practice frugal living. When you live a minimalism lifestyle, you free up your budget significantly because you only need to focus on what is really needed. Switch to a minimalism lifestyle by first gathering information about it and determining whether such way of living is meant for you.
Release dateNov 22, 2019
Frugal Living Guide For The Minimalism Lifestyle- Ultimate Boxed Set For The Minimalist: 3 Books In 1 Boxed Set: 3 Books In 1 Boxed Set

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    Book preview

    Frugal Living Guide For The Minimalism Lifestyle- Ultimate Boxed Set For The Minimalist - Speedy Publishing

    Table of Contents

    The Minimalist Lifestyle


    Chapter 1- What Does It Mean To Be Frugal?

    Chapter 2- What Are the Advantages of Being Frugal?

    Chapter 3- How to Make the Transition to the Frugal Lifestyle

    Chapter 4- How to Implement Clutter Busting Routines

    Chapter 5- How to Declutter Your Home

    Chapter 6- How to Declutter Your Finances

    Chapter 7- How to Declutter Your Personal Life

    Minimalist Living for Peace of Mind

    Chapter 1- Starting At New Home With The Minimalist Lifestyle

    Chapter 2- The Minimalist Diet Plan

    Chapter 3- Making The Transition To the Minimalist Lifestyle

    Chapter 4- Simple Frugal and Minimalist Tactics

    Chapter 5- Being Minimalist At The Office

    Chapter 6- From The Office To The Home With Minimalism

    Chapter 7- Minimalism For Students

    Chapter 8- Tips For The Minimalist Traveler

    Chapter 9- Back To Decorating Your Minimalist Style Home

    The Minimalist Lifestyle

    Getting Back To The Simple Life

    By: Henry Rainford

    Chapter 1- Defining the Minimalist Lifestyle

    Though it may seem so to the person on the outside looking in, a minimalistic lifestyle does not have to mean a radical change in one’s way of life. The core statement of those living in this manner is that downsizing on material objects and the clutter in their life can lead to more important aspects of existence being focused on. In essence, the message being received is that with fewer distractions, growing as a person and becoming extra productive is a more easily obtainable goal. Simple living is a completely voluntary choice and is not another term for poverty. Although many lessons may be learned by witnessing this lifestyle, the goal for the people living it is not to make a statement but to improve themselves.

    There are quite a few misconceptions about minimalism and simple living. Though some may practice the action, living a more simple life does not mean constantly counting one’s possessions. There is no required number of items one must own. The most important factor to consider when it comes to personal objects is desire versus need. By making sure that they only keep the items that are necessary to their existence, people engaging in minimalistic lifestyles can control what they may be distracted by. Often times, items such as a television may be deemed unnecessary and removed from the equation. Though that may be a common choice, there are not right or wrong items and the process changes for every individual.

    Purging excess belongings from one’s household may be a common form of simplistic living, but there are other ways to practice the lifestyle as well. Controlling the diet is another frequent practice. Often, the goal in this area is to eat natural food choices. This is not the same as simply looking to eat healthily, but instead to eat foods that are not too heavily processed. Portion control plays into this as well. Gorging oneself is considered a wasteful practice and is looked at as a conflict with a minimalist’s ideals.

    There are quite a few reasons as to one might choose this lifestyle for themselves. One factor could stem from monetary concerns. Many times, due to spending less on unnecessary items and consuming less in all respects, there is a considerable decrease in expenditures. Learning to become more frugal may be a difficult process for some, but often times it leads to less stress and an overall boost in self satisfaction. Many who have found themselves in debt consider the frugality of this mindset to be a helpful tool in pulling themselves out.

    For others, thinking about living a simple lifestyle may be a more spiritual decision about improving their sense of self. These people do not merely look at necessary versus unnecessary, but instead also attempt to analyze their relationship with their inanimate objects. It is important for them to not give too much meaning to their possessions. The rallying point here is that there are far more important connections to be had found elsewhere.

    A relationship with a phone may be sacrificed to establish a more powerful connection with another person, just as one with a television may be sacrificed to leave more room open for reading a good book. With less clutter, these practitioners intend to open themselves up to a better version of the person they are. Many focus on improving an art or practice with the new time they have granted themselves, such as painting or writing.

    Yet another reason some may find themselves longing to begin a minimalistic lifestyle is to lessen their impact on the environment. Purely on principle, a simplistic life is compatible with that of a person attempting to live a more green life. Plainly put, it is common knowledge that cutting down on consumerism cuts down on needless waste. When one spends less, it causes a chain reaction. Purchasing less packaged goods leads to opening less packaged goods, which obviously leads to less rubbish. With less garbage being produced some may feel they are leaving a positive impact on the planet.

    Though there are many different aspects to take into consideration when questioning why one may be turned onto simple living, the results and benefits wind up essentially adding up to the same outcomes. As previously mentioned, oftentimes it leads to a decrease in stress. With less to split one’s attention between there are less distractions to be had and more time to focus on what truly leads to one’s happiness. There is more time to be shared amongst the positive factors in life.

    Working to become healthier, creating art, relaxing, and sharing more time with family members are all products reported by those who take part in making the effort to live this way. Other benefits that have been noted are the newfound ease in organizing for some, what with their new lack of clutter. Another aspect of note is the near effortlessness of sustaining this lifestyle. With monetary resources not being stretched as thin, there is more comfort to be found. With less to maintain, many people have found solace in this lifestyle, and swear by its practicality and advantages as pure fact.

    At times, those who do not practice a minimalist lifestyle have been known to have

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