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Silver Jewelry Making & Paracord Bracelets For Beginners : A Complete & Step by Step Guide: (Special 2 In 1 Exclusive Edition)
Silver Jewelry Making & Paracord Bracelets For Beginners : A Complete & Step by Step Guide: (Special 2 In 1 Exclusive Edition)
Silver Jewelry Making & Paracord Bracelets For Beginners : A Complete & Step by Step Guide: (Special 2 In 1 Exclusive Edition)
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Silver Jewelry Making & Paracord Bracelets For Beginners : A Complete & Step by Step Guide: (Special 2 In 1 Exclusive Edition)

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Wearing jewelry is essential to helping women developed their own style. For women wishing to create a look that's unique, the last thing they'll want to invest money in is mass produced pieces of jewelry. It's for this reason alone, learning the skills needed for making silver and paracord bracelets could prove extremely beneficial. When it comes to making such pieces you need to know where to purchase the right kinds of supplies. In this book, " Silver Jewelry Making & Paracord Bracelets For Beginners: A Complete Step by Step Guide (Special 2 In 1 Edition)" not only do we discuss what's needed to start your own silver & paracord bracelet making venture but also provide several projects you may want to try out. The actual process of turning a piece of silver into a piece of jewelry is not only very technical, but also allows your artistic side to flourish. Once you've finished making silver jewelry either for yourself or for someone else, it can prove extremely satisfying, especially as you watch the piece develop and grow. In addition, the book also explains how the resilient parachute cord can be used to make bracelets and other items that can not only serve as a piece of fashion but also serves as a survival tool of needed. The book goes through the basics, explaining what exactly the Paracord is and then going into exactly how it can be used to make pieces of jewelry. The text is ideal for the consummate hobbyist that is always seeking new and fun things that they can do in their spare time. For more tips and tricks, download " Silver Jewelry Making & Paracord Bracelets For Beginners: A Complete Step by Step Guide (Special 2 In 1 Edition)" now!
Release dateDec 16, 2013
Silver Jewelry Making & Paracord Bracelets For Beginners : A Complete & Step by Step Guide: (Special 2 In 1 Exclusive Edition)

Janet Evans

Ever since she was a child Janet Evans had an appreciation for jewelry especially those that are hand crafted and not commercially manufactured. This led her to try to find out as much as she could about jewelry making until it got to a point where she made the decision to try her hand at it. After trying out one method she found that she was driven to do further research to perfect her craft. As this was a hobby for her the progress was slow but she did get through it all and found that by combining a number of techniques from different jewelry making guides, she was able to produce jewelry that she not only liked but could sell as well to make some extra cash. She also saw the need to put some sort of text together that would more advanced than a very basic outline of how to create jewelry but not as complex as the more advanced texts that can be found on the market today. Janet was interested in creating a text that would be easy to understand and also provide a bit more than just the mere basics. What she has presented is what she has tried herself.

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    Book preview

    Silver Jewelry Making & Paracord Bracelets For Beginners - Janet Evans


    There are several types of jewelry. The popular ones are made from precious metals such as gold and silver are called fine jewelry. The cheaper and more popular ones are made from copper of other materials such as leather, rubber, semi-precious metals and paracords are called costume jewelry.

    Early pieces of jewelry were purely utilitarian; that means they were not exactly created to be worn as a fashion accessory. The early civilizations used jewelry to mark their station in society. Some used nose rings to mark their slaves.

    Nowadays, jewelries have gone a long way from being used merely to show your station in society. Jewelries nowadays could be used as an accessory, and in some cases, as an aid for survival and safety, such as in the case of paracord bracelets. Not all jewelries can serve survival purposes though, but most can be used as an accessory.

    If you have an eye for fashion, you should try jewelry making. Making your own jewelry not only helps improve your creativity; it also increases your confidence, knowing that you are capable of creating something and that you could wear jewelry that is totally unique.

    This 2-in-1 exclusive edition on silver jewelry making and paracord bracelets covers the three purposes of jewelry: adornment, heirloom, and survival and safety.

    The first part of the ebook focuses on silver jewelry making. This book will discuss the basics of making your own silver jewelry. The tools needed for silver jewelry making are discussed on the first chapter. The next chapter discusses the materials needed. Tips are also given on how to procure materials such as silver, the price of which fluctuates. When buying online or in local stores, good bargaining and comparison skills could be handy. It is also a good idea to find a good supplier early on; finding a good source for the materials is important because some silver might be adulterated with other metals. There would be detailed information on various jewelry making techniques. The book also comes with several projects that you could try completing.

    The second part of the book discusses paracord bracelet making. A paracord is a bunch of nylon woven together. Paracords were first used in parachute suspension lines in World War II, hence the name. Most hikers and outdoorsman prefer using paracord bracelets for safety and survival purposes. Hikers use neon colored paracord bracelets so they can be spotted in the dark. Campers use them because an inch or paracord bracelet unravels into a foot of usable paracord.

    Due to the paracord’s lightness and strength, it can be used in a number of applications. If done correctly, a paracord bracelet can also be a great fashion accessory. Because it is an interwoven strand of nylon, the inner strands can be used as thread for sewing. You can even use them as a shoe lace.

    This part of the book will discuss everything you’ll need to make your first paracord bracelet, including splicing methods, and knotting and weaving methods. Sample projects will also be discussed. Information on basic materials will also be given. Don’t worry because you generally need only three: paracords, buckles, and a lighter.

    As in any jewelry making undertaking, what is important is to have fun.

    Thank you very much for downloading this book. I hope that you learn and enjoy reading this book.

    Part 1: Silver Jewelry Making

    Chapter 1 – Tools You’ll Need for Making Silver Jewelry

    As you’ll soon discover there are certain specialist tools needed for making jewelry from silver you wouldn’t need for making other items of jewelry. Not only do we take a look at these but also the other general tools required for making not only silver jewelry but general items of jewelry as well.

    Tool 1 – Pliers

    There are several different types of pliers needed to make silver jewelry.

    Flat Nose or Chain Nose Pliers

    These are pliers you need for holding pieces with as well as for bending and forming the silver into a variety of different shapes and styles.

    Round Nose Pliers

    Without these pliers you will find it very difficult to create curves or circles. Plus like the flat nose pliers these can be used for bending wire.

    Half Round Pliers

    These pliers also help you to bend silver, but do so without them causing an outside curve to be created.

    Serrated Edge Pliers

    These pliers wouldn’t normally be used when for actually making the piece of jewelry but used more for pulling wire through the jewelry or to straighten it out. But you need to be careful when using these as they can leave marks on the silver.

    Tool 2 – Jewelers Saw

    It’s important you purchase the best quality saw you can. You’ll notice that the blades come with blades of varying sizes. However initially I’d recommend you start with a saw that’s fitted with a 1, 0 or 0/1 grade blade. You should only consider using saws with blades of grade 2 and upwards when you’ve been making silver jewelry for a while.

    Tool 3 – Files

    Just as with pliers there are several different types of files you’ll need to help ensure you create and make some wonderful pieces of jewelry. The kinds of files you’ll need to purchase are as follows:

    Needle File

    There are several different types of needle files you’ll need to purchase. The main ones you will have to buy are for when you make a piece of jewelry that’s flat, half round, oval and triangular.

    Large Flat File

    Without this type of file in your toolbox you’re going to find removing solder from your pieces of silver jewelry difficult.

    Large Half Round File

    You’ll find this file extremely useful when you need to clean and smooth the inside of any silver ring shank.

    Tool 4 – Ball Peen Hammer

    This is an essential tool to have as it can be used for making jewelry in a variety of different ways. Without this tapping (peening) silver pins, narrow joints or rivets into shape will be difficult.

    Tool 5 – Soldering Torch

    When you’re selecting

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