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Meal Finder: Detox Your Body and DASH
Meal Finder: Detox Your Body and DASH
Meal Finder: Detox Your Body and DASH
Ebook156 pages1 hour

Meal Finder: Detox Your Body and DASH

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The Meal Finder book features two distinctive diet plans, the detox diet with detox recipes and the DASH diet. This book makes it easy as a healthy meal finder and takes these meal ideas with both detox recipes and the DASH diet recipes. If you wish to follow the DASH diet guidelines for some of your meals you will find making a DASH diet menu easy. You may wish to try the detox recipes for weight loss or just to be healthy. This easy meal finder will enable you to plan the menu for a couple of weeks in advance. The Meal Finder book features these great categories: Detox Recipes, What is the Detox Diet, Benefits of Detoxifying, Helpful Tips for Detox Diet Success, Before You Go on a Detox Diet - Helpful Preparation Tips, What Should You Eat, What You Should NOT Eat, Foods that offer the Best Detoxification Punch, Detox Diet Breakfast Recipes, Detox Diet Soup and Salad Recipes, Side Dish Detox Recipes, Main Dish Detox Diet Recipes, Detox Drink and Detox Smoothie Recipes, Detox Diet Snack and Appetizer Recipes, Detox Diet Dessert Recipes, Detox Diet 7 Day Meal Plan, DASH Diet, What is the DASH Diet, What is Hypertension and Why Is It Dangerous, How Does the DASH Diet Work, DASH Study Daily Nutrient Goals, DASH Diet Guidelines, Using DASH for Weight Loss, Intuitive Eating with the DASH Diet, Making DASH Dieting Easy, Exercise and the DASH Diet, Recipes for the DASH Diet, Appetizers, Beverages, Breakfast, Main Dishes, Sides, Salads, Soups, DASH Diet 5-Day Sample Menu, and Modifying the 5 Day Meal Plan.
Release dateMay 15, 2017
Meal Finder: Detox Your Body and DASH

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    Meal Finder - June Craig

    Meal Finder

    Detox Your Body and DASH

    June Craig and Maryanne Lane

    Copyright © 2013 June Craig and Maryanne Lane

    All rights reserved.


    Are you like most people who struggle to figure out what's for dinner? It sometimes seems an impossible task for someone who has no idea what to prepare and especially so if the goal for the meal is to eat healthier? In this book you need not struggle any longer with figuring out how to find a good healthy meal. The recipes within this book are set to give you the best ingredients featuring healthy whole foods including fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins. You don't even have to struggle with snacks and desserts because you can find good recipes here that will make for great snack time.

    Why choose a healthy lifestyle? It can seem like it's easier just to eat convenient foods, but in the long run it isn't easier on your health. Many people will forgo eating healthy just because it complicates meal planning and preparing. They do not know where to start or what to prepare. Eating healthier means letting go of junk foods and all those processed convenient foods. It means grabbing onto the old art of homemade cooking. But homemade cooking can also be junk foods. This is where Meal Finder will help you to figure out your meal plans offering healthy foods from both the detox diet and the DASH diet plans.

    The detox diet plan helps to set a body up for being healthier by promoting the detoxification of germs and toxins that we get from the environment and from eating the wrong foods. Certain foods help to scrub the body from the inside out. The diet serves to cleanse the liver, kidneys, digestive system, and even the blood. The detox diet is a perfect companion to the DASH diet.

    The DASH diet is also called the hypertension or the high blood pressure diet. This diet specifically helps people to naturally lower their blood pressure. It was originally a diet that was prescribed with patients with hypertension, but now it's a healthy diet that anyone can eat. Because the DASH diet uses foods that are naturally good to lower blood pressure, they are foods that are healthy for the entire cardiovascular system. If these foods help to lower high blood pressure they also help to maintain normal blood pressure and everyone needs that.

    A healthy lifestyle starts with a good diet. If you can maintain a healthy lifestyle you will help your body to stay well. There is nothing better for prevention that to start with the foods you eat. Both the detox diet and the DASH diet use healthy foods with plenty of vegetables and fruits. Each recipe is guaranteed to be healthy and tasty. By using the Meal Finder book you will easily be able to plan your healthy meals for you and your whole family. And since this is a good combination of the two diet plans you have enough variety in which to choose you will not have to repeat too many meals in a couple weeks time.

    You can do a couple of things to help make these diets work better for you. First thing is in planning. Since you have found your meals in the Meal Finder book you need to plan your grocery shopping trip accordingly. This starts with a good menu first. Write down the meals for a week or two or however long you need the menu. Once you have the menu planned you can then go through your kitchen and pantry and see what food you need to purchase in order to make the meals. Once you have an idea of what you have you can then create your grocery list. Write down all the food items you need and make a trip to the grocery store.

    Once you get home with your groceries take some time to prep the food. This means to wash the fruits and vegetables. Chop the food that can be chopped and stored and just store the food that can't. Prepare as much as you can for your meals ahead of time to make it easier to cook the meals when the time comes. So many people don't want to do this because of all the preparation. If you do it in advance you will save yourself a ton of time and it won't feel as if you have to do too much.

    Some of the recipes can even be completely prepared ahead of time. Perhaps you can get them together and store in the refrigerator for a final cook or heat through for later. Maybe you can cook and freeze some, so all you have to do is thaw and heat to have a nice home cooked meal. Look for ways to make your meal planning and preparing easier.

    You are well on your way for dieting success. The planning stage sets the foundation. You planned well by getting this book and now have at your fingertips many good recipes that will help you to maintain a healthy lifestyle. In addition to the planning you can still do a few more things to help create a completely healthy lifestyle.

    Drink plenty of water along with your meals. Water helps the body to stay hydrated. You should keep a glass or bottle of water with you at all times. You should sip on the water to keep from feeling too thirsty. Water is the perfect companion to both the detox and the DASH diet plans. Water will help to heal the body and is vital to good health.

    Another healthy habit to develop and do in conjunction with a healthy diet is to exercise. The body needs regular exercise to keep it fit. Without exercise the body retains too much fat. Often when high blood pressure is diagnosed a physician may prescribe a change in diet along with moderate exercise. All you have to do is work out once every other day for at least half an hour to gain all the benefits from having a good exercise routine in your life.

    Section 1: Detox Recipes

    More than likely, you have heard about the detox diet, but you may not be familiar with all it entails or the benefits it has to offer. Maybe you like the idea of detoxifying your body, but you may not be sure where to begin or how to choose the right foods for easy detoxification. This ebook is packed with helpful information. Most of all, you’ll find many excellent recipes that allow you to easily start cooking great meals that fit in with the detox diet. From great breakfast dishes to delicious desserts (yes you get to enjoy desserts on a detox diet), you’ll find all kinds of great recipes and even a helpful meal plan guide to get you started.

    Chapter 1: What is the Detox Diet?

    Before you dive into learning how to cook foods that fit with the detox diet, it’s important that you fully understand this diet. What is a detox diet? Basically, a detox diet is a diet that focuses on foods that help to remove toxins and excess waste from the body. While you will find many detox diets out there, these diets generally focus on the following:

    Increasing foods that offer antioxidants, nutrients and vitamins needed for natural detoxification

    Limits the chemicals that enter the body through food intake,

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