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Patricia's Holiday Affair
Patricia's Holiday Affair
Patricia's Holiday Affair
Ebook50 pages44 minutes

Patricia's Holiday Affair

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Freshly divorced fifty-something Patricia has decided to pack up her woes, and take a holiday to an island resort to save her sanity. At the resort she meets a mysterious young man who is interested in her, despite their age difference, and Patricia entertains light thoughts of becoming involved with him, despite being on the rebound from her adulterous husband. Is this handsome young man all that he appears to be, or is he hiding something which may destroy Patricia's life forever?

Release dateMay 1, 2015
Patricia's Holiday Affair

Marcia Carrington

Marcia Carrington writes about the human condition, exploring what makes people tick, but in an upbeat and optimistic tone. She writes in a variety of genres, mainly romance but also, comedy, suspense, crime, paranormal, mystery, YA and NA. Her collection of thirty-four books vary in length from full-length works to novellas, novelettes to short stories. Marcia's latest books are short story romance THE FUNERAL, released in September 2019, and venturing again into science fiction/paranormal territory with DREAM STATE, a novelette released in December 2019. Apart from writing and reading, Marcia also has a great love for coffee. The morning coffee has always been a staple for Marcia, and something which she cannot do without. There is just something about the fresh aroma of coffee early in the morning, and anytime for that fact, which proves irresistible to her. Marcia can be contacted on Twitter, and you can also visit her on her Blog at and on Pinterest.

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    Patricia's Holiday Affair - Marcia Carrington

    Patricia’s Holiday Affair

    Marcia Carrington

    Published by Marcia Carrington at Smashwords

    Copyright 2015 Marcia Carrington

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or deceased, is purely coincidental.

    Credit for the cover images, from top clockwise:

    (C) - Jason Stitt:

    (C) - Curaphotography:

    (C) - Sean Pavone:

    Chapter One

    Thank you for that, Patricia said, as the porter brought in her large suitcase, placing it on the luggage table. He gave her a slight grin, and exited out the door. The last of Patricia’s luggage was now in her hotel bedroom, and she began to unzip the overnight bag when she heard a quiet but precise voice addressing her.

    Is there anything else you require Mrs Bournovas? a tall, slender young lady in a smart black suit asked her. Patricia looked over at her, and smiled.

    No, it’s all fine, thank you for your help, Patricia said, as the young woman nodded, and gently closed the door behind her. Patricia sighed, and closed her eyes.

    Patricia was looking forward to this holiday like nothing else in the world. She had had a terrible few years, with tragedy, divorce, and other incidents taking up the bulk of her time. She desperately needed some space away from her life, and town, to help put things into perspective. Patricia opened her eyes, and took several items of clothing from the suitcase and hung them in the large white wardrobe, and after doing this, stopped. She turned from the wardrobe, and peered at the view from her resort hotel bedroom, this taking her attention, and immediately felt at ease. The blue color of the swimming pool which was outside her bedroom, and the ocean further afar, made something inside of her melt, as if the negativity she was experiencing had suddenly fallen away, but, this was short-lived.

    Patricia remembered how her marriage had recently collapsed, and the last straw was that her husband of twenty-five years had cheated on her with a much-younger woman. The endless arguments that followed her discovery of his indiscretions came blasting into her mind like a torpedo out of control. With a grand sigh, Patricia knew if she allowed herself to wallow in these thoughts, it would not be much of a holiday for her, and the point of getting away in the first place would be fruitless. She moved away from the window, and proceeded back to her suitcase.

    Patricia had chosen an entirely new selection of clothes for her vacation, and looked forward to sampling some of these, beginning tonight at dinner. She wanted this trip to be an affirmation that she was still vital and attractive, even though she was now fifty years of age. Throwing caution to the wind, Patricia looked over at the spa in her bathroom, and smiled. It was large, white and seemingly endless, which was heaven to her weary eyes and body. She wanted to luxuriate in it, feel the bubbles on her body, and relax after her flight to the secluded island. As it was now late in the afternoon, this

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