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Bipolar Child: Bipolar Survival Guide For Children : 7 Strategies to Help Your Children Cope With Bipolar Today
Bipolar Child: Bipolar Survival Guide For Children : 7 Strategies to Help Your Children Cope With Bipolar Today
Bipolar Child: Bipolar Survival Guide For Children : 7 Strategies to Help Your Children Cope With Bipolar Today
Ebook56 pages38 minutes

Bipolar Child: Bipolar Survival Guide For Children : 7 Strategies to Help Your Children Cope With Bipolar Today

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For many years people have held the belief that the Bipolar Disorder only affects adults, but recent findings suggest that having a bipolar child is not only possible, it is actually more and more common these days. While adults generally treat the disorder with the help of medication, therapy and pharmaceuticals, the same approach cannot really be taken with children, especially younger ones, and that's precisely why the Bipolar Survival Guide for Children by Heather Rose was written. In a majority of cases it is believe that Bipolar Disorder is passed on genetically, sometimes over the course of generations. The book will first teach you all you need to know about the signs of a bipolar child, allowing you to make sure that your child indeed has Bipolar Disorder and is not just going through the normal stage of childhood where he or she is prone to temper tantrums. While many do not know this, determining whether or not your child has the disorder as early as possible is extremely important as it will allow you and them to work on ways to cope with the problem. Naturally, apart from being taught everything about the bipolar child symptoms, the book also goes into great detail when it comes to raising a bipolar child so that the disorder doesn't impeded upon daily life. Long story short, the book contains seven big and effective strategies which will make living with a bipolar child a reality. Naturally, these strategies aren't the run-of-the-mill advice you receive from uneducated people trying to sound like real experts; these are methods that will teach your child to gain a much better control and understanding of their condition, methods you aren't going to find floating around on self-help websites. Of course, parenting a bipolar child is as stressful for the child as it is for the parent; after all, you must be terribly concerned about not only your child's future, but about whether or not the condition will one day lead to tragic consequences... not to mention that you probably don't feel like dealing with a problematic child after work every single day. Rest assured that this book also touches on the parent's perspective as far as bipolar children go, teaching you precisely how to implement the afore-mentioned seven strategies in your parenting, how you should behave to help your child remain stable, and the kind of mindset you need to adopt in order to ensure you and your child make it through problematic situations. All in all, Bipolar Disorder is far from being a negligible condition as it's not only more common today, but it has led many people to tragic endings. It is not rare to see children suffering from the disorder, but the good news is that if you ask yourself "is my child bipolar" soon enough, you'll be able to diagnose them properly and teach them how to gain a better control of the condition. Raising a bipolar child can be a tremendously harsh experience, and the Bipolar Survival Guide for Children will tremendously help you and your child to get through it.
Release dateJun 10, 2013
Bipolar Child: Bipolar Survival Guide For Children : 7 Strategies to Help Your Children Cope With Bipolar Today

Heather Rose

Heather Rose has written on a myriad of topics which have all sold quite successfully and now she has opted to focus on preparing great information on PCOS. Heather is aware of the numerous problems PCOS has on their silent sufferers and seek to boil down the essence of how you can control these easily and naturally now. Each book will detail the key features on how the reader can implement easy strategies in their real life in order to permanently stop PCOS now.

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    Bipolar Child - Heather Rose


    Bipolar Disorder, which is sometimes referred to, as manic depression is a disorder that affects the brain and is marked by the person suffering from extreme mood, swings. Also people who suffer from this mental health disorder will find that their activity levels rise and fall and their behavior tends to be quite erratic.

    When it comes to children suffering from bipolar disorder most of them will go from being nearly manic (feeling euphoric) to feeling very depressed or even sometimes suicidal.

    Children do tend to find coping with this disorder very hard, as they cannot fully understand why it is that they are feeling the way they do.   In some situations where a child hasn’t been diagnosed with suffering from bipolar disorder they may find themselves being classed at school as being a troublemaker or a child who prefers to not interact with others or with school activities.

    Certainly when it comes to treating a child who has been diagnosed with suffering from bipolar disorder it is important that those around them understand as much as possible about what they are going through. Even though this is a very serious medical condition for which there is no cure when treated correctly through the child taking the right kind of medication they can control it far better.

    What many parents do not realize is that the symptoms associated with this particular mental health disorder can start to appear in infants and they are different from those that adults with this disorder will start to display. Unlike adults when children suffer from this disorder they tend to suffer from continuous mood swings that will go between them feeling manic and depressed. As a result of this sudden mood changes a child suffering from this disorder will become chronically irritable. However there will also be times when a child will seem normal and won’t display any of the symptoms or mood swings that we come to associate with bipolar disorder. Then of course when you think everything is returning to normal the symptoms can then appear suddenly without any prior warning.

    Up until very recently few children were diagnosed with suffering from bipolar disorder. Yet according to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry it is believed that up to 1/3 of all the 3.4 million children and teenagers in the USA who are showing signs of depression may in fact be experiencing what is commonly referred to as early onset bipolar disorder.

    Even though doctors are now recognizing and treating this disorder in children it is still not being recognized as a legitimate illness. Until this is changed of course the chances of a child being provided with the right course of treatment to help them cope with the condition is greatly reduced.

    Chapter 1: About Bipolar Disorder

    For anyone with bipolar disorder leading any kind of semblance of a normal life can prove challenging. The condition causes their moods to fluctuate quite a great deal. From one day to the next they can suffer from periods of being very happy to being very depressed and irritable. Also the fluctuations between these moods can happen without any warning and very quickly.

    Although most people believe that Bipolar Disorder is something that only adults are

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