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How To Kill A Pedophile
How To Kill A Pedophile
How To Kill A Pedophile
Ebook433 pages6 hours

How To Kill A Pedophile

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Now in control, Cosette focuses her addiction. After feeling the sting of betrayal, she makes her kills a little more public, and the public loves her for it! Mattie prays Cosette will come to her senses, but it’s an uphill battle with new friends joining Cosette’s family. And now with the public cheering on Louisville’s Vigilante, or Double V as she has come to be known, Cosette has no plans to stop. As a matter of fact, she has a goal for her addiction: take out Kentuckiana’s pedophile population.
Protected by a rogue cop, loved by the media, supported by her friends, what could go wrong?

PublisherAtty Eve
Release dateMay 15, 2015
How To Kill A Pedophile

Atty Eve

I was born and raised in Colorado Springs, Colorado. I grew up with a faithful Christian mother and a short-tempered, alcoholic father. My escape was reading and music. I think I was the only kid with my nose in a book during the Air Force Academy football games. As a rebellious teen, I was very self-destructive and always getting into trouble. Needing a change, I followed my father's footsteps and joined the Air Force. During my four-year enlistment, I was stationed at Nellis AFB in Las Vegas, Nevada, where I met my wonderful husband. After our tour ended, we moved to Southern Indiana, on the outskirts of Louisville, Kentucky. I have two teenage sons whom I try to embarrass but have yet to succeed. Now, as the president of Kentuckiana Authors, I coordinate book fairs, signings, and parties for the group. This keeps me busy along with my writing. For information on Kentuckiana Authors book fairs please visit - Atty Eve

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    Book preview

    How To Kill A Pedophile - Atty Eve

    Chapter One

    My hair is slicked and sprayed. Every long dark strand is tucked away. Shelby is pinning Sierra’s curls back. Rose ties off Hilda’s french braid then sprays down the loose blonde flyaways. Chris and Decker call us into the living room. My family, the Misérables, kneel around the coffee table, the Reds, the sisters, my lovers, and me.

    The excitement in the cabin is growing as we plan our adventure. Even after a long day of skiing, a night of sex, and a huge secret revealed that would blow any normal teenager away, my friends still want to go with me.

    I have an addiction, and today my supplier, Officer Jenny Crance, gave me my poison. This particular poison is guilty of doing altar boys. But this kill is Hilda’s. I promised my princess she could have him.

    All of us are in agreement. Even Decker’s onboard. I guess his insecurity of not really knowing that his best friend, Chris, is a serial killer, got to him. Glad he still doesn’t know Chris is one-third of the Poser gang. That secret needs to stay hidden, especially since it was this gang that kidnapped and raped Hilda.

    Sierra’s legs are bouncing because she’s so excited. Her sister Shelby is not. Shelby’s been blackmailed by Sierra to do whatever Sierra wants. This apparently includes killing with us. When we get back home however, I’m confiscating the blackmail videos Sierra has of Shelby. These sisters are my girls now, and we don’t do that to family.

    It’s one in the morning, and we’re ready. Hilda has her knife tucked away in her cleavage. That’s an advantage I wish I had. I tuck my knife, Gorgo, in my snow boots. She’s bulky. I like that she is. She has substance and strength.

    Shelby rides with the Reds, Rose, and Decker in his car. I ride with Hilda and Sierra in Chris’s truck. We pull up to our victim’s driveway. It’s a long dirt road packed with light snow. This is good. Our tires are quieter in fluffy snow. Since it’s out in the middle of nowhere, it’s perfect for the Misérable’s first outing. We park about fifty yards away from his house.

    Decker, Rose, and Shelby stand around the car and truck acting as lookouts. Even though we’re out in the middle of the night, in the middle of the woods, things still creep and we need to be alert.

    Sierra, Chris, and I get our hats and gloves on and sneak with Hilda up to the house. She points to the shed out back. Since this is her scene, we follow her lead. She opens the shed door, whispers to Sierra, and then lets her in. Chris and Hilda hide on one side of the shed. I hide next to the house.

    Sierra starts knocking things over, rattling old gas cans, and banging trash can lids, anything to lure our victim outside.

    A light brightens his window, and I bite my lip in excitement. The back door squeaks and out comes a balding, heavyset man wearing sweats and a stained wife-beater t-shirt. This is the outfit he’s going to die in. Sad. It almost makes me want to ask him to change.

    He opens the shed door, grumbling and cursing the damn raccoons that got in again. With a dim flashlight, he lights up the corners of the old rickety structure. When he gets to the last corner, Chris pops out and hits the back of his head with a paving stone. He falls backwards onto the snowy path.

    Slightly dizzy, he yells at the critter in his shed. We run out to hold him down. Sierra takes one arm; I take the other. Chris sits on his legs.

    Brutal awareness wakes him, making him fight hard. Since we don’t want to leave marks on his arms that would cause an investigation, Sierra and I wedge his forearms between our legs and use our weight to hold them still. He starts to scream. I shove snow in his mouth to shut him up.

    I slide my body up to talk to him, careful to keep my distance from the hair growing from his ear. Has this pedophile no hygiene routine?

    Relax. Shhh, it’s okay. You don’t have to struggle anymore. I know how hard it is to be an addict. The shame of what you’ve done, the guilt of hurting people, it’ll be over soon. You’ll be free from your addiction.

    Come on, princess. Showtime! Chris calls Hilda to action. She straddles him like I do my victims. She doesn’t spread her body out over him though. I guess everyone has their own methods.

    What are you doing? The victim half-spits half-swallows the snow. I said I was sorry. Those boys were lying!

    Lying, huh? I don’t think so. Hilda presses her knife up against his cheek. I want you to think back on them and remember them as I kill you.

    By his thinning hair, she lifts his head and places the paving stone Chris used under it. Open your eyes and stop crying. Now’s the time to make your peace with God. Start praying. I’ll give you a minute.

    She lays her knife on his chest and waits patiently while he mumbles out a prayer. I stroke his gray hair, shushing him, calming him down. I can’t help but think of Mattie. Mattie would find it nice that Hilda is giving him time to pray.

    Have you made your peace? Hilda asks.

    He turns his head to me. Why are you doing this?

    Because this is my addiction. I’ll make my peace later.

    Hilda leaves her knife on his chest then lifts up his head by his ears.

    Here it goes, I say. I hope you’re right with God.

    Hilda slams his head down on the stone. His eyes blink. She lifts it again and slams it down a bit softer. Sierra, look. Hilda shines his flashlight on his face. His eyes slowly close. That’s the dimming.

    Cozy, is that his soul leaving? Sierra asks me.

    I don’t know. I’m taken back. I never thought of it as that. Interesting.

    His body jolts. I guess that’ll be the only shaking I’ll get from this kill. The red blood melts the snow as it spreads. We all stand up except for Sierra who pulls out our hand towels. She dips her finger in his blood then dots each towel, binding our group together. She rolls them up then stands.

    Hold on; don’t move. Stay where you are, she says. Let me look this over. Sierra shines the light on us, inspecting us and the scene. Shuffle your feet side to side as we walk back to the cars. We don’t want deep prints in the snow. The rain should melt it away. The police chief’s daughter shows her upbringing.

    We head towards the cars and Hilda stops to look back. Thanks, you guys! She leaps up to Chris to kiss him, then to me, then to Sierra. She’s so animated. It makes me happy. Even if I didn’t get the high I wanted, Hilda’s excitement is enough to satisfy me for a bit.

    Is it what you expected, Sierra? I ask.

    It happens so fast, she says.

    I know. But you can’t make it last too long; it’s cruel. Now you understand my need for fifteen pieces.

    I get that, yes. I can do that. I’d like that better than this. I’ll be the cleaner. I’d like that job. I don’t wanna kill anyone. Sierra’s eyes smile at the prospect. I’m happy too.

    We get back to the cabin, and even as we’re warming up, Hilda’s starting to shake. I don’t know if she’s cold or crashing. Baby, are you okay? I ask.

    I’m freezing. A warm fire would be nice. She holds my hand and walks me over to the fireplace to turn it on. Thank you. She pets my long braid. It wasn’t as good as our first time, but I loved it. She kisses me, giggles, and then kisses me again. Excited, she goes around the room hugging and kissing everyone.

    Not enough excitement? You’re starting up again? Rose asks Hilda.

    I’m in! Chris strips off his sweatshirt. He grabs my braid and pulls me into a hard kiss.

    Shit, Chris! I yell.

    The red and blue lights of a police car halt our fun. In the bedrooms, now! You all say a word and I’ll kill you myself!

    They scatter into the bedrooms.

    Chapter Two

    Hello? I open the door before the police can knock.

    Hello, I’m Officer Brown. This is Officer Heath.

    They stand in the rain waiting.

    Come in. Can I help you? I step aside and open the door wider.

    We’re here to help you, Officer Heath whispers. Are you okay, Miss?

    Officer Brown steps in and looks around. He whispers, We got a domestic disturbance call. Have you and someone been fighting? How many people are here?

    We’re fine. No one’s fighting. I don’t understand.

    Chris comes out while putting his sweatshirt back on. Hi, I’m Chris. This is my girlfriend, Cosette. We weren’t fighting.

    Oh shit. It dawns on me that someone must’ve heard our playtime before we left. Sorry. Chris and I have a more active, uh, . . . I’m so embarrassed to say it.

    Sex life, Chris answers for me in a whisper.

    I’m sorry if we got too loud. I am so sorry. And I am very embarrassed. I can feel my face turning bright red.

    They’re puzzled. Then they understand and smile at Chris like he’s some new conquering sex god. Idiots. I’m waiting for them to high-five.

    Well, sorry to disturb you. Are there others with you?

    There are seven of us total. One big, very happy family, Chris says with a cheesy grin.

    I see. They step in more, as if this were an open invitation.

    One of the bedroom doors cracks open. Officer Brown sees.

    Come here, princess. I call for Hilda. She comes out ready for bed in a white baby doll nighty. She’s adorable. She holds my hand and cuddles into me. This is my girlfriend, Hilda. Don’t worry; we’re keeping her safe too.

    I guess you are. Very well then. You all have a great night. I’ll let you get back at it. Officer Heath winks at Hilda. Sorry to disturb you.

    They walk out into the rain. I feel sorry for them coming out here in this.

    They leave, but there’s one car still out there. I know exactly who it is.

    Chris, I’ll be right back. I run out into the freezing rain. The water stings with every drop. It’s invigorating.

    When I approach the car, the doors unlock. I get in.

    Hi, Officer Jenny, I’m happy to see her.

    What the hell was that? she snaps at me.

    What? I sit, soaking wet.

    You bring your friends along?

    He’s dead, isn’t he? I left no evidence. We planned it well.

    There’s too many of them!

    None of them know about you. I speak calmly, hoping she’ll lighten up. They don’t know where I get my names from.

    You can’t control them.

    Yes, I can. I already have.


    Like this. I touch her leg, moving my hand up.

    Get the hell off of me! Fucking whore! She pushes me away.

    I sit back and laugh. Can’t be for everyone.

    I did not give you this job so you could recruit a band of murdering juveniles!

    Either we kill your list, or I’ll make one of my own. Confident, I don’t give in to her paranoia.

    If you go out on your own, I will have to turn you in, she threatens. I like you. I don’t want to do that.

    Well, thanks. I like you too. I like our arrangement. Just let me do what I like with whomever I want. We’re accountable to each other, and we watch out for each other. And don’t worry, I won’t use the group for all of them. I won’t spoil the good ones on them. I want most for myself.

    What the hell happened to you? She shakes her head.

    I’m still working on that. Are we done? I’m freezing. Do you have another name, or did you just want to call in domestic disturbance for the fun of it? I’m a bit more sarcastic than usual. I’m too cold to be nice.

    I was testing you.

    And I passed. Do I have permission to keep my friends?

    Whatever. Just keep them in line. She sighs and smiles.

    Thanks, Jenny. I kiss her cheek just to gross her out. She rubs it off. Just keep the names coming. I get out of the car.

    I will. You kids have fun. Use protection! she yells as she drives away.

    I find it funny she’s telling us to practice safe sex after we killed someone. We always do, but it’s just funny.

    I get back inside the cabin and smell coffee brewing.

    Cozy, I have a hot shower running for you. Sierra wraps a towel around me and leads me to the bathroom.

    The hot water brings my skin back to a normal temperature. The laughter in the kitchen warms up my inside. Everyone is happy. None of them freaked out because of the police.

    Hi, guys. I come out and notice half of them are dressed and packed. I’m handed a coffee mug. What’s going on?

    Rose and the sisters and I are driving back, Decker says.

    I want to get home before my mom’s sleeping pill wears off. Rose is dressed and ready. She thinks we had car trouble. We weren’t allowed to stay the night.

    Oh, okay. So, how do you all feel? I carefully question.



    We all feel pretty good, Decker says, obviously surprised at himself.

    Chris puts his arm around his shoulder and gives him a manly pat to the chest.

    Who was in the car? Hilda asks.

    My list. They’re just checking to see if the job is done.

    Hilda lifts up her coffee mug, And it was done well.

    Here, here. Chris and the others raise their mugs in agreement.

    Here’s to us and Cozy, Hilda toasts. Beware pedophiles, drug dealers, and rapists. The Misérables are coming.

    The Misérables are coming. I raise my mug. I really do hate that name. We’ll have to come up with a better one.

    Fine, Cozy, but until we do…

    Chapter Three

    Someone’s texting me. Hope it’s not my mom. I unbuckle to pull out my buzzing phone. Whew, it’s Rose. She says she snuck in her house before her mom woke up. She’s safe. I hope the sisters don’t get in trouble.

    Their dad loves you. You’re the hero of Kentuckiana. The sisters will be fine. Hilda buckles me back up. I was thinking more about their mental state than if they got home late. I’m starting to feel a sense of motherly love for my girls, especially now that I’ve let them into my life, my Bonnie-life. I want my girls protected mentally and physically.

    Hilda snuggles up on me and starts to fall asleep. Even though we got to sleep in, we still had to check out of the cabin by ten. I could use a long nap too. I stroke her hair, wondering what she’ll dream about.

    Last night was her first solo kill. I’m impressed she gave the guy a moment to make his peace with God. I wonder when it comes to my time if I’ll get the chance. I can’t imagine that someone who spends so much time going against everything God’s about would be able to make peace with Him. How do you at the last minute say, I’m sorry. Please let me in your home even though I was a demon here on Earth? But He did make me this way, right? I’m cleaning up His creation, right? Do the ends justify the means?

    Are you too tired to drive? I might be able to give you a break, I whisper to Chris.

    Nice try, Cozy. You don’t even have your license. By the way, why don’t you have your license yet?

    I run everywhere. I ran everywhere. Also, my mom would have to pay extra on her insurance. I don’t want to do that to her. She would feel obligated if I got my license. My dad never paid child support, so she couldn’t afford it.

    I can pay it for you, Chris offers.

    Thanks, but no thanks. I’ll find a way to earn it myself. You spend too much money on me as it is.

    Hilda shifts in my arms.

    What did you think of her performance last night? I softly ask Chris.

    Do you think it cured her? Maybe that was enough and she’s done with you? Chris raises his eyebrow.

    I hope so. I don’t want her to hurt anymore.

    Don’t you find it funny that you do what you do, but you want to protect everyone else? Chris asks.

    Maybe I kill because I want to protect. I disagree with that statement the second it leaves my lips. I just like to do it. I don’t know why.

    Sure, Cozy. Go ahead and lie to yourself if it makes you feel better.

    It does.

    Cute. Do you want me to teach you how to drive? Chris asks.

    If you have the patience, yes. I don’t want to ask Mattie’s mom, and my mom is too busy.

    We’ll have to start later this week after school. I’ve missed a lot of practice this weekend.

    That sounds good. I’ve already passed the written test. I can take the driver’s test anytime.

    I’ll help you, Hilda mumbles

    Good morning, princess, Chris says.

    I’m only half asleep. She yawns. How far are we?

    Only about forty-five minutes away. We’ll get home by noon. Where do you want to go? Do you want to come over to my place? I ask.

    She stretches and sits up. Sure. I’m awake now. She rubs under her eyes. Thanks, you guys, for last night. No, I don’t think it cured me; there’s nothing to cure. I don’t need it like you all do. I just want to be with you and get one myself every once in a while. When is our next one?

    You’re already thinking about our next? This disturbs me.

    No, I just want to plan. Maybe a few a year?

    At the most, I say. It’s not good for you.

    I can see that. So what next? When’s your next gymnastics competition, Chris? Is Devon gonna be there?

    Devon? Who is that, and why do you care? I sound more jealous than I mean to.

    Carla is going out with him, and if he’s going, she might be going, and I don’t want to see her. Hilda purses her lips.

    Oh, okay. She might not want to see you either. I give her hand a squeeze. She lost her old friends, Sarah and Carla, when I outed our relationship with a kiss in the middle of the lunchroom. So, I don’t blame you.

    But I blame you, Hilda huffs. My whole life got turned upside-down when I met you.

    Ditto, princess. I remind her that her bullying of me started this whole crazy train we’re riding. So, Chris, is this Devon guy going to be at the meet?

    Devon’s an alternate, so he’ll be there, but I doubt Carla will come. What guy invites his girlfriend to a meet he might not compete in? The tone in Chris’s voice makes us aware of his dislike for this Devon guy. If he’s dating Carla, he can’t be all that great. Anyway, my meet is not this Saturday but the next. So I’m gonna be very busy. You two are gonna have to keep yourselves occupied. Don’t go anywhere without me though.

    We can’t. I’m not allowed to drive, I snark.

    We aren’t allowed to do a lot of things, and yet? Hilda holds my hand. Thanks, you two. Thanks for being with me, for letting me in. She turns me to face her. I think, she lowers her voice and strokes my fingers. I think I love you.

    My heart races. I’m happy. I glance at Chris who makes no outward expression, but his knuckles turn white gripping the steering wheel. I’m afraid to say anything back. Instead I whisper a kiss on her lips. Ditto.

    She giggles. You’re silly.


    Chris drops both Hilda and me off at my apartment then zips off to gymnastics practice.

    Hilda’s dad, John, is there, and our parents are having lunch.

    Hi, girls. Did you all have a good time? John asks.

    We had a blast. I suck at skiing. Rose and Decker are really good. I drop our bags off in my room. How was the concert?

    We had a lot more fun than you guys. Us old timers still got it. He shakes his shoulders dancing.

    You keep thinking that, Dad. Hilda gives him a hug.

    He sniffs her.

    Really, Dad? Do I smell?

    No, not like alcohol or cigarettes or anything. He’s relieved.

    I don’t drink, and I hate cigarettes. I hug my mom. We aren’t those kinds of teenagers.

    Good. Do you all want lunch? Mom stands to make it for us regardless of my answer.

    Hilda and I sit. Mom, Chris is going to teach me how to drive.

    I’m gonna help her. I passed mine with flying colors. I don’t have a car, yet, but… Hilda bats her eyes at her dad.

    You can borrow my car, John says.

    Hilda gives him a look of disgust. My little princess has standards when it comes to rides.

    We need to put you two to work so you can earn money to buy your own car, John consoles Hilda. Daddy’s little girl has to start earning her keep.

    I can start looking for a job, Mom.

    Well, Cozy, your mom and I were discussing it. Would you two like to help me with my homes? It’s not easy work, but it pays. I need someone to clean the homes after the construction is done, before the open houses. And, Cozy, I think you would be perfect.

    This apartment is evidence of my meticulous cleaning. OCD? At least I have a marketable skill.

    What about me, Dad? Hilda asks.

    I’ve seen your room. He laughs at her. This is not the job for you.

    Cozy can tell me what to do, and I’ll clean it. I’m not useless, she argues.

    Actually, I need you both to clean, and I need you both to stage the homes. People like to see the homes basically decorated; it helps them visualize. But my only rule on that is no pink. It all has to be neutral colors. John pats Hilda’s hand.

    I don’t mean to laugh so hard, but I know where he’s coming from. Hilda’s room looks like it was decorated by a fairy. Pink and sparkles everywhere.

    We can keep it neutral. When do we start?

    We’ll tour the properties after lunch. Then you all make your own hours. I have deadlines I have to meet, so you have to plan your time within that schedule. After school two or three days and only a few weekends here and there. Does that sound okay to you girls?


    The homes John builds are beautiful. They are middle-class with open floor concepts. Granite, hardwood flooring, and oak crown molding in each home set his apart from the other builders in Jeffersonville.

    His business is picking up. Most of the homes are under contract or have already been sold. It’s been a slow recovery for him, not just with the bad economy, but with Hilda’s mom’s spending habits and the divorce.

    As we walk through the houses, I jot down a few notes. Hilda does too. Mine are on flaws and things that need extra attention; hers are on decorating. We’re going to work well together.

    How quickly my life has changed. Aside from all the drastic stuff, I always thought I would work at Three J’s café with Mattie and her parents. It’s where I always wanted to be. It’s where I always felt at home.

    Now I feel like I don’t deserve to step foot in Three J’s. And here I am starting a job with my former enemy turned murdering lesbian girlfriend. And I’m happy. I’m happy to be here with her doing this. I wonder how she feels about it. This leads me back to Mattie. The closer I get to Hilda and Chris, the more I lose Mattie. I have to get away from her, not because I want to, but for her protection.

    I know I will never hurt her, but I’m slowly tearing her apart. We have Bible study after school some days, and I’m learning a bunch, but what good is it doing me? I won’t stop killing. I won’t stop having my unmarried relationships with both guys and girls. I know those are sins, and I’ll eventually have to pay.

    You can’t cheat God.

    Chapter Four

    Really? You’re going to wear that scarf on your first day back? Chris asks as he drives me to school.

    I thought it would be fun since it’s the reason I was suspended in the first place. I was afraid the paint had cracked when Mrs. Iris yanked it off, but it’s fine. It’s going to be an interesting day going back to art class. I put on last minute makeup.

    Do you think Mrs. Iris will thank you for saving her job?

    She’s not a wretch of a woman. If she knows, she might thank me. Either way, I hope she just leaves me alone.

    Someone as beautiful as you can’t be left alone. You can’t fly under the radar. He steals a kiss at the stoplight. Lunch is going to be interesting.

    I wonder how Sierra is. It was a big weekend for her especially. Losing her virginity to you and her first assisted kill make for a life-changing weekend. Are you going to sit next to her at lunch? Am I going to be replaced? I tease.

    Never. I will follow her lead. Do you care? he asks as he pulls into the school parking lot.

    You do what you want. I know what we have is deeper than any of all that. My whole being is yours. It’s strange, Chris. There are only so many expressions of love that someone can use. I wish I knew one for how I feel, I say.

    How do you feel?

    Like I want to engulf you.

    His eyes grow wide. He jumps out of the truck, mocking me.

    Stop that! I slap his shoulder. Not like eat you or anything, but I want so much of you, and I want to give you so much of me that that’s the only way I can explain it. I want to engulf you.

    He pulls me into him and softly kisses my eyelashes. It makes my body tingle. Every time I touch you, even just a little, it throws my body into spasms. I don’t want to do anything but be with you and in you. I can’t get enough of you, Cosette. I want you to be mine permanently.

    I want you to be mine permanently.

    I touch his smooth face. My fingertips enhance the sensation I feel inside. Thank you for saving yourself for me. I stroke his hair.

    Thank you for saving yourself for me. He holds the door open for me. You even killed someone for that. Now that’s devotion. I love you, Cosette. I will never leave you. It’s you and me, then them. I will never put anyone before you.

    I will never put anyone before you either.

    What about Hilda? he asks with a bit of jealousy. I can sense he’s going to ask me to do something drastic.

    No one before you. I kiss him then run off to class.


    I’m pushing Chris to the edge when it comes to Hilda. His jealousy is valid, but I can’t help that. I can’t cool it with her. She loves me. And I love her. I think. Not as much as I do Chris, but still.

    Dave knows something’s going on. As I zombie into art, he stands up and pulls out my chair for me to sit.

    Are you okay? You look beautiful on the outside. But something is turning on the inside.

    Hi, Dave. I give him a kiss. It surprises him. Sorry, I needed that. I won’t do that again.

    No need to apologize. Or stop. Do you want to tell me what’s going on?

    Yes, I do. But I won’t. Thank you though.

    I can keep a secret, Dave says.

    So can I. I blink and try to snap out of it. Tell me about your weekend.

    Went to my grandma’s and then church. Nothing new. How was yours?

    I went skiing, fooled around with my friends, and killed a few people. It was a good birthday. Let’s see if he can keep that a secret.

    You don’t have to tease me, Cozy. I know my grandma’s house is not the most exciting thing ever, but she needed help with her pigs. My grandpa is sick, and she needed a hand.

    You’re a good guy, Dave. Thanks. I kiss him again.

    Cosette! No more kissing. Please? Mrs. Iris pleads.

    When I look up at her, she smiles at me. I guess she knows I saved her job, and all is well. I smile and nod.

    So, Cozy, who are these friends of yours? Is Shelby among them?

    Really, Dave? You don’t ask about the people I killed but only if Shelby was one of my conquests?

    I don’t believe the killing part. Was Shelby there?

    Do you like her? Do you want to meet her?

    His eyes light up. It makes me smile. If he was to pick anyone out of my bizarre group, he picked the most normal one.

    I like her. She’s a good girl, I say.

    Her sister Sierra’s pretty too.

    No! I snap. You stay away from Sierra.

    He leans away from me a little stunned.

    Sorry. I told you I would protect you. Tell me about this farm. I try to change the subject.

    It’s a pig farm. They eat anything, and they smell. What’s wrong with Sierra?

    Nothing, just that I think Shelby would be a better fit for you. Her dad’s the police chief, so you better behave.

    Can you put in a good word for me? Dave folds his hands, begging.

    You are asking for someone with my reputation to put in a good word for you? Why not ask for Hitler’s recommendation?

    If he was alive and knew Shelby, then maybe I would. You’re taken, so I’d like the next best thing.

    You’re sweet. A liar but sweet. I’ll work on it. But you are not allowed out with all of us. I want you to stay good.

    You don’t drink, smoke, or do drugs. I think I’m pretty safe with you all.

    There’s more to us than you think, but yes, we do like to keep our lives private when we can. But I trust you, so therefore I’m warning you. We’re vixens I tell you; watch out. Wide-eyed, I glare at him.

    Funny. It’s not like Shelby’s even noticed me.

    You’re a cute guy, Dave. She might’ve.

    Did you notice me before I came and talked to you? Did you even know my name?

    You can’t judge her by me. I was a wet noodle up until two months ago. I talked to nobody.

    Same with me.

    And yet here you are talking to the most talked about girl in school. Unless someone surpassed me last week during my suspension?

    No, news spread fast about Mrs. Iris yanking your scarf off and you calling her a bitch. No one mentioned why you had the scarf on in the first place, so your twisted playtime is still a secret. Yeah, you saving Mrs. Iris’s job even after she did that makes you everyone’s sweetheart. You’re the schools unofficial hero. I doubt you could do anything wrong in the eyes of the student body.

    That’s not what I want. I’m really a horrible person.

    And yet here you are. He sneaks a peek at my

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