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Ebola Is Still A Threat: How to Use Your Body and Diet to Defend Against Infectious Diseases
Ebola Is Still A Threat: How to Use Your Body and Diet to Defend Against Infectious Diseases
Ebola Is Still A Threat: How to Use Your Body and Diet to Defend Against Infectious Diseases
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Ebola Is Still A Threat: How to Use Your Body and Diet to Defend Against Infectious Diseases

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It seems as though we are being bombarded with outbreaks of infectious diseases globally. You would think that with countless lives at stake, more information would be provided on the protective measures that might be available for us to secure ourselves and our loved ones, but they haven’t. That is the purpose of this book. It will clarify (in summary and the simplest terms) what we are up against in the areas of infectious diseases as a whole, as well as the immediate threat posed by the latest strain of the Ebola Virus Disease.
In the book, I also discuss how we can prepare our bodies to meet the challenge (should it arise) in the easiest and most cost efficient ways by strengthening our Immune System's defensive capabilities.
The body is equipped with its own survival mechanism. It operates throughout our systems, both internal and external and it is fueled by way of our diets, as well as those things that we apply to the surface of the body (skin) and hair (of which is absorbed into the body).
We are all naturally inclined by the body (via hunger, thirst, illness, sickness and physical deficiencies) and mind (via beautification and desired attraction) to perform maintenance on it (i.e., the body). This book explains how we can get the best out of our diets, body applications and supplements, while rejuvenating the life sustaining organs that protect us and prolong our existence. I also explain why overcoming infectious diseases, as well as survival from them depends far more on our Immune Systems than vaccines (though some vaccines can play a significant role for many).
It is not uncommon for those who are unaffected by a direct threat to ignore the threat, or not take much concern in the danger, devastation or loss (of life) posed by the threat (to self and to others). In an assumed perfect world, in which many of us have found comfort; it is far easier on the mind, body and spirit to disregard and mentally keep distant whatever we might regard as distant. Unfortunately, this is no longer the case as the Ebola Virus Disease which has reached the USA and several Europe countries with deadly results. Thus, we can no longer overlook the fact that we are now affected; and as stated by one specialist in the field of diseases, “it is only a matter of time before it spirals out of control in the developed world.”
Whether his prediction (or expectation) comes to pass or not, the fact still remains that the current Ebola Virus outbreak is proving to be the deadliest and most widespread strain of the virus the world has experienced.
Using our common sense, most of us can easily pinpoint and explain what we are doing wrong where our health is concerned, yet the majority of us are unwilling to make the necessary changes to improve upon our health. For those who have been neglecting to put in the necessary work (via diet and exercise) to ensure reaching their optimal health, there is no better time to start than now. From here on out, let us not only "live to eat" and "eat to live," but "eat to survive," while enjoying doing so.

Release dateApr 18, 2015
Ebola Is Still A Threat: How to Use Your Body and Diet to Defend Against Infectious Diseases

Derek A.J. Ellison

The Writer (a native of Brooklyn, NY) has spent 17 years travelling and living abroad in Europe, West, Central and North-east Africa, as well as visiting Palestine/Israel, Jordan and Saudi Arabia to name a few. He has had the opportunity to teach, study and experience the lifestyles, spiritual beliefs, eating habits and cultures practices etc.of the inhabitants of the countries he has visited. He has fallen ill to, suffered and battled the likes Malaria, Typhoid Fever a host of microorganisms, parasites and fungi during his travels; as well as the more common diseases and ailments suffer in his native USA. During his travels he developed a habit of gathering whatever information he found to be interesting, enlightening and helpful; with a fascination developing in the areas of Spirituality, Astrology and alternative/natural medicines in West Africa (where he resided for nearly seven years) as well as their beneficial effects on the illnesses of the body. It is on the foundation of his experiences, coupled with the knowledge gained through his personal studies of the causes, symptoms, nature, treatment and of diseases (and other health issues) that this book was written.

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    Book preview

    Ebola Is Still A Threat - Derek A.J. Ellison

    Ebola Is Still A Threat

    How to Use Your Body and Diet to Form a

    Line of Defense Against Infectious Diseases

    by Derek A.J. Ellison

    Infinite International Publications

    Copyright 2015 Derek A.J. Ellison

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright © 2015 Infinite International Publications, Atlanta, GA

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,

    translated, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form

    or by any means, electronic,mechanical, photocopying, recording

    or otherwise, without prior written permission of the publisher, except

    by a reviewer who may quote short passages in a review to be printed

    by a newspaper, magazine, or journal (both paper and electronic).

    Table of Contents



    My Past Experiences with Infectious Diseases and Medicines

    Some of the Diseases I Have Contracted

    Mrs. G & Ogbu

    Use of Medicines in Africa

    My Mom & Cha’im

    The West African Diet vs. the American Diet

    The Mali Case

    Key Points about Diseases

    The Diets

    Germ Infested Markets

    How the Ebola Virus Affects the Human Body

    What We Need To Do

    What is Ebola

    Level 4 Contagion

    An Indiscriminate Killer

    Treating Ebola

    The Four Horsemen of Physical Health (FHPH)

    Disease Types

    The Vaccine to The Immune System

    Benefits and Wonders of a Healthy Immune System

    T Cells, B Cells and Antibodies to the Rescue

    Ebola’s Strategic Attack

    Unsustainable Environment

    What Our Immune Systems Are Up Against

    The Poor Diet

    The Better Food

    Destruction by Medications

    Organ Destruction


    Probiotics and Prebiotics to Support Good Bacteria

    Eat Lots of This to Help

    Eat Lots of This Too


    Mental Stress Suffered While Awake

    Mental Stress Suffered While Asleep


    Harsh Sounds Can Harm Us While We Sleep

    Awaken To Positive Sounds

    Excessive Alcohol Consumption


    Hydration vs. Dehydration

    A Better Way To Hydrate With Fluids

    Hydrating at the Right Time

    Morning Hydration

    Measure Your Fluids

    The Body’s Kitchen Cabinet Defense System


    Four Facts About Tea That You May Not Know

    Guarana & Taurine For Energy

    Herbs and Spices

    Black Pepper


    The Best Salts

    Cayenne Pepper



    Oregano is High in Antioxidents



    True Cinnamon Tales

    Cinnamon for Colon Cleanse Support


    Preferred Sweeteners

    White Table Sugar


    Raw Potassium Broth

    Juicing & Blending


    Most Heavily Sprayed Foods

    Fruit & Veggie Cleaners

    Fresh Cranberry Juice

    Cranberries & the Urinary Tract

    Bees: The Most Beneficent Bug on Earth

    Bee Pollen


    The Sun Provides Sulfur to the Body

    My Personal Experience with Sulfur and Sulfate

    The Bot Fly

    The Skin: The Largest and Most Abused Organ

    Death by Beauty Treatment


    The Liver

    Viruses Are Fought In the Blood

    The Liver and Obesity

    Liver Disease

    The Hepatitis C Virus

    Detoxification: Flushing the System

    The Benefits of a Properly Done Detoxification

    How to Assist in Detoxification

    Detoxification Methods & Sequence

    Parasite Cleanse: An Extremely Important First Step

    Round Worms

    Heart Worms

    Tape Worms

    Pin Worms

    Hook Worms and Thread Worms


    Parasitic Worms

    Removing Parasites from Your Body

    Who’s Actually Craving Sugar

    Intestinal Worm Edibles

    Parasitic Fasting

    Don’t Eat This When Expelling Parasites

    Test Your Pork For Worms

    Bromelain & Pepsin

    Garlic and Parasites

    Dried Oregano and Essential Oil of Oregano

    Green Onions


    Black Walnut Hull, Clove and Wormwood

    Black Walnut Hull



    Pumpkin Seeds & Pumpkin Seed Oil Capsules

    Fennel Seed Tea (Organic)

    Thyme (Fresh Organic) or Oil Capsules

    Fresh (Raw) Cranberry Water

    Grated Carrots or Raw Carrot Juice

    Additional Parasite Eliminators

    Pungent Spices

    Papaya Fruit and Seeds

    Coconut Fruit, Milk and Oil (Extra Virgin)

    Oil Pulling

    How Oil Pulling Is Done

    Apple Cider Vinegar

    Neem (Capsules, Leaves, Oil and Tea)

    Diatomaceous Earth (Food Grade)

    De-worm Your Pets with DE

    The Colon Cleanse: An Extremely Important Second Step

    Baking Soda and Salt Enema

    The Organic Coffee Enema

    The Acidophilus Enema

    Additional Natural Enemas

    The Salt Water Flush

    Preparation for the Salt Water Flush

    Some side effects of the Salt Water Flush

    My Personal Favorite Post Enema/Flush Combo

    Say No to Regular Table Salt or Just Any Sea Salt

    Bonus Salt Water Cleansing Support

    Bentonite Clay (aka Montmorillonite Clay)

    Psyllium Husk Powder

    Things To Be Done 3 Days Prior To The Salt Water Flush

    The Liver, Gallbladder and Kidney Cleanse: Third and Final Step

    About The Liver

    Blood Flow To Liver

    The Gallbladder

    The Kidneys

    Stone Removal

    First: The Master Cleanse

    Second: The Olive Oil and Lemon Stone Removal Treatment

    The Treatment Method

    Follow Up

    The Preferred Post Flush Cooking Oils & Foods

    The Milder 7 Day Cleanse

    What You Can Expect To See

    Follow Up 2

    Considerations To Explore About The Treatment

    Detoxification and Weight Loss (Bonus Info)

    Stay Away From The Scales

    Quick Fix Immune System Defense Boosters

    Some Preferred Brands

    Online References



    The overall goal of this book is to share with you some simple safety precautions we can implement into our lives and everyday routines that go far beyond any attempt at prevention via "Hand Washing, Surgical Mask, Hazardous Protective Suits," etc. It is also intended to supersede the many precautions that are intended to help us in the prevention of contracting and spreading infectious diseases, such as colds, flu, measles and most importantly the Ebola Virus.

    Though the information in this book is not limited to support against contracting the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) alone, I chose to make it our primary target of concern for several reasons; the main reason being that it is the infectious disease that poses the latest and most immediate threats to our lives. This is in light of the fact that it is currently being overlooked (by many) as having come and gone when in truth it is still spreading and claiming lives at an alarming rate.

    If we can adjust our bodies’ defenses to levels where they have are able to defend us against an Ebola Virus attack, all other commonly contracted infectious diseases should become a lot less threatening. It is important that we not be fooled; the Ebola Virus is not like other diseases and it is not something that we can just ignore, will into extinction or expect to keep its distance.

    Though we are right to put our trust in those who are doing everything in their power to keep it contained (on foreign soil) and thereby keep us safe while they are seeking a vaccine or cure for the disease, we should all be taking more immediate and personal precautions in light of the facts that the disease does exists and (after existing for more than thirty [30] years) it has reached American soil as well as the soils of several developed countries. We can do this by offering assistance to the oldest disease prevention system in the history of the Mankind and the planet Earth. This system has been working in each and every one of us since conception. It is also the system that has been instrumental in healing and curing most every injury and disease in all organic life. It has been undergoing supportive research since the earliest beings and in the quest to cure or create a vaccine for the latest strain Ebola Virus Disease that has claimed the lives of so many; it is currently undergoing supportive research by virologists, pathologists, biologists, scientist, herbalist and alternative medicine practitioners. It is called "the Immune System."

    The importance of its functioning properly and what we can do to ensure that it is doing so, as well as why it is essential that we dont waste time ensuring that it is, is the foundation behind this study, assessment and writing.

    Ive written this book in the simplest (laymans) terms that my mind would allow without losing any significant points. Though I’ve decided to add a little light humor in the book from time to time to lighten any burdens of stress it might cause (as our lives are complicated and stressful enough as it is), be sure that I take this as an extremely critical matter.

    Though the book focuses mainly on cleansing and boosting the bodys defense abilities, I also explain a little about what the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) is which I am hoping will clarify to why we shouldnt be taking it as lightly as many of us seem to be doing. What this book is not going to offer is an in depth study in microbiology, germ warfare, the theories of the diseases creation, place of origin, or an analytic breakdown of the Virusstructure, etc.

    I explain several levels of bodily preparedness, breaking the procedures down into a number of applications (like a buffet) which will allow you (along with your physician, dietitian or herbalist, if you like) to choose what you believe you can handle or suits you best. This should be in accordance with your current health condition, lifestyle and budget. I will direct you to a host of fruits, vegetables, spices, herbal supplements (the parts of the body they support), sources of my studies, findings, facts, where you can make necessary purchases and a lot more. In fact, I am sure that many of you already have several items in your homes (at least from time to time) which can be used to adjust your bodys natural inclinations to increase your Immune Systems ability to defend itself and you against the simplest to the most advanced of harmful microscopic invaders that continually pose a threat to our existence.

    This is what the Immune System was created to do and it has been doing so very effective, after all; we (Mankind and Earthlings) are still here, arent we? I will also direct you to some practices that you can incorporate into your lives that will help increase the bodys process of self-healing, which it (the body) is continually attempting to do, both while we are awake and when we are asleep (even without our assistance). The body always needs our support as it must sustain us while fending off countless attacks (inner and outer) daily.

    For those who may want or need to jump start their Immune Systems in an inexpensive and efficient manner, I direct you to some extraordinary, all natural and powerful quick fix Immune System boosters that you can purchase from your local supermarket, whole foods or natural supplement store, etc. but not from me. I think it would be a good idea to purchase them and store them in your place of residence or to carry some on your person. They are very portable and have shelf lives that last for years. I am not the only person in the USA or several other developed countries who has knowledge of them and uses them. Unfortunately, they generally exist in the cupboards and medicine cabinets of herbalists, vegetarian, vegans and those who are into all natural healing and alternative medicine etc.

    Note: I have no affiliation with any pharmaceutical companies, alternative medicine companies, whole foods or natural supplement stores, etc.

    As I mentioned earlier, I will do my best to use simple, practical and concise terms in my explanations wherever and whenever possible. All I ask you to do is to use your good judgment in determining if what I am sharing makes any sense to you. Some of the information I am going to share with you is based on research and studies of facts, findings and considerations that have been published by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO), The American Cancer Institute, Doctors Without Borders (Médecins Sans Frontières [MSF]), Web MD, Wikipedia, studies done by independents in the field of health and medicine, etc. Other parts of the information are based on what I personally experienced during my years of travel and living abroad (outside of the USA) in Africa (West Africa included).

    This book only offers a summary of what I have found in studies, research and experimentation that runs for far longer and deeper than can be explained in this book or by me. There are a lot of variations, arguments and counter arguments in the area of infectious, communicable diseases and the immediate threat some of them pose to us (mainly this latest strain of the Ebola Virus). You have to be the judge of what is acceptable and unacceptable to you. All I can do is point you in the directions of the places Ive been concerning diseases, physically (in sickness and healing) and intellectually (in what Ive learned, what has worked for me and what didnt) which doesnt necessarily mean that they will or wont work for you. Its your life and thus your decision to do what is best for you.

    You are as important to your health as it is to you. -Terri Guillemets


    With this latest outbreak of the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD), we are all faced with the decision of whether or not to take it serious or just do as we have grown accustomed to doing, i.e. ignoring it as long as it isnt a direct and immediate threat to us. You see, the majority of us (US citizens) take danger extremely lightly, which is due to living in the general mindset of "it wont happen to me." We do our best to disassociate ourselves from all sorts of fears (accept those produce by Hollywood for TV or the big screen) and we virtually live in denial of the nearness of death.

    As the Ebola Virus is not widespread in the USA (and has never been), the majority of us find it easy to turn our backs in neglect to yet another threat that we feel is too distant to affect us when it is not. Try to raise the alarm of our immediate danger and you are either ignored or accused of fear mongering. And, then there are those who dare to make statements so ridiculous (in relation to the Ebola Virus) that it is a wonder that theyd have the nerve to also publish it:

    "The GOP is outright fear-mongering over a handful of infections. Sadly, it’s working and just before Election Day."(Source withheld)

    Are we talking about the common cold or a mere "handful of infections" from a virus that has claimed the lives of over 6,000 people since its latest outbreak? Are we talking about a virus that [as of the commencement of this book (November 2014)] is still taking lives and increasing in number of cases of infections with no end in sight?

    Though I am not a member of the Republican Party, I believe theyve made the right call with the so-called "fear-mongering," heres why; There are times when fear is well-founded as it is usually a precursor to the implementation of survival measures.

    Where is the wisdom in taking preventive measures for the common cold which is not known for a high death rate and yet not doing the same for a disease that is currently on an indiscriminate, international killing spree?

    Among the points that need to be clarified, are the facts that:

    As of March 2015 the latest strain of the Ebola Virus has infected over 24,000 people and has claimed the lives of over 10,000 (documented); proving the current strain of the virus to be the most deadly (ever). And the virus is still spreading.

    There is still no cure (in the form of a vaccine). Though the current (trial) injections are given in hope of encouraging the infected persons IMMUNE SYSTEM to fight off the virus, results have been unfavorable thus far; the survival rate vs. death rate is indicative of this fact. There is currently no cure for it.

    After approximately 40 years the Ebola Virus has reached the USA and other developed countries of Europe which hasnt happened before to my knowledge and research.

    There may be people who are currently walking around as unaffected carriers of the virus in the USA, as well as several European countries that may have the ability to infect others.

    There is also the fact that travel from infected countries to the USA (as well as other countries) has not been halted and signs (or symptoms) of the disease (on average) are said to begin unexpectedly within five to 10 days of infection. This too will be proven incorrect later in the book. Even if it were correct, it would still give an infected person ample time to reach a country where the care and treatment is believed to be far better than that in their native country, as well as hope in the chance of being cured (or stabilized) are increased greatly.

    An infected person showing no visible symptoms could easily clear all the screening measures that are in place at the "ports of entry" and enter any country undetected. In addition, even though quarantines and travel bans might offer some security, they have not been establishment in the USA. Even if they were, are they our best answer for protection or our best option for prevention?

    Let us also take into consideration that during any given cold and flu season, approximately 5-20% of U.S. residents suffer the flu each year with more than 200,000 people being hospitalized for flu related complications. With that in mind and given the fact that the flu (as well as Malaria which still affects people in the USA) can sometimes cause vomiting, diarrhea, and nausea which are all primary symptoms of the Ebola Virus Disease, this can cause the uncertainty of many people believing that they may be infected with EVD, while they arent (or vice versa). Though we hope that this wouldnt happen, it has (in Africa):

    Before outbreaks are confirmed in areas of weak surveillance on the local or regional levels, Ebola is often mistaken for malaria, typhoid fever, dysentery, influenza, or various bacterial infections which may be endemic to the region. (Wikipedia)

    Should we have any doubts that we wouldnt mistake the Ebola Virus (from its onset) for the cold or flu during the winter months and some other bug during the spring and summer months? Now, here is information that may be more correct about the length

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