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Through Her Eyes
Through Her Eyes
Through Her Eyes
Ebook52 pages58 minutes

Through Her Eyes

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About this ebook

Six years ago, Keira nearly died at the hands of a serial killer. The experience left her with more than just physical scars. She was psychically linked to the killer, a helpless witness to all his crimes. Now the man known as the Shoreditch Slasher has killed again, and Keira is dragged right back into his path.

Detective Dom Abbott believes Keira's link to the killer will help the police finally catch him, even if it means putting the woman he loves in danger. With Dom to protect her, Keira is willing to risk almost anything...but where will her strange gift lead her?

Release dateMay 12, 2015
Through Her Eyes

Amber Morgan

Amber is the secret identity of a writer who normally pens urban fantasy, but feels like stretching her wings. Amber loves darker romance, anti-heroes, good red wine, and expensive chocolate (sometimes all at once). She lives in Amsterdam with one man, two cats, and a vast collection of tea.

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    Book preview

    Through Her Eyes - Amber Morgan

    Published by Evernight Publishing ® at Smashwords

    Copyright© 2015 Amber Morgan

    ISBN: 978-1-77233-351-0

    Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

    Editor: Melissa Hosack


    WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

    This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


    To the Evernight Family—a more talented, generous, and creative bunch would be harder to find!


    Amber Morgan

    Copyright © 2015

    Chapter One

    Cold hands seized her, wrapping round her throat in an iron grip. The scream that spiraled up in her lungs was crushed from her. He shoved her hard against the wall, face first. If there'd been any air left in her that would have knocked it out. The brickwork scraped her cheek and the stinging pain brought tears to her eyes.

    She felt him push against her, his body hard and unrelenting. Through the flimsy material of her skirt, she felt his cock strain against her ass cheeks. Horror turned her stomach and she tried to struggle, kick, anything that might free her. It was impossible. He was strong and unyielding. He put his lips to her ear and whispered, They all try to fight. They all fail.

    His words were like an icy lance through her heart. She whimpered, the only sound she could make while his fingers squeezed at her throat. Her vision was blurring, growing steadily darker as her heart fluttered uselessly against her ribs. He was going to hurt her and she couldn't stop it. It would be a mercy to lose consciousness.

    And then she felt the blade against her cheek.

    His voice was rough with dark pleasure. Say goodnight, sweetheart.


    White light blinded Keira, obscuring the blood and lurid graffiti before her. Pain stabbed through her skull as she was pulled away from the nightmare she'd just witnessed, slamming back to reality, back into her body.

    She sat up with a scream on her lips, sweat on her shivering body. Cool night air swirled around her through the open window, and her bed sheets were tangled around her legs. She'd been thrashing, kicking out. Just like the girl she'd been watching.

    Vomit rose in her throat. She stumbled from the bed into the bathroom, falling to her knees in front of the toilet. She puked noisily, violent images of blood and blades flashing before her eyes. God, was it starting again? She closed her eyes, tears threatening. It had been years. She'd put it all behind her. She'd been trying so hard to have a normal life.

    Tonight meant she'd failed. Worse, tonight meant another poor woman was dead.

    Footsteps thudded on the stairs. She started, pulling herself up and wiping her mouth. She was reaching for the mouthwash when Dylan poked his head into the bathroom. Keira? What's wrong?

    She chewed her lip, torn between answering honestly and lying. Her housemate only knew pieces of her past. He'd seen the scars, of course. There was no hiding them. But he didn't know the whole story, didn't know what really happened to her six years ago. And

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