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Bearly a Viking: Paranormal Shifter Romance
Bearly a Viking: Paranormal Shifter Romance
Bearly a Viking: Paranormal Shifter Romance
Ebook49 pages1 hour

Bearly a Viking: Paranormal Shifter Romance

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

When Edith's town is raided and her husband killed, everything changes. Claimed by one of the conquerors, the mighty Ásbjörn, the journey to a new land is filled with wild seas and foreign tongues. And that's not all; some of the invaders barely seemed human, taking the forms of beasts to burn her village to the ground. In the aftermath, Edith does what she can to survive in her wild new home, changing and adapting to their ways... but the greatest surprise may be the change in her heart. Can her new-found feelings for Ásbjörn survive the truth of his identity?

Interview with the Author:

Q – So, what makes your shifter romances special?

A – It’s a mixture of things, actually.  When I started writing these books, I wanted to create a series of books that I would love to read.  I love paranormal romances and shifter love stories, but I also love books with some action, danger, suspense, and a strong female character.  I try to roll all of these interests into my books.

My shifter books are a mix of romance, sex, longing, danger, and mystery.  I also try to create some really memorable settings, whether it be historical, fantasy, or present-day, that I hope readers will enjoy.

Q – What else do you like to write?

A – I love other paranormal genres, such as vampires, psychics, and ghosts.  I have a vampire/psychic suspenseful romance series, called Remembering Raven.  These books take place in New Orleans where there is an evil vampire orchestrating murders of young women.  The psychic heroine and her vampire soul mate re-connect after being separated centuries ago to try to solve the murders.

There are six books in the series, including the free prequel.  They are called:

  • Remembering Raven: Always Mine

  • Remembering Raven: Cheyenne

  • Remembering Raven: Sabine

  • Remembering Raven: Allegra

  • Remembering Raven: Nanette, and

  • Remembering Raven: Juliana

    Thanks for reading!   

Release dateMay 14, 2015
Bearly a Viking: Paranormal Shifter Romance

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    Book preview

    Bearly a Viking - Lacey Edward

    Bearly a Viking

    A Paranormal Shifter Romance

    When Edith's town is raided and her husband killed, everything changes. Claimed by one of the conquerors, the mighty Ásbjörn, the journey to a new land is filled with wild seas and foreign tongues. And that's not all; some of the invaders barely seemed human, taking the forms of beasts to burn her village to the ground. In the aftermath, Edith does what she can to survive in her wild new home, changing and adapting to their ways... but the greatest surprise may be the change in her heart. Can her new-found feelings for Ásbjörn survive the truth of his identity?

    Bearly a Viking

    Table of Contents

    Bearly a Viking

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Also by Lacey Edward...

    About the Author

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    Chapter One

    They swept out of the fog like demons, long ships sliding silently onto the stony shore by the River Trent's mouth, covered in leather and mail with their bearded faces half hidden by the plates of iron down their noses. With banshee yowls erupting from their mouths, they hopped off of their ships and charged onto the shore, brandishing axes and shields and bows. At first the entire village was shocked into a state of stillness; children stopped playing and stared at the strange, tall men racing towards them. The farmers stopped working their fields and women came out from their hovels, each and every one peering down the hill towards the bank. It wasn't until the first arrow flew and found its home in a man's throat that the panic started. As the first victim of the attack clutched his neck, gurgling as he sank to the ground, the villagers screamed and shouted and rushed towards their homes. Some grabbed weapons in feeble attempts to defend against the raiders. Others let themselves be herded into the one building in the village that could provide some safety: the church.

    Edith was among the latter. Hiking her skirt up around her knees she followed her husband to the small stone structure, ground muddied by fresh rain churning beneath her feet. People clawed at each other in their desperation to squeeze through the doors, their pushing and shoving growing more desperate as the strange men topped the hill and began to run in earnest. Alfred grabbed Edith's hand and yanked her forward so roughly she almost fell, his strength the only thing keeping her standing. He shouted for people to move, shoving aside the old and feeble until they were among those crowding around wooden pews and stone pillars, shaking and muttering and wide-eyed with fear.

    Edith peeked over her husband's shoulder and through the gap in the church door. What do they want, she thought, watching as those too slow to reach the church were sealed outside by the door being pulled shut and barred as the raiders grew too close. What possible valuables could we have? People pressed in all around her. There was sweat gathering beneath her hair and between her breasts. Theirs was a small village, little more than farms and open fields. Their lord was miles away, and their king even further. The only man with any real authority was the priest, Ecbert. Edith's eyes sought him out. He was standing by the

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