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How I Put My Tooth Pain on Hold
How I Put My Tooth Pain on Hold
How I Put My Tooth Pain on Hold
Ebook196 pages1 hour

How I Put My Tooth Pain on Hold

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How many people each day experience severe tooth pain?  Tooth pain so excruciating that they'll do anything to rid themselves of the pain.  ANYTHING.

But what happens if their bank balance is about to go into NSF mode?  What if they aren't able to borrow the cash needed to quell their humongous pain crisis?   What if there's no cash to beg someone for?  Or if it's impossible to do a quick job for income (painting a couple of houses, mowing about five acres of land, or pole-dancing) — because their mind can't focus on anything but the war going on inside their mouth?

That's exactly what happened to me.  I needed something to help remove the pain.  Something to STOP it — NOW

It was like my brain and ear canals were exploding in my head every minute of every day.  I couldn't even cry because it would require the use of my jaw muscles — which are (of course) attached to my teeth.

Through God's grace — I used my favorite tool — the Internet — to explore a vast variety of remedies.  Some had promise but many were ludicrous.  Like eating garlic while drinking vodka.

I finally put together a personal recipe/remedy that was instrumental in relieving my tooth pain.  During my research — I've gathered a plethora of information/resources just waiting to be shared with the next person in dire need of a practical and harmless solution for their tooth pain.

Release dateMay 17, 2015
How I Put My Tooth Pain on Hold

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    Book preview

    How I Put My Tooth Pain on Hold - Vikiana Villaflor

    Chapter 1. How I Put My Tooth Pain on Hold

    Once Upon A Time There Were Two Little Bullies — One Called Torture — the Other Called More Torture — Together They Started World War III and IV Inside My Head.

    In the Beginning

    Tooth Section.svg I made a dental appointment in June 2013 for a regular check-up and cleaning.  More importantly, I was experiencing quite a few episodes of excruciating pain in my left back molar and the one directly in front of it. 

    After the X-rays, my dentist explained that — in order to relieve the horrendous pain — that I absolutely and positively needed two root canals NOW!  About $1,500 - $2,500 worth... NOW! 

    Oh boy!  This couldn’t be!  P-l-e-a-s-e  NO!

    I'd gotten the original root canals back in the 80's at a very reputable medical center for a very reasonable price.  They’ve since removed the dental facility from the hospital. 

    Well — suffice it to say that I didn’t have a stash of emergency cash.  But your teeth don’t give a damn what you have and don’t have — they just want to show you who’s the boss of your mouth — I mean, MY mouth.  OUCH! 

    When my really sweet dentist attempted to pre-clean the first of the two molars without numbing the area — I could sense the curdling scream forming in my throat and the color draining from my face as my eyes widened to the stage of almost popping out of their sockets.  Before I knew it, my knees were greeting my chest as my body turned into a concrete-like fetal ball that rolled over the arm and out of the dental chair onto the floor and my entire cringing but stiff body began crumpling in on itself and my lungs were constricting to the point of my heart stopping (I think).

    She said, Get off the dirty floor. You’re acting like a baby. 

    When I got back the breath that had been sucked out of my poor but kinda cute lungs — I looked at her accusingly and with a fierce look of betrayal said, What the hell are you trying to do to me Dr. Sadistic Bitch Dentist — KILL me? (of course under my breath) 

    Let's not EVER, E-V-E-R do that again!  Don’t even look at them!  Don’t even mention the ‘m’ word (molars) in their presence!  Avoid them like the plague! 

    She must have thought I meant ‘plaque’ because she began a dissertation on how important it is for an individual to remove as much plaque as possible by flossing.  I said, LOOK — just act as if those things aren’t there!

    Of course — my sweetie pie dentist just couldn’t resist making a snide but sympathetic remark.

    "Dear (she didn’t treat me like her ‘dear’ patient), I explained to you during your last couple of visits that you needed root canals on both molars. 

    Don’t you remember me pointing out the original posts on the X-ray showing you that there isn’t much core (filling) left around the posts?  Let me show you again.  And your cursing isn’t helping the situation — now is it?" 

    Double OUCH! 

    No cash? — Go home.  Quickly and immediately.

    Chapter 2. What I Lived and Breathed Every Single Day and Night

    OUCH again because her attempt to clean the molar had awakened the humongous P-A-I-N monster for both of the bullies!  I fought with this pain every day and night, on and off... stemming from eating hot or cold food and drinking hot or cold beverages.  To be honest — eating and drinking period.  But to be even more honest — I didn’t lose any damn weight so I was obviously eating and drinking

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