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Electric, The Aftermath, Book IV
Electric, The Aftermath, Book IV
Electric, The Aftermath, Book IV
Ebook203 pages2 hours

Electric, The Aftermath, Book IV

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The Electric current still sizzles in, The Aftermath, Book 4! We find the widow, Gina Parrot in over her head with a cast of suspicious characters; the stripper, Carlotta Vanburen and the mysterious businessman, Don Redmen are wining and dining her, whisking her away to the luxurious world of the rich and famous. The question is why? Detective Casey has some ideas and with the help of FBI Agent Charles, he means to solve the mystery of the Gardening Website that proves with a little digging to be anything but organic. Can Brad and Vladimir now defending their lives in the spiritual realm save Gina and expose the truth of how they both died, in this paranormal adventure that leads to an international crime syndicate.

PublisherCarly Compass
Release dateMay 1, 2015
Electric, The Aftermath, Book IV

Carly Compass

Carly Compass has a Bachelors Degree in Writing and English from Elmhurst College. She is an avid reader, reviewer as well as a member in good standing of both Phi Theta Kappa and Sigma Tau Delta International Honors Societies. She has a number of short stories under her belt published in: the Prairie Light Review, Black Widows, Web of Poetry, and the Middle Western Voice. Her first series, Electric was published in the fall of 2014 with critical acclaim and five star reviews across the board for all four books. She became a best selling author on Amazon when Book 4 came out to the waiting arms of her readers in April of 2015. Electric, The Beginning Book 1 is available for a free download. Books 1, 2, 3 are also available in a discounted combination set. All books read well as stand alone, but you'll want to read every word and leave no page unturned. Pick up your copy today and let the world know what you think by leaving a review! Carly loves hearing from her readers, feel free to connect across the board on all social media.

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    Book preview

    Electric, The Aftermath, Book IV - Carly Compass

    Family Tree

    This book is dedicated to all my


    Without you

    I am nothing!

    And to my



    Constant support

    Is immeasurable.

    Thank you!

    Thank you!

    Thank you!

    Happy Reading!

    Table of Contents



    Family Tree

    Pictorial Review




    Chapter 4-1

    Chapter 4-2

    Chapter 4-3

    Chapter 4-4

    Chapter 4-5

    Chapter 4-6

    Chapter 4-7

    Chapter 4-8

    Chapter 4-9

    Chapter 4-10

    Chapter 4-11

    Chapter 4-12

    Chapter 4-13

    Chapter 4-14

    Chapter 4-15

    Chapter 4-16

    Chapter 4-17

    Chapter 4-18

    Chapter 4-19

    Chapter 4-20

    Chapter 4-21

    Chapter 4-22

    Chapter 4-23

    Chapter 4-24

    Chapter 4-25

    Chapter 4-26

    Chapter 4-27

    Chapter 4-28

    Chapter 4-29

    Chapter 4-30

    Chapter 4-31

    Chapter 4-32

    Chapter 4-33

    Chapter 4-34

    Chapter 4-35

    Bonus Chapter

    Chapter 5-1

    About The Author

    Question for Discussion


    Pictorial Review

    Learn more about the artist:

    Although this is the pictorial review of book 3 in the series, the characters of Don Redmen and Carlotta Van Buren don't really come in as main characters until book 4. We first meet the infamous Don Redmen in book 2, and Carlotta has been behind the scenes throughout the series, but there is another element that the artist Shadrach Del'Monte flushes out in this pictorial review and that is the spiritual realm. In book 4 we see things are changing. The cityscape in the lower left-hand corner where the story takes place has little bubbles of light emerging, signifying the spiritual realm. Fans of John Edwards and the Long Island Medium will enjoy this interpretation of events that also has hint of Albert Brooks' movie, Defending Your Life!




    None of us have the answers to the true meaning of life. If you have ever had that moment when the hair raises on the back of your neck, or your pets seem disturbed by some unseen entity, then you will know what I was trying to convey in, The Aftermath, Book IV. There are times in all of our lives when we pick up a book or an article found in a drawer, when we are reminded of the loved ones that have passed before us. It is at those times that I would like to think that they are still with us.

    Most importantly, I wanted to convey how we touch each other’s lives. There is no act of kindness that is too small or unnecessary. So whether you are always present to like a post on Facebook, make a comment or Retweet on Twitter, I want to thank all of my online friends that show support every day and without your help I wouldn't find the courage to go on writing: to all my readers especially Shadrach Del'Monte who's stunning pictorial reviews have made my heart sing.

    Many thanks to Devika Fernando, for editing notes and always being there to lend a hand. Thank you, your support has been invaluable to me throughout this process of writing, editing and publishing.

    And to Carly's Comets: Cathy Tufano, Devika Fernando, Dawn Shepard, Michelle Greer, Jessica Iskey, Joanne Keniston, Marie McKenney, Susan Gabryszewski, Tammie Leisy, Khul Waters, Drew Scott, Laurie Schmidt Lee, KC Sprayberry, and PS Winn! If I have forgotten anyone, please forgive me. Every single gesture means so much, and for that, I thank you all.


    The Electric current still sizzles in The Aftermath, Book 4! We find the widow, Gina Parrot, in over her head with a cast of suspicious characters; the stripper, Carlotta Vanburen, and the mysterious businessman, Don Redmen, are wining and dining her, whisking her away to the luxurious world of the rich and famous. The question is why? Detective Casey has some ideas and with the help of FBI Agent Charles, he means to solve the mystery of the Gardening Website that proves with a little digging to be anything but organic. Can Brad and Vladimir now defending their lives in the spiritual realm save Gina and expose the truth of how they both died, in this paranormal adventure that leads to an international crime syndicate.

    Chapter 4-1

    The Story Continues

    Gina had to settle down.

    Detective Casey gathered all the snake cameras and bagged them as evidence. Riverdale didn't have a high crime rate, so this was new to everyone involved. He knew he would have to rely on the State Police. Officer Frank drove the evidence back to the crime lab while Officer Reynolds was posted outside the home for the night.

    Gina was visibly shaken, I don't want to stay here. Brad died in that chair in the living room. I just can't stand to be in this house. I feel so maligned to think that Mikhail had been filming us, taking showers, eating dinner, three cameras in my bedroom. He had been watching us for a year or more...I just don't know, Gina said and sat down with her head in her hands.

    The office had cameras too, Detective Casey, volunteer.

    Memories of that night with Mikhail flashed through Gina's mind!

    He had quite an inventory of videos, with dates and titled subjects.

    Oh God! Gina exclaimed thinking that police officers were going to view tapes of her and her family in the shower and then that night with Mikhail, where they made love in his office. Look! I can't stand the thought of those tapes being viewed by anyone. Imagine my little daughters taking baths. Is there something I can do to get all of those tapes destroyed?

    Right now it is out of my hands. We cannot destroy evidence until it is deemed useless.

    Gina felt like she had truly entered the twilight zone. The events of the past year kept circling like a reel in her mind. Meeting Mikhail, taking the job, the proposal, the letters, and the diagnosis...She had to stop reliving every moment before she went insane.

    Can I at least claim the evidence only be handled by one person? A woman, yes can you have a lady police officer handle all of those tapes, exclusively?

    I can suggest it, but for now you need to relax. Here, he said reaching into his jacket pocket, Take one of these, he continued as opened a prescription bottle and dispensed a few pills.

    What are they? Gina asked concerned.

    They're just mild sedatives. My wife uses them all the time. Detective Casey said as he went into the kitchen for a glass of water.

    Just take two of these. Go take a nice hot shower and get ready for bed. There is nothing you can do right now and you need your rest. I will be here to protect you. You have nothing to worry about. I will be right here and Officer Reynolds is right outside.

    Gina took the pills from Detective Casey's hands and looked at them. There were no distinguishable marks on them. She knew she needed rest. She grabbed the glass of water offered and swallowed the pills.

    We have a skeleton and skull to protect our organs, but there is nothing there to protect our psyches, mind and spirit, Gina said as she stood up. How long do these pills take to go into effect?

    It should take about thirty minutes, so take a quick shower and get yourself into bed.

    Okay, Thank you Detective Casey. I really appreciate your being here and helping me. Gina said as she turned to go upstairs.

    Gina walked up the stairs in a daze and entered her bedroom, so glad that the juniors had cleaned everything so nicely. She grabbed a pair of flannel pajamas out of her bottom drawer and a towel from the linen closet and entered the bathroom, locking the door behind her.

    Soon thoughts started to commandeer her mind as she turned on the faucet to the bathtub and pulled the shower nozzle up, the water switched directions and came plummeting out of the showerhead above.

    Brad, Brad, Brad. Gina thought as she removed her clothes. Are you with me? Can you hear me? And if you are here Brad, does that mean Mikhail is here too? Gina shuddered at the thought as she stepped into the shower.

    Gina poured shampoo in her hand thinking as she lathered, I will wash this all away. Penny Vladimir is insane. Without a doubt, how could she come to the funeral and say such things and then splatter blood red paint all over my front door, house and van. She is a dangerous girl. Gina thought as she rinsed the shampoo from her long blonde hair and proceeded to add conditioner. Tonya is another one, getting her children involved in this situation. That woman uses her children to fight her battles. Gina thought as she soaped up a washcloth with Ivory soap. The scent reminded her of her grandmother and the frightful day of her mother's death. Can you protect me Brad, mom, grandma, and grandpa, God? She could feel the drugs start to take effect so she rinsed off and got out of the shower grabbing a towel to dry herself off.

    She used the towel to wipe the fog off of the mirror and took a look at herself. The mascara had formed dark circles under her eyes, as she grabbed a tub of makeup remover to take care of that.

    She forced the flannel pajamas over her still damp body and headed out of the bathroom to her bed. She grabbed a comb on the dresser and combed through her hair as she sat on the cedar chest, with the refrain, Brad, mom, grandma, grandpa, god. She pulled her hair into a long ponytail and fastened it with a scrunchy. She pulled back the duvet and climbed into her heated waterbed and started to say the rosary.

    Soon she fell into a deep sleep as visions of Brad, Mikhail, her mother, and grandparents and all the people she knew that had died, lilted into her mind and dreams with unspoken words of advice and encouragement. She was drifting in the clouds carried on her dreams, taken back to the realm of the Greek Gods. Ethereal figures danced in and out of her mind's eye in gossamer gold and silver threads as she reacquainted herself with the spiritual world. Pan her steady guide appeared with his lute playing a familiar melodic, yet haunting tune. The dream continued in a haze of clouds and visions, evoking memories past, invoking a need for solid ground.

    Gina woke with a start to find Detective Casey holding her shoulders saying, It's only a dream. You were having a bad dream.

    What? What? Gina asked as she was trying to reorient herself with the situation at hand. What happened?

    You were screaming. I came up here to see what was wrong. Just go back to sleep.

    Oh, Gina said and added, Can you hold me for a while? She asked as she drifted back into her dreams.

    Chapter 4-2



    Tzadkiel, what are we to do with the new arrivals?

    We have to investigate. It is obvious that it wasn't their time. They will need time to reorient themselves. Let them review their lives before we have a debriefing and get this all sorted out.

    Thank you, Tzadkiel. I will get them started.

    And send Matatron to watch over Gina Parrot and the whole situation before more calamity ensues.

    On it!


    Gina was in a deep, drug induced sleep as she nuzzled her face into Detective Casey's chest of thick curly black hair. The sound of the doorbell coupled with banging slowly entered her mind and gently rousted her from sleep. At first she snuggled further into Detective Casey, blocking out the noise, pulling him in closer with her arm extended across his rock hard abs. She slowly opened her eyes and snapped her mouth shut to the realization that she was in bed with a man! She violently pushed him away as she pushed herself back and out of his arms, still hearing the incessant ring and bang at the front door downstairs. She looked wildly around the room, just as Detective Casey was waking up from his deep slumber.

    What is this? Gina shouted, Why are you in my bed? What happened? she asked as she looked at the bedside clock to find that it was 9:30 a.m.

    Oh, Detective Casey groggily replied as he grabbed the side of the waterbed to hoist himself

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