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Kalista Klymaxx in Pumped Up
Kalista Klymaxx in Pumped Up
Kalista Klymaxx in Pumped Up
Ebook53 pages46 minutes

Kalista Klymaxx in Pumped Up

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Kalista always has to learn the hard way. While waiting until the last minute to complete a service learning project Kalista makes the mistake of thinking everything else is fine. Her assured world comes crashing down as romance and misconceptions collide. Kalista struggles to refine herself while putting on an excellent poker face.

PublisherChesney Logan
Release dateMay 17, 2015
Kalista Klymaxx in Pumped Up

Chesney Logan

Born in North Carolina, Chesney Logan has always been fond of writing. Her hobbies include gardening and various DIY projects. She currently lives in Fairview with her dog Kobu. Please visit Chesney Logans blog to find out about updates, new book and a chance to win free books.

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    Book preview

    Kalista Klymaxx in Pumped Up - Chesney Logan

    Kalista Klymaxx in Pumped Up

    Published by Chesney Logan at Smashwords

    Copyright 2015

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used without the authors’ permission. This is a work of fiction. Any likenesses to characters or situations mentioned in this book are purely coincidental.

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    Kalista always has to learn the hard way. While waiting until the last minute to complete a service learning project Kalista makes the mistake of thinking everything else is fine. Her assured world comes crashing down as romance and misconceptions collide. Kalista struggles to refine herself while putting on an excellent poker face.

    Table of Contents.

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    About the Author

    Chapter One.

    The sun was at my back when I entered through the front door. I tossed my bag on the floor in the foyer before heading down the hallway. I was so tired that I contemplated sleeping in the living room just to avoid the stairs. My plan was quickly thwarted when I walked in on Jody and Mike sleeping on the sofa. The d.v.d player was still on with a movie menu replaying on the screen. I smiled at the two lovebirds before turning off the TV. I finally braced myself for the stairs gently laughing to myself while listening to Mike snore.

    I wasn’t asleep long before I heard an alarm go off on my phone. I lay in bed half asleep while phishing the phone out of my grease ridden Jerky uniform. I squinted at the phone noting the message. Today was the deadline for my service project approval. I had completely forgot and made a mental note to myself to add reminders leading up to the date. I had no idea what I would do for a volunteer session and really didn’t want to give it much thought. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind helping out but I hate being forced to do it. Not to mention the fact that the Jerky Joint was giving me more than enough hours, I was falling asleep in class and missing volleyball practice.

    I knew I couldn’t sleep now. I rolled over to my laptop on the nightstand. I needed to find a place to volunteer fast. After browsing the web I landed on a few sites but none had anything I would actually do. I got up from my bed reluctantly and headed downstairs. I was feeling kind of grumpy because I only had thirty minutes to sleep before my morning class began. I could even predict myself sleeping through the lecture again.

    Jody was downstairs burning up some food. Really, she was burning it up, I wrinkled my nose at the stench. I came around the corner to the kitchen and saw what looked like four Cajun styled sausages screaming in the pan. Jody was nowhere to be found upon first glance. I grabbed the spatula and to save the shrunken sausages from any more harm and dumped them on a plate. I could hear moaning from the dining room area. I leaned back from the stove to turn my head to the table. Jody was sitting on Mikes lap cuddling. I could hear them whisper sweet nothings to each other as I saved

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