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Discipline Of The Blue Book
Discipline Of The Blue Book
Discipline Of The Blue Book
Ebook42 pages28 minutes

Discipline Of The Blue Book

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

I can't stop looking at it. This book I found tucked at the back of the bookshelf in our holiday cottage. I'm reading the Blue Book, or more accurately, looking at its pictures again and again. It must be based on some real need. Some real kink. Somebody must have wanted it.

I think I do…

Simon and Suzanne are in a committed relationship – even if the sex is a little predictable. But while on vacation at a secluded cabin they discover the Blue Book, an erotic tome filled with vintage photos of men disciplining their submissive. Both Simon and Suzanne are turned on by the sensual images of domination – leading to experiments of their own that reveal all their secret, wicked desires….
Release dateOct 1, 2012
Discipline Of The Blue Book

Portia Da Costa

Portia Da Costa is a British author who has lived and worked in West Yorkshire, in the north of England, all her life. She began her writing career almost by mistake, when she was asked to write a story for an artist friend to illustrate. A librarian at the time, and a voracious reader since childhood, Portia had never considered becoming an author, but not one to shun a challenge, she took up her pen and wrote her first-ever piece of fiction, a melodramatic tale of the doomed romance between a mortal woman and an unusually handsome and nondecrepit zombie. The story was rubbish, of course, but Portia enjoyed the creative process so much that she resolved to learn how to write properly. After a number of years writing purely for pleasure, Portia's first published story appeared in 1991, and was about a sexy ghost this time. Since then, she's gone on to write well over a hundred stories for magazines and anthologies, and she's also produced almost thirty novels across a variety of genres. Although she's written gentler tales in her time, she's known best of all for her sizzling-hot erotic romances, and her steamy contemporary Suite Seventeen, won the 2007 Romance B(u)y the Book Best Contemporary Erotic Romance Award. Chance of a Lifetime, a November 2008 SPICE Brief, was Portia's first-ever work for Harlequin Books and represents the fulfillment of a long-cherished dream. Her very first attempts at writing for publication were category-length semisweet romances targeted at Mills & Boon. None of these early efforts was successful, but Portia's deep yearning to write for the world's best-known romance publisher has never waned. Portia is a now full-time author and lives in a small, typically Yorkshire town with her husband of many, many years, and also the three beautiful cats they both adore. When she's not writing, she likes to read, just generally chill out and watch television. A lot of television. She also loves to spend time online with cyber friends at her favorite writers' message boards and on social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. Among her other interests are art, fashion and popular science, and she also shares her husband's passion for the military history of World War Two. Portia loves to hear from her readers via her email:

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    Book preview

    Discipline Of The Blue Book - Portia Da Costa

    I can’t stop looking at it. This book I found tucked at the back of the bookshelf in our holiday cottage. I’m reading the Blue Book, or more accurately, looking at its pictures again and again. It must be based on some real need. Some real kink. Somebody must have wanted it.

    I think I do…

    Simon and Suzanne are in a committed relationship—even if the sex is a little predictable. But while on vacation at a secluded cabin they discover the Blue Book, an erotic tome filled with vintage photos of men disciplining their submissive. Both Simon and Suzanne are turned on by the sensual images of domination—leading to experiments of their own that reveal all their secret, wicked desires....

    Book one of Portia Da Costa’s 3 Colors Sexy series. Read more of Simon and Suzanne’s erotic adventures in Ritual of the Red Chair and Ecstasy in the White Room.



    Portia Da Costa


    Discipline of the Blue Book


    I can’t stop looking at it. This book I found tucked at the back of the bookshelf in our holiday cottage.

    I can’t stop looking at it and wondering whether Simon’s out there imagining me in here looking at it. And if he is, what does he think? How does he feel?

    The sun’s beating down outside, drowning the patio in light, so I’ve got a good excuse for lurking indoors, in the shade. I’m reading the Blue Book, or more accurately, perving over its pictures again and again. He’s out there, catching a few more rays before he comes inside and probably does some work on his laptop or watches football on the television. By unspoken agreement, this was supposed to be a togetherness holiday, but so far we’ve pretty much done our own things, as per usual. My current thing seems to be looking at vintage photographs of wide-eyed Victorian pretty maidens baring their rather anemic-looking bottoms and getting spanked.

    Just look at this one, eh?

    A black-haired beauty in layers of voluminous undergarments is stretched across the lap of a stern-looking gentleman with a very serious mustache. The penitent’s old-fashioned drawers are all pulled open to reveal her plump, pallid buttocks, and her husband, lover, disciplinarian or whatever he is, has his hand raised, just about to wallop her one.

    Is it for real? Surely not. It’s got to be posed; a naughty, porny, underground piece of titillation to be sold to respectable gentlemen under the counter, for a tidy price.

    But it must be based on some real need, I guess. Some real kink. Somebody must have wanted it, and somebody must have wanted what it represented too.

    I think I do, even if it hurts. Maybe even because it hurts. Who knows? I don’t, not categorically, not for sure. But I do know how I feel when I look at the Blue Book. I feel horny, and I want to be touched, and maybe more.

    Wriggling a bit, I glance out of the French window toward Simon on his lounger.

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