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Lightning Strikes Part Two
Lightning Strikes Part Two
Lightning Strikes Part Two
Ebook101 pages1 hour

Lightning Strikes Part Two

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36 Hours Serial

As a devastating summer storm hits Grand Springs, Colorado, the next thirty–six hours will change the town and its residents forever….

Lightning Strikes Part 2

Mayor Olivia Stuart has been rushed to the E.R. with a heart attack. Noah's sister Randi is still AWOL from her own wedding, and Dr. Karen Sloane's daughter is trapped by a mudslide. Working with Noah again is only bringing back a flood of regret for Amanda–feelings she doesn't need since she's engaged to Gordon. She's starting to wish that Noah hadn't come back to town at all, as her anger melts each time he smiles….

The story continues in Lightning Strikes Part 3.

Release dateFeb 1, 2014
Lightning Strikes Part Two

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    Book preview

    Lightning Strikes Part Two - Mary Lynn Baxter

    Chapter Nine

    The Squaw Creek Lodge and its occupants seemed oblivious to the power outage and the severe weather—nonstop rain, thunder and lightning. Melissa Howell’s eyes circled the large room where the wedding reception was in full swing, minus the bride and groom, and she thought the rustic atmosphere would have been perfect.

    Of course, it was far from perfect. Everything that could have gone wrong had, Melissa fumed, thinking this was one of the worst days of her life. The worst day had been when her husband, Albert, had died.

    Her gaze stopped on the baby grand piano nestled in the corner near the never-ending windows that overlooked the grounds. In the pitch blackness, the beauty of the terraced lawn was lost, but then so was everything else.

    After her son Noah had made the startling announcement that his sister Randi had disappeared, shock waves seemed to have rumbled through the small crowd. Melissa had prayed that the floor would open up and swallow her, but it hadn’t. She’d had to deal with not only Noah’s untimely desertion as he headed back to work at the hospital, but the entire situation at the lodge.

    She’d squared her shoulders and walked down the endless aisle to the makeshift platform. Instantly, the room had fallen silent while all eyes focused on her. She’d felt like a freak on display in a circus tent, but she hadn’t let her feelings show.

    I’m sorry, dear friends, about the called-off wedding. However, with the weather being what it is, I’d like to encourage you to wait out the storm and enjoy the food and drink.

    She paused and waited until another surge of mutterings passed through the crowd, then ceased. Forcing a smile, she went on. With the electricity out, the refreshments will be ruined. So please, join in and have a good time.

    Now, as Melissa perused the guests doing her bidding—dancing, laughing, eating and drinking while candlelight surrounded them in its lovely glow—she wanted to scream with frustration and worry.

    While she knew she had to stay, she’d rather have been anywhere other than here. By the second, the situation was growing more intolerable.

    Once the guests had begun to partake of the goodies and started mingling among themselves, Melissa was certain they were whispering about the situation, wondering what was really going on.

    She’d like to have known that herself, especially after the lodge was searched thoroughly in hopes of finding Randi. Melissa had envisioned the worst-case scenarios, all of them terrible.

    What if Randi had passed out somewhere and lay unconscious? After all, it wasn’t uncommon for brides to get the jitters to such an extent. She’d attended a wedding not long ago where the groom had passed out during the exchange of vows.

    What if someone had hurt her? Melissa dismissed that possibility immediately. Who would do that? Every person in attendance was a friend of hers and Hal’s. Certainly none of the staff at the lodge would’ve harmed her, for crying out loud.

    Why wouldn’t Randi answer her phone?

    Too many things were amiss here. Not only was Randi missing, but so was Olivia, the groom’s mother, which Melissa thought was unforgivable, even with the weather being the way it was. She had braved the high water and made it to the lodge—Olivia could have, as well. The fact that Olivia was the mayor of Grand Springs, prominent and visible, and hadn’t shown up was another slap in the face.

    Mrs. Howell?

    Melissa turned and faced Patsy Fuller, Randi’s best friend and attendant. Patsy’s long face seemed even longer as she rubbed at her forehead, hidden behind a fringe of uneven brown bangs. Her too-long hair had the tendency to cover her dark eyes, hiding what she was thinking.

    But at the moment, there was no hiding her thoughts. Anxiety and concern were mirrored in those eyes.

    Any word? Melissa asked, hearing the unsteadiness in her own voice, something she abhorred. It made her feel vulnerable and unprotected, emotions she wasn’t used to. If only Albert hadn’t died on her. How dare he?

    Nothing, Patsy said, her frown deepening. I’m beside myself with worry, as I know you are. She paused and sank her teeth into her lower lip. Where could Randi have gone on a night like this?

    I’ve asked myself that same question a hundred times.

    What does Noah think?

    Melissa made an unladylike noise. He doesn’t have a clue, either, but you noticed he went back to the hospital, which means he’s obviously not too worried.

    Well, er, I’m sure there are a lot of emergencies due to the weather, Patsy said in a lame tone.

    Melissa knew she had put Randi’s friend on the spot, that she was uncomfortable with criticism of Noah. She didn’t care. Right now, she was not happy with her son for leaving her alone to cope with this bizarre and embarrassing debacle.

    I just wish I knew what had happened to her, Melissa whined, at the same time fingering her perfectly coiffed hair.

    Patsy played with the creases on her lavender silk dress, then peered up at Melissa. Did Randi ever say anything to you about her feelings for Hal?

    Melissa stiffened. What’s that supposed to mean? Noah hinted that their relationship might’ve had problems, which I don’t believe. Randi loved Hal and wanted to marry him. I’m convinced of that.

    I’m not, Patsy said, her tone blunt.

    Melissa raised her eyebrows. What are you saying?

    I’m not going to betray Randi’s confidence, but I will say, in light of this situation, that she and Hal had their problems.

    Melissa pursed her lips. Then why wasn’t I told?

    I’m sure Randi didn’t want to upset you.

    Upset me! Melissa’s laugh was close to a squeal. Now, that’s a joke. If this is an attack of cold feet, it’s unforgivable. I don’t like being blindsided, nor do I like being made a fool of.

    I’m sure something terrible must’ve happened to make Randi run off.

    Whatever it was, she’s inflicted cruel and unusual punishment on me.

    It’s not about you, Pasty mumbled.

    What’s that, dear?

    I’m sorry, Patsy said, her features pale and pinched. I wish there was something I could do.

    What about calling the police?

    I thought of that. But they won’t do anything until she’s been missing for at least twenty-four hours.

    Which is oftentimes too late.

    "I agree, and on a night like this, emergencies are taking all the police manpower. Almost every road is flooded, and with the nonstop rain, there are continual mudslides—the downside to

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