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Strange Bedfellows Part Three
Strange Bedfellows Part Three
Strange Bedfellows Part Three
Ebook68 pages1 hour

Strange Bedfellows Part Three

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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36 Hours Serial

As a devastating summer storm hits Grand Springs, Colorado, the next thirty–six hours will change the town and its residents forever….

Strange Bedfellows Part 3

The differences that flared into debates at school council meetings have become personal as Cassandra gets closer to Sean and his son Jason. She sees Jason's love for his dad, and knows she must find a way for Sean to see it, too.

And Sean is seeing something new in Cassandra. Ever since their night together, he's realized her crusade for her students comes from true caring. Maybe she can give Jason the stability he needs and a reason for Sean to open up his heart.

Don't miss the next story in this ongoing series, Ooh Baby, Baby by Diana Whitney.

Release dateFeb 1, 2014
Strange Bedfellows Part Three

Kasey Michaels

**For a limited time, get two free books from Kasey > (just copy and paste into your browser)** Kasey Michaels began her career scribbling her stories on yellow legal pads while the family slept. She totally denies she chiseled them into flat rocks, but yes, she began her career a long time ago. Now Kasey is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than 110 books (she doesn't count them). Kasey has received four coveted Starred Reviews from Publishers Weekly, three for historical romance, The Secrets of the Heart, The Butler Did It, and The Taming of the Rake, and a fourth for the contemporary romance Love To Love You Baby (that shows diversity, you see). She is a recipient of the RITA, a Waldenbooks and Bookrak Bestseller award, and many awards from Romantic Times magazine, including a Career Achievement award for her Regency era historical romances. She is an Honor Roll author in Romance Writers of America, Inc. Please visit Kasey on her website at and connect with her on Facebook at

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    Book preview

    Strange Bedfellows Part Three - Kasey Michaels

    Chapter Fourteen Continued

    Are—are they hurt? Was Jason calling from the hospital? Cassandra Mercer’s earlier modesty cast aside with the sheet, she grabbed her clothing from the floor, where it had landed in a heap more than three hours ago, and struggled to get dressed. Sean? Are you going to answer me?

    Jason says he’s all right, he said, rubbing his fingers over his cheek, rubbing the palm of his hand across his chin. They’re examining Becky in the emergency room now. Damn it! Why did I let him have the Mercedes? I should have known he’d have to go showing off, speeding! Where are your keys? In the kitchen? Finish dressing, Cassandra. I’ll meet you at the car.

    She ran after him, holding her shoes under her arm as she buttoned a fresh blouse she had pulled from the closet. Did Jason tell you the accident was his fault?

    He didn’t have to, Sean flung over his shoulder at her as he ran down the steps. All he had to tell me was that the police were with him and waiting to talk to me.

    Well, Cassandra said as she skidded around the corner of the hallway, that doesn’t prove anything. You’re jumping to conclusions again, Sean. Thinking the worst before you even know anything. Over—

    Sean stopped dead at the entrance to the kitchen, so that Cassandra barreled into his chest as he turned around to face her. "Overreacting, Cassandra? Is that what you were going to say?"


    No! he exclaimed, holding up his hands to stop her from defending his son. Not this time, Cassandra. It’s always two steps forward and one step back with that kid. Give him an inch and he takes a mile. Offer your hand and he grabs for the whole arm. You name the cliché, and Jase will live up to it. Just like his mother, just like me! Or did you forget that we just climbed out of your bed? Without a word of love, a syllable of promise, a mention of commitment-I took all you offered, all I could take, all I could make you give. And then some!

    "You didn’t make me give anything I didn’t want to give, Cassandra said quietly, her soft brown eyes glittering with tears. Nobody and nothing has control over my life, my actions. Not anymore. Not ever again. Now, are we going to stand here so I can listen to you being stupid, or are we going to the hospital to see about Jason and Becky?"

    God, what an ass I am! My kid’s in the hospital and all I’m doing is feeling sorry for myself. He put his hands on her shoulders. I don’t know why you just don’t tell me to go to hell.

    I don’t know why, either, she said, turning her head to press a kiss against the back of his hand. But I think you have potential. Now, come on, Jason needs you. I’ll drive.

    Chapter Fifteen

    Cassandra drove through the dark night, heading toward Vanderbilt Memorial, a disturbingly intense and quiet Sean in the front passenger seat. It had begun to rain, and the only sound inside the car was the soft swish-swish of the windshield wipers—and the beating of Cassandra’s heart.

    She could feel Sean’s fear, his anxiety, his need to be with his son. She also sensed his anger at himself for believing Jason to have been at fault when, as she had pointed out, no one yet knew what had happened.

    As if reading her thoughts, Sean said quietly, He said he was all right. But what’s all right? I remember a friend of mine, from college. He was injured in a sledding accident one winter, but swore he was fine. And he looked fine. He got up, he walked around, he talked. And then, about ten minutes later, he just fell down. He—he was dead by the time the paramedics arrived. Internal bleeding, they told us later. Cassandra, if anything were to happen to Jason, I—

    Jason said he was fine, so he’s fine, she told him quickly, reaching across the small space that divided them, the chasm that divided her from his parental pain. We’ll be there in ten minutes, all right? Damn, hasn’t it rained enough in this past week?

    Do you want to pull over, let me drive?

    Cassandra shook her head, looking out onto the rain-bright street, the reflection of the streetlights on the macadam. I can manage. Oh—look up there, ahead of us, to those blinking lights. Do you think—?

    Pull over behind that cruiser, Cassandra, Sean said, both his hands braced on the dashboard. That’s my car they’re loading onto the flatbed tow truck.

    Cassandra, her lips caught between her teeth, did as Sean asked, pulling the car to a stop behind a shiny white police car whose red, white and blue lights were still blinking out their warning, streaking the rainy night with color, with a sense of urgency that sent a sickening knot to tighten in the pit of her stomach.

    They were both out of the

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