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Cinderella Story Part One
Cinderella Story Part One
Cinderella Story Part One
Ebook92 pages1 hour

Cinderella Story Part One

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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36 Hours Serial

As a devastating summer storm hits Grand Springs, Colorado, the next thirty–six hours will change the town and its residents forever….

Cinderella Story Part 1

The night the lights go out at the lodge, waitress Nina Lindstrom flees the arms of millionaire Alex Bennett after a romantic dance. But he's determined not to lose sight of the beautiful stranger. Finding her days later, he has a business proposition for the widow and mother–a fake engagement that could reward her enough to save her son Tommy's life.

Nina tells herself she doesn't believe in fairy tales. Her relationship with Alex is strictly professional. But as she spends more time with her handsome rescuer, it's harder to see him as just a business partner. In trying to save her son, is she risking her own heart?

The story continues in Cinderella Story Parts 2 and 3.

Release dateMar 1, 2014
Cinderella Story Part One

Elizabeth August

Betty Marie Wilhite had always wanted to write. She married Doug, and they had three boys, the first was Douglas Jr., four years later Benjamin, and nine years later the last, Matthew. The family lived in Wilmington, Delaware. She began writing romances soon after Matthew was born. She wrote under the pseudonyms of Betsy Page, Elizabeth Douglas, Elizabeth August and Kathleen Ward.

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    Cinderella Story Part One - Elizabeth August


    Nina Lindstrom breathed a sigh of relief as she hung up the phone. Her children were safe and happily pretending they were camping out in their grandmother’s living room. When she’d learned that roads were closed, mudslides were careening down the mountain and the electricity was out all over town, due to the torrential rainstorm raging outside, they had been her number one concern. As usual, while she worked, Elizabeth, Pete and Tommy were being looked after by her mother-in-law, and Nina’s rational mind had assured her that they were being well cared for. Still, the mother in her had insisted on calling.

    I’m collecting aprons, Susan Smith, one of the owners of the Squaw Creek Lodge, announced, entering the kitchen. She set the lantern she was carrying on the center counter and looked around at the assembled servers. Frustration showed on her face. This evening seems to be just one disaster after another. First we lose our electricity, and now the backup generator is refusing to work. Officially, the reception is canceled. However, the food has been paid for and there’s no place to store it. The bar is closed but the Howells have already bought the champagne and there’s plenty of soft drinks. The guests have been invited to stay and help themselves to what’s available. And you’ve been invited to do the same. If you want my advice, you’ll accept. The rain is still coming down hard and the lightning is dangerous. There’s lots of it and it’s touching down. I’ve also heard that some roads are blocked by mud slides.

    Some wedding, one of the male waiters remarked as Nina unfastened the frilly white apron she was wearing and handed it to Susan. First the bride bolts just before the ceremony begins, and now the electricity is gone. I’ll bet there are a few people here wishing they’d pulled the covers over their head and stayed in bed this morning.

    Me, for one, one of the bartenders grumbled. I’d figured on enough tips from this crowd to pay this month’s rent.

    It did seem to be one of those days when plans went askew, Nina thought silently, leaving the kitchen. She’d been counting on the money from this moonlighting job to buy a few extras for her children. Now she’d only get pocket change for the time she’d been here setting up the buffet. She shrugged off her disappointment. Life had taught her never to count on anything happening the way she hoped it would. She was always happy when it did but had learned to roll with the punches when it didn’t. And compared to some of the punches she’d sustained, a few lost work hours were nothing.

    Glancing out the large plate-glass windows, she saw a flash of lightning come straight down. A loud pop followed. The lightning had struck a tree. Susan Smith was right. For the moment, it would be safer to remain here.

    Ahead of her, she heard the mingling of numerous voices. The guest list for this wedding included all of the politically and socially elite of the town. Because it was to be a very dressy affair, the female waitresses had been asked to wear basic black so that, with the ruffled white aprons provided by the lodge, they would blend into the elegant atmosphere of the occasion.

    A quirky smile tilted the corner of Nina’s mouth. She was wearing her best black cocktail dress. Actually, it was her only cocktail dress. The candlelight illuminating the hall mirrored her image in the large plate-glass window. With her best dress, her one set of good jewelry consisting of a pearl necklace and pearl earrings, and her hair in a chignon on top of her head, she looked as sophisticated as any of the other guests. So why not go mingle with the blue noses? It had been a long time since she’d been to a party, and never to one as high-class as this.

    Alex Bennett stood leaning against the wall in a shadowed corner of the room watching the rest of the wedding guests as they milled around serving themselves. He noticed Melissa Howell, the mother of the bride, flitting from guest to guest, and he frowned. He’d already had one encounter with the woman tonight and didn’t want another. His frown deepening, he told himself that he should be feeling more sympathetic toward the woman. Her daughter had left her in an embarrassing situation. But Melissa was a hard woman to feel sympathy for. She had an irritating way of trying to rule her children’s lives, and when things went wrong, she placed the blame on everyone but herself.

    His gaze shifted to the band. They were packing up, their amps and electric instruments being of no use. Judging by their response to being invited to join the guests for food and drink, he guessed they were planning to stay the night once their equipment was safely stored.

    However, in spite of the warnings about the roads, he was contemplating leaving. Weddings generally brought out, more strongly than usual, the husband-hunting instincts in women, and he was in no mood to fend off a female with a ring on her mind. But then, there hadn’t been a wedding. In place of tears, hugs, congratulations and predictions about the bride and groom’s future, gossipy conversations, held in lowered voices and speculating about why Randi Howell had fled her wedding to Hal Stuart, reached his ears.

    Alex refused to speculate. Women, he mused wryly, were unpredictable creatures with hidden agendas. Trying to figure out their motives for any action was a waste of time. They could, however, turn an otherwise dull evening into something memorable, he added, noticing the slender, dark-haired female who had just entered and was making her way to the buffet table. She had a graceful walk…enticing, actually. Pretty, too, he noted as the large candelabra on the table illuminated her face. Her cheekbones were high and her features finely cut. His gaze went to her hands. No ring on her ring finger.

    Thoughts of leaving faded. He followed her movements, waiting to see if an escort joined her. When she finished gathering her plateful of food and made her way, alone, to a discreet corner, his interest peaked more. Leaving his shadowy hideaway, he crossed the room, picking up two glasses of champagne on the way.

    I thought you might like a beverage, he said as he reached her.

    Nina looked up at the tall, dark-haired, imposing man who had halted in front of her. She recognized him from other parties she’d worked at. He’d even come into the diner once or twice. She didn’t know his name, but she’d heard a couple of women whispering about him once. The oil tycoon who’d built the summer place on the mountain was how they’d referred to him. They’d also mentioned that he was a bachelor who was playing very hard to

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