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For Her Eyes Only Part Three
For Her Eyes Only Part Three
For Her Eyes Only Part Three
Ebook111 pages1 hour

For Her Eyes Only Part Three

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36 Hours Serial

As a devastating summer storm hits Grand Springs, Colorado, the next thirty–six hours will change the town and its residents forever….

For Her Eyes Only Part 3

Jessica's visions have continued unbidden since she blacked out at the lodge the night of the storm. She doesn't know if the vision of Stone Richardson dead is real or fantasy.

For a cop like Stone, being in the line of fire is part of the job. That doesn't stop just because the woman he loves has a vision. He needs to keep investigating the mayor's murder, whatever the risk.

So much is at stake now that they've found each other again. And neither can see the future with certainty, or predict when danger will strike.

Don't miss the continuing drama in Grand Springs with Cinderella Story by Elizabeth August.

Release dateMar 1, 2014
For Her Eyes Only Part Three

Sharon Sala

Sharon Sala is a member of RWA and OKRWA with 115 books in Young Adult, Western, Fiction, Women's Fiction, and non-fiction. RITA finalist 8 times, won Janet Dailey Award, Career Achievement winner from RT Magazine 5 times, Winner of the National Reader's Choice Award 5 times, winner of the Colorado Romance Writer's Award 5 times, Heart of Excellence award, Booksellers Best Award. Nora Roberts Lifetime Achievement Award. Centennial Award for 100th published novel.

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    Book preview

    For Her Eyes Only Part Three - Sharon Sala

    Chapter Nine Continued

    Stone Richardson slammed his butt into the seat of his car and jammed the key into the ignition. He never had liked Mondays.

    Good morning to you, too, Jack Stryker said.

    Buckle up, Stone muttered, but it sounded too much like shut up for Stryker to argue.

    His partner continued as if nothing was wrong.

    Okay, we know that the last word out of Olivia Stuart’s mouth at the hospital was ‘coal.’ And we’ve got a map detailing the area where the consortium’s lease for strip mining is expiring. We’ve got an agenda—try and see if there is any connection between the mayor’s last word and the business to which she was so opposed. If we find that, we might find her killer. Now all we need is an attitude adjustment.

    Stone started the car, yanking it in gear and leaving rubber behind as he peeled out of the parking lot.

    Stryker glanced at his partner, then down at his watch.

    So, it’s gonna be like this, is it? When Stone didn’t answer, Stryker glanced at his watch and slid a little further into the seat. It was going to be a hell of a long, silent day of police work.

    * * *

    Easy does it, Miss Hanson. One more stitch and they’ll all be out.

    Jessica squinched her eyes shut, wincing against the tug to her scalp as Dr. Howell removed the last stitch.

    And that does it, he said, dropping the bit of stitch, as well as his instruments, into a nearby pan. Moving her hair aside, he swabbed alcohol on the area. Peering closely at the results of his handiwork, he gave her a pat on the arm. Except for the haircut, you’re good as new.

    She blinked and thrust her hand into her hair in embarrassment.

    Oh, I didn’t mean your new style. I meant the cut I gave you. Noah flicked the end of a straggly lock away from her ear. Yours is quite fetching.

    He stepped back and looked at her more closely as his nurse moved in, swabbing the healing wound with a last dab of disinfectant. You know…that hairdo really changes your appearance. You remind me of someone, but I just can’t think who.

    The nurse looked up to see for herself. Hmm, you know, Dr. Howell, you’re right. It really did change her appearance.

    Jessica resisted the urge to stick out her tongue. She already felt like a sideshow freak, and now they were speaking of her as if she wasn’t even there.

    Noah suddenly snapped his fingers and a smile spread over his face. I know. I know. You remind me of Charlize Theron

    Jessica smiled. Thanks.

    Defeated by the past week’s events, as well as by and the fight she’d had with Stone early yesterday morning, Jessica slumped where she sat.

    If only the rest of Grand Springs could see me like that. All they see is some crazy witch.

    Noah frowned. He’d heard the gossip about Jessica Hanson, and about her visions coming true, and while he’d like to think it was nothing more than that, he’d been far too close a witness to her first correct prediction to scoff. Olivia Stuart did have a needle mark on the back of her leg, just as Jessica had proclaimed. Olivia’s death was not natural. Someone killed her.

    You know, an old professor told me something once that I’ve never forgotten, Noah said. "He said, as long as you know who you are, it doesn’t really matter what the rest of the world thinks about you."

    Jessica sighed. I guess that’s my problem, she said softly. I don’t know myself. Why would I expect the rest of the world to get a grip when I’ve lost my own?

    I could recommend some therapy, if you think it would help.

    She grinned wryly. Unless your shrink has a crystal ball on his desk, I don’t think we’d have much to say to each other.

    He almost laughed. You’ve got a good attitude. I’m sure everything will work itself out.

    Jessica left the doctor, minus her stitches, but still carrying the wound Stone had left in her heart. And, after a week off at home, it felt strange to be going back to work. Her nerves tightened as she turned into the parking lot at Squaw Creek Lodge. Mr. Dolby knew she was due in today, but she dreaded the confrontation. Yet when she walked in her office, the familiar surroundings went a long way toward helping her relax.

    As she hung her jacket on a hook, she couldn’t help but glance down. One thing had changed, and for the better. The bloodstain on the carpet was gone. And it looked as if whoever they’d called in from temporary services hadn’t moved a thing. There was no work stacked on her desk, nothing seemed out of place. She started to relax. Maybe for once, something was about to go right.

    A bouquet of fresh flowers was on the corner of her desk. She lifted the card, a smile of appreciation spreading across her face as she read. It was a welcome back bouquet from the staff. She leaned forward, inhaling the aroma of sweet peas and roses and baby’s breath, then looked up as the door suddenly opened.

    It was Sheila, carrying a cinnamon roll and a fresh cup of coffee.

    Shoot, she said. I didn’t know you were already here. I was going to surprise you.

    Jessica pointed to what Sheila was holding. If that’s for me, I’d be glad to go out and come in again.

    Sheila giggled. You better not. It smells so good, I might break down and eat it before you got back.

    Then, thank you, Jessica said as Sheila set it down on her desk.

    There was a long pause as the two women looked at each other, each remembering how Jessica had a vision of Sheila’s kitchen on fire and alerted Sheila so fast that the firemen were able to save the house.

    Finally, Sheila waved her hand. Eat. Drink. You’ll need sustenance to prepare yourself for Dolby’s new do.

    Jessica thought of the manager’s last hairpiece and grimaced. Don’t tell me he’s changed it again.

    Sheila arched an eyebrow. I won’t have to. When you see him, believe me, you’ll understand.

    It was nearly noon before Jessica had a chance to see what Sheila had been talking about, and when she did, she was heartily glad she’d been forewarned.

    Jeffery Dolby was strutting as he came toward her. Jessica knew she was staring, but it was impossible to stop. He’d dyed his eyebrows to match the new hairpiece. Wiry and yellow, it sat on his head like a straw nest on the forked branch of a tree; firmly planted, but out of place. Jeffery Dolby had gone blond.

    Miss Hanson, welcome back, welcome back! Dolby said, and thrust out his hand, engulfing hers within his grasp. Sheila said you were here, but we’ve been so busy this morning, I haven’t had time to welcome you personally.

    Jessica bit the inside of her mouth to keep from grinning and fixed her focus on the bridge of his nose, rather than what was above it.

    Thank you, Mr. Dolby. It’s good to be back. Oh, and the flowers are beautiful. Please give everyone my thanks.

    He smiled and pointed to her head. I see you got your stitches out.

    She fingered the edge of her hairline and the small scar that would soon be concealed with a new growth of hair.

    Yes. This morning. And I can’t say I was sorry to see them go.

    He patted his hair and then did a little two-step, as if shifting gears before moving on.

    I trust all was in order in your office when you returned.

    She tried looking at his chin instead of the fuzzy blond hair above his nose, but it was no use. No matter how hard she tried, her gaze kept moving back to the changes in Dolby’s appearance. When she met his gaze, she realized he was

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