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Lineage: The Technomage Archive, #2
Lineage: The Technomage Archive, #2
Lineage: The Technomage Archive, #2
Ebook348 pages5 hours

Lineage: The Technomage Archive, #2

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Ennd's Academy is under attack.


Ceril Bain is on the run, only a day after waking up from a coma and learning that he lost his arm and leg in battle. Terrorists armed with powerful magic are killing everyone around them, and Ceril's team barely escape with their lives. They go to the only place they think they can get some answers: Ceril's childhood home.

While there, an energy storm forms in the garden where Ceril found his Flameblade over six years ago and the team is transported back to Jaronya, the toxic world that almost killed them all three months before.


This time, though, Ceril and the others are helped by a friendly angel named Watcher. Despite this welcomed help, they are captured and imprisoned in the sentient city of Helia.


Meanwhile, Ceril's grandfather is having an adventure of his own. After the shocking revelation that Ennd's Academy's new headmaster was working with the home invaders who tried to kill him, Gramps is drawn back into a life he thought he had left behind. Someone who has stolen Gramps' former identity, the legendary demigod known as the Untouchable, and is impersonating him and performing atrocities in his name.


As he continues on his quest for answers, Gramps discovers just how much he has changed. Once a ruthless demigod with the power to create universes, he has worked at learning how to be an ordinary man. He now must decide who he wants to be: the all-powerful Untouchable of legend or the kind-hearted and soft-spoken grandfather of Ceril's childhood. 


No matter his choice, his and Ceril's lives will never be the same again.

PublisherB.J. Keeton
Release dateMay 31, 2015
Lineage: The Technomage Archive, #2

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    Book preview

    Lineage - B.J. Keeton

    Part One


    Blood spattered against the wall. Bone cracked and a jet of blood painted the stone corridor. The Untouchable pressed his foot harder against the Charon’s head and frowned as he dislodged his boot.

    It was a pity: she didn’t die as quickly as some of the others. There had been promise in her. It was a shame she had resisted him.

    Darl, I’m going to need you to go and find Shan. Let her know the situation, and do whatever you can to help her. I can handle myself here.

    Are you sure that’s a good idea? The young man’s voice cracked as he spoke. Good. That meant he was nervous—as he should be—when addressing his superior.

    Do you doubt me, Darl?

    The young man frowned.

    When I require your input, I will ask for it. Otherwise, remain silent. Or I will silence you. Are we understood?

    Darl’s frowned deepened. Yes. I am sorry, sir. It won't happen again.

    I know, said the Untouchable. Now, go find Shan—

    A rumble in front of them caused them to halt their advance. Immediately, the Untouchable's hand wrapped around the hilt of a sword as it materialized in his hand, its golden blade wrapped in brilliant purple-green flame. He held the weapon at his side, but not at rest.

    Darl, too, summoned his Flameblade, whose dim, blue-red aura was barely visible in the bright fluorescent light of the hallway. He didn't hesitate. The moment the Annuban security drone appeared in front of him, he leapt forward and slashed at the golem's jackal-shaped head.

    The golem raised its own weapon, a stone halberd, and easily blocked the attack. Darl was shaken by the impact, but recovered quickly enough to dodge the drone’s counterattack. He was lucky—if he had been slower, there would have been two of him.

    He charged again, this time attacking the golem's midsection. This time he met the Annuban’s fist and heard, more than felt, his ribs crack as the statue swung its axe once more.

    The blows had slowed him, and he was unable to move out of the way of the axe blade which should have neatly sheared off his right leg.

    The Untouchable had other plans, though.

    His purple-green Flameblade lodged itself solidly in the Annuban’s eye and disappeared as soon as its damage had been done.

    The sword materialized once again in the Untouchable’s hand, and he threw it once more at the robot. The weapon flew at the giant's midsection and rested there. Off-balance, the Annuban security drone reached for the sword and tried to extract the Flameblade.

    The Untouchable held his right palm out, and his arm glowed with bright green veins of energy as a surge of blackness slammed into the golem's face, knocking it backward. With his left hand, he gripped the hilt of the sword and held it steady as the machine fell and tore itself away from the weapon.

    These were once such beautiful and effective killers, Darl. Did you know that? The Untouchable gripped the Annuban’s feet and knelt down. The drone sat up weakly and reached a hand toward him, trying to grab him and crush him, but it was no use.

    In seconds, the drone disintegrated, and the microscopic machines that comprised it rushed toward the Untouchable—up his arm and into his mouth and nose. He breathed them in like air, swallowed them like water.

    After absorbing the nanites that had once been his enemy, he turned toward his advisor and plunged his own Flameblade into the young man’s leg. Darl screamed.

    That, said the Untouchable, "will heal. I will not save you again. Without another word, he continued down the hall.

    Chapter One

    Seriously, you guys, what’s going on out there? I’m trying to sleep. Ceril Bain rolled over in bed and tried to bury his face in the pillow.

    As he moved, pain shot through his body. He could hear noise outside his room. Sirens or alarms or something. He sat up awkwardly and braced himself with his good arm. Really, what’s going on?

    The door to his room burst open, and Saryn Bloom rushed inside. She was followed by Chuckie Tidwell close on her heels. Ceril’s vision was still blurry, but he could make out his team’s shapes well enough. Hey, guys, what’s up?

    Saryn ignored him and spoke directly to Chuckie. Harlo said that we shouldn’t hurt him if we’re careful. I figure we should try to fix some sort of sling out of the bed sheets? She spoke the last sentence like a question, as though she wasn’t sure about the idea.

    Saryn, I don’t know about that. If we—

    Guys? What are you talking about? Ceril asked.

    —get into trouble on the way out, Ceril’s a dead man.

    Not liking the sound of that, really, Ceril said. What’s going on? Why are we talking about me like I’m not here?

    Look, we don’t have a choice, do we? He can’t walk!

    Ceril looked down at himself. He pulled the sheet back and just stared. Honestly, he had forgotten about that. Until just then.

    He looked at his stump and pushed back tears. That was going to take some getting used to. He recalled the previous day’s conversation about his amputations, and he remembered his arm was missing, too.

    But he was propped up on it right now. How was he holding himself up if...

    He fell immediately onto his side and clanged his head against the rail of the hospital bed. His arm had just kind of...disappeared.

    You gotta watch yourself, boss, Chuckie told him. It’s gonna take you some time to get used to Conjuring your new arm and leg. It was the first thing either of them had said to him. He took advantage of it.

    Yeah, I know. I kind of forgot about it even being missing.

    And you were propped up on it? Saryn asked. On an involuntarily Conjured arm? That’s fantastic, Ternia! Saryn beamed at him, apparently forgetting for the moment that there was something important going on outside.

    Yeah, sure, whatever. What’s going on, guys? Ceril asked, not wasting any of their attention. He might lose it again at any moment. Are those sirens?

    Saryn and Chuckie looked at each other, and then Chuckie said, Ennd’s is kind of being attacked.

    Wait. What?

    The security drones are holding them back for the time being, Saryn said, but they won’t last long. There are just too many of them.

    Too many of who?

    Saryn and Chuckie looked at each other again. The Untouchable’s terrorists.

    Attacking Ennd’s? They’ll never be able to break through...

    They already have, Ceril. Chuckie said. We have to go. Headmaster Nephil—

    Nephil is headmaster now? Is that a good or bad thing?

    We’ll talk about this later, Ceril, Saryn said. This isn’t exactly the best time to discuss everything that happened while you were in a coma. We’re kind of in a rush here. Reminded of why they were in Ceril’s room in the first place, Saryn turned her attention back to Chuckie. Really, you’re going to have to carry him. Make a sling, and I’ll help him get in it. Carry him on your back, and there shouldn’t be much trouble.

    Easy for you to say. You’re not the one carrying your boss like he’s a backpack.

    Do I get a say in this? Ceril asked.

    Can you walk? Saryn answered.

    He looked down at his missing leg. No, but I can hop.

    Then no, you don’t get a say in this.

    Okay then, Chuckie said. Let’s get to it, boss. I’m gonna need you to move over a bit, all right? I need that sheet you’re on.

    Ceril did as he was told, and Chuckie stripped the bed. He wrapped the sheet around himself a couple of times and tied the corners together in an intricate knot. He then weaved his arms through the hole and wrapped himself once more. When he was finished, he looked like a giant baby who couldn’t figure out how to wear its diaper the right way.

    You look ridiculous, Ceril told him.

    Not as ridiculous as I’m about to, Chuckie said. Saryn, help him in.

    The sling strapped across Chuckie’s back didn’t look very sturdy to Ceril. But if it was either that or get killed in a terrorist attack, he’d do everything he could to make the ride easy on everyone. 

    When Saryn moved to his side, he shifted himself toward her. Saryn Bloom was a small girl, like most people from Yagh, but she was anything but delicate. Even so, Ceril hesitated at the edge of the bed before moving into her waiting arms. Are you sure you can hold me, Saryn?

    Good God, Ternia, really?

    It’s just...I mean...I’m a lot...bigger than you are, he stammered.

    She looked at Chuckie, who nodded at her as though he were consenting to something. She continued, "You’re not the only one of us who made it out of Jaronya, Ceril. Or through Blood Rites, either. Those angel people and their priest damn near killed all of us, yeah? The least the higher ups could do was let us pass."

    So you’re...

    Rited Agents of the Charonic Archive, yep. We did it, Chuckie said.

    Which means that, yes, Saryn continued, I can move you a couple of feet out of your bed. As she spoke, nanites rushed out of her pores and coated her arms. In just a couple of seconds, her pale skin had turned black as the nanites in her blood reinforced her limbs. So come on, Ternia. Get a move on. Terrorists, remember?

    An explosion sounded in the distance, as though the terrorists were reinforcing her request for urgency.

    When Ceril was secure in the sling on Chuckie’s back, Chuckie said, All right, you good, boss? Promise me you won’t blast me with that crazy new arm and leg of yours, okay? Just relax and enjoy the ride.

    Ceril chuckled. I’ll try, Chuckie. Yesterday, I woke up from a coma, and today, I’m running from terrorists. How relaxed can I get?

    To be fair, Saryn pointed out, Chuckie’s the one running from terrorists. Not you.

    Har har har, Ceril said and rolled his eyes. Just pick on the cripple. I understand. I see how it is.

    You are hardly a cripple, Ternia. Just you wait. From what Harlo and Doctor Saker have told us, you’re...

    I’m what? Ceril asked.

    She hesitated, then said, Well, you’re going to be just fine.

    Tell me that when we’re safe, okay? Oh, and by the way, Ceril added, where exactly are we going?

    You remember what we talked about yesterday? Saryn asked him.

    I think so. Some, at least.

    "Then you remember what we saw on the video, who we saw?"

    Gramps, said Ceril. His eyes welled up. It was Gramps who killed Swarley and Headmaster Squalt. Yeah.

    "So we thought that if he is this, umm, Untouchable somehow that we might...that we might..." Her voice trailed off.

    What Saryn’s trying to tell you, boss, is that we think we might find something useful if we, you know, investigate where he lived.

    "You mean where we lived, don’t you, Chuckie?"

    Kinda, yeah.

    Exactly, yeah, Ceril countered. So we’re going to Ternia?

    Saryn and Chuckie just nodded.

    To tear apart my grandfather’s house to see if he’s a terrorist. Do I have this straight?

    Ternia... Saryn began.

    Don’t call me that, Ceril said. Not now. Let’s just go before it’s too late, before something happens. How are we getting there? Ternia’s not exactly nearby.

    Harlo should be getting a shuttle ready downstairs, Saryn said. She went ahead and started prepping one for the trip while we came to get you.

    Then let’s get moving before someone sees us.

    Not the worst idea ever. Saryn, you take point and lead the way. Oh, and if you see any trouble behind us, boss, you let me know.

    Will do.


    The hallways in the medical wing of Ennd’s Academy were empty. Ceril didn’t know what to expect after being extracted, but he hadn’t expected the halls to be empty, not with all the alarms and sirens still blaring in the background.

    He supposed all the fighting was being done elsewhere, and no one would be seeking medical care until after it was all over and the Untouchable had been driven away. If the Untouchable was driven away.

    He recalled the images that Roman had shown him of the attack on Yagh’s Cernt Academy before he had left on the Jaronya mission. He remembered the flames coming out of the windows and the rubble that had, at one time, been spires similar to those at Ennd’s Academy.

    If the Untouchable and his goons were capable of that kind of destruction over six years ago, how much were they capable of now?

    We should probably hurry, Ceril said.

    You see something back there, boss? Chuckie asked.

    No, it’s not that. I just have a bad feeling about this.

    That’s odd. I feel all warm and fuzzy inside right now. Could go for a nice, hot cup of cocoa? You want one?

    That’s enough, boys, Saryn said. We’re almost to the elevators, anyway.

    Almost being the operative word.

    The trio rounded the last corner before the bank of elevators and saw that the medical wing was not actually empty. Saryn stopped and held up her hand.

    Almost immediately, Saryn began to backpedal. Chuckie must have noticed something, too, and followed suit.

    Umm, guys? Ceril asked. What’s going on?

    Shhhhh, Chuckie said.

    Lower this time, What’s going on? What’s up there?

    Saryn and Chuckie kept backing up until they were almost back at Ceril’s hospital room.

    They didn’t see us, Chuckie said.

    Who didn’t see us? Ceril asked.

    Saryn ignored Ceril. How do you know that?

    Because we’d be fighting them right now, Chuckie said. Or dead.

    Saryn nodded agreement. So what’s the plan now? We have to get past them somehow. Harlo’s waiting on us.

    Get past who? What in the nine hells are you two talking about?

    Guards, boss, and not the kind from our team, Chuckie whispered as he turned his head over his shoulder toward Ceril. Two of em, beside the elevators.


    So what’s the plan? Saryn said again.

    Did you notice if they were armed? Chuckie asked.

    I think we have to assume they are, Saryn answered. They’re probably Rited and have access to Flameblades like all the others.

    So it puts us on an even keel then, Chuckie said. You know, now that we’re Rited, too.

    Saryn nodded. Except for the fact that only one of us has a Flameblade, and it just so happens that same one of us is crippled.

    Hey, now, Ceril began, but stopped. She was right. He wasn’t going to be any use in a fight in his current condition. He might have been able to help before Jaronya, but right now, he was just about helpless. Chuckie, you can use my Flameblade if you want.

    I’d love to, boss, but I wouldn’t be any good with the thing, unbonded and all that. I’ll stick to what I know. He pulled a gun from its holster at his side. It wasn’t what anyone would consider a large gun, but it was bigger than a sidearm.

    Is that going to be enough? Ceril asked. Against two of the Untouchable’s soldiers?

    It’s going to have to be.

    Or at least it will have to be long enough for us to get in an elevator and escape.

    This may be a stupid question, Ceril said, but aren’t there stairs we can take to get down to where Harlo is?

    "You remember ever taking any stairs around here?" Saryn asked.

    Point taken, Ceril conceded. Sometimes the Charons could take their reliance on technology a bit too far. He’d have to discuss the school’s distinct lack of stairwells with Roman or Nephil if any of them made it out of this alive.

    Okay, so I think I have a plan, Chuckie said.

    What’s that? Saryn asked.

    We walk up to them and surrender.

    That’s a terrible plan, Chuckie, Ceril said.

    "Hear me out. We walk up, hands in the air and all that. They should not attack if we do that. Let me do the talking—"

    Someone save us, Saryn said.

    Chuckie scowled at her. Let me do the talking, he continued, and I’ll tell them that we want to join up with them, with the Untouchable, right? Now, here’s where everything is really going to require some coordination. Ceril, I’m going to make sure I stand within range of you being able to reach out and call the elevator. With you on my back, they shouldn’t be able to see what you’re doing. They’ll be too busy with their new recruits. When the elevator comes, we hop in, and we’re home free, yeah?

    No one said anything for a few seconds as they mulled it over.

    "Just be prepared to fight if anything goes wrong, Chuckie continued. It shouldn’t, but if it does, we just have to buy enough time for the elevator to come. That means that you absolutely have to press that button, boss. One way or another, you’ve got to get that elevator here. Okay? We all good with this?"

    I guess.


    Then we’re good, Chuckie said. Saryn, I still need you to lead, so they don’t notice Ceril back there. I’ll be right behind you, and remember to let me do the talking.

    She nodded. Here goes nothing.

    The trio stood up and walked around the corner, hands in the air, ready to surrender.

    Chapter Two

    The guards were dressed in a mixture of loose robes and light armor: flowing skirts covered their legs, while their torsos were armored by ornamented breastplates that seemed to shimmer in the dim light. Runes or sigils of some kind covered them, floating just a few inches from the clothing itself. Their heads were bulbous and featureless; they wore bullet-like helmets that obscured any view of the faces underneath.

    As Saryn, Chuckie, and Ceril rounded the corner and walked closer to them, the guards immediately stepped forward and summoned their Flameblades. The fiery auras flared immediately, and the swords’ purple glow matched the sheen of the guards’ armor perfectly and reflected off the blank helmets.

    On your knees, Charons, said one of them. The blank helmets not only kept anyone from knowing which guard spoke, but they also changed the voice, filtered it to sound more mechanical than human.

    Sure, sure, in just a second. We just want to talk, Chuckie said, stepping forward. He placed himself in front of Saryn, who did her best to not even look at Ceril swaddled on Chuckie’s back.

    We do not speak with your kind, Charon, said one of them. On your knees. The guards moved toward Chuckie. The left guard raised its sword and pointed it at Chuckie. The right one moved to the side and pointed the sword toward Saryn.

    Chuckie took a few more steps forward, which put him in range of the glowing, purple Flameblade. It was a risk he was going to have to take. Otherwise, Ceril would not be able to reach the call button for the elevator.

    Chuckie held his hands above his head as he circled the guards, keeping his back facing away from them.

    Like I said, we just want to talk—

    Like I said, one of the guards interrupted, we do not talk with Charons.

    That’s just it, Chuckie countered, we don’t want to be Charons anymore. We’re as fed up with the order as you guys are. We want to join up. We want to join the Untouchable.

    The guards turned their blank faceplates toward one another and then back toward Saryn and Chuckie. Why?

    Because, Chuckie said, inching around them, we’re tired of the way the order treats the world. They think they’re so great, sitting all high and mighty above everyone else.

    And are they not? goaded one of the guards.

    I thought they were, Chuckie said, when I was a kid. When I was recruited. But after my Rites, no. Not at all. And after we saw what you guys had done to Cernt—

    That was years ago—

    And Ferahgo Academy. In Bester? Chuckie continued as though he had not been interrupted. That’s when we knew you guys were the real deal, that the Charons were on the wrong side of this war.

    One of the guards stepped toward Chuckie, its blank mask making its objective unreadable. On your knees, Charon, it said, raising its Flameblade and pointing it at Chuckie’s chest.

    Yeah, yeah, Chuckie said. Sure, you got it. He crept back another inch or two as he spoke, but dropped to one knee as commanded. If things went as planned, that would put Ceril in range of the elevator call button.

    It has been a while since we recruited from the ranks of the Charons, the guard said. We will take you before the Untouchable, and he will decide your fate. You, the empty face turned toward Saryn, kneel as well.

    She complied and held her hands in the air. Of course.

    The other guard finally spoke. It said, Remove your gear.

    Saryn and Chuckie looked at each other, and Saryn nodded. She unstrapped the shoulder bag she was carrying and sat it delicately on the floor in front of her.

    The large one, too, the guard said, meaning Chuckie. He must remove his, too.

    Of course, yeah, Chuckie said. You got it. He reached toward his gun and very deliberately let the guards see him unstrap it and place it on the floor.  There ya go. Now, about meeting this Untouchable...

    And your other bag, said the guard. The one on your back. Remove it as well.

    Right, Chuckie said. About that... He hesitated. Maybe he could stall long enough for the elevator to come and they could scamper inside.

    Quickly, Charon. The guard’s Flameblade glowed brighter. Or you will be dealt with like the rest of your comrades.

    Uh huh, sure, Chuckie mumbled. Still no ding. Had Ceril been able to even reach the call button?

    The first guard raised its Flameblade and stood in an attack pose. You will discard your gear, or you will die, Charon. Make your decision.

    Chuckie sighed. Why did it always come down to this? He supposed that he couldn’t hide Ceril from them anymore, so he turned his head to the side and said, Any luck with the button, boss?

    From behind him: Too far away. I can’t reach it.

    Try harder. I think— Chuckie was interrupted by a Flameblade slashing downward at him. He dodged to the left, but didn’t realize just how encumbered he was carrying Ceril. The Flameblade barely missed him; its aura washed over him, though, and he felt a slight tingle everywhere it touched. —we’re in a bit of trouble.

    As Chuckie dodged the attack, Ceril reached out with his good arm for the elevator call. Chuckie’s movement should have placed him within range of it. And it did, but just for a second, and Ceril had missed his chance and didn’t stab the button—just the wall beside it. Chuckie couldn’t fight with him on his back, not for long anyway, so he took a risk.

    Reaching out with his left arm, he touched the button. The thing was, though, his left arm wasn’t there. A mass of blackness congealed midair and shot toward the call button. It slammed into the panel so hard that Ceril was worried that he had broken the device and ruined their chances of escape. He let the nanite arm dissipate, and for the moment, felt proud that he could control—if only barely—his new prosthetics. As the blackness disappeared, Ceril saw that the button actually had been pressed.

    The elevator was coming.

    Guys! It worked! It’s on the way!

    Good to know, boss, Chuckie replied. While Ceril had been working the button, Chuckie had reached his gun. As he spoke to Ceril, he was firing at the guards. Bolts were flying everywhere, but Ceril could see that both of the Untouchable’s guards were still standing.

    Each guard took a different target—one on Saryn and one on Chuckie. Saryn wasn’t much of a fighter, so Chuckie appeared to be doing his best to shoot at her attacker as often as he could. He was probably underestimating her, especially since she had been Rited, but it was probably easier for him to try to cover them both.

    The one attacking Saryn was rushing her with its Flameblade. The purple aura blended in perfectly with its flowing skirt and obscured the weapon’s exact position. The guard slashed downward at her, attempting to dissect her from the neck down.

    Saryn dodged to the left and kicked out as she did so. Her blow connected with the guard’s knee, and the blank-faced figure stumbled. Chuckie noticed the move and took the opportunity to shower the area with blaster bolts. One connected solidly in the guard’s back, which pushed it, Flameblade first, toward Saryn.

    She reacted by crossing her arms in front of her face. The nanites in her bloodstream rushed from her pores and solidified themselves

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