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Pages from the University de Sade Episode 14: Personal Growth
Pages from the University de Sade Episode 14: Personal Growth
Pages from the University de Sade Episode 14: Personal Growth
Ebook28 pages25 minutes

Pages from the University de Sade Episode 14: Personal Growth

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Ellie is made to masturbate so that Liz may know exactly how to unhinge her.

Release dateMay 22, 2015
Pages from the University de Sade Episode 14: Personal Growth

Alexander S. Bauer

I was abysmal at the kind of writing that gets you good grades in English classes, so I never wrote much until tenth grade, after my ninth grade teacher embraced my creativity. Since then I haven't been able to stop.The best way to describe myself would be complex. I lettered in two sports (Bowling and Baseball) in high school and captained two academic clubs (Science Olympiad and Math League. I'm a jock who likes to write, who watches Star Trek, who cares about LGBT issues and human sexuality. I'm a nerd that plays with legos and builds model railroads, but can also play sports. One day I'll read about psychology, then movies, then hockey, then history.I've written four full novels, a couple dozen short stories and somewhere around five hundred poems. As a writer I derive inspiration from Rowling, Orwell, Crichton, and a number of Star Trek novelists as well as every movie I've ever seen. I like fantasy, things that can't happen in real life, the creation of entire worlds in which both author and reader can immerse themselves. I like ambiguous characters, neither good nor bad. I like insidious heroes, bastards with hearts of gold, people that make you laugh and think at the same time.And I love to converse, so if you're like me, track me down somewhere and say hi.

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    Pages from the University de Sade Episode 14 - Alexander S. Bauer

    Pages from the University de Sade

    Episode 14: Personal Growth

    by Alexander S. Bauer

    Copyright 2014 Alexander S. Bauer

    Smashwords Edition

    License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're not reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for your support.


    Ellie traced her fingertips along Liz’s forearm, a belt of warmth wrapped around her body, his hand resting gently against her breasts. She’d begun her time at the University sleeping in her usual attire, a pair of airy shorts and an old tank top. Soon the tank top had given way leaving just the shorts. Then the shorts had turned to panties. Now she slept naked, as close to the boxer-clad Liz as she could possibly get.

    She felt him stir behind her, no doubt awakened by her subtle movements, his cock pressing into her like an iron baton trapped between them. He squeezed her beasts, his favorite part of her body if his constant gropes were any indication, and she leaned into him, allowing him to caress what he owned as he pleased.

    He was always touching her, whether it was cupping her breasts from behind while she sat at the computer, squeezing her ass when she passed by him in the room, or running his hands over her stomach or legs as they laid and watched movies together. But she never considered them to be intrusions, merely reminders, and in his touch there was as much a desire to simply be close to her as there was to use her as a sexual object.

    Liz kissed the back of her neck as he touched her, his free hand sliding downward and parting her thighs. They hadn’t done any bondage since he’d tied her up

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