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About this ebook

Frank Martin, a banker in NYC, was lucky to survive a car accident on New Year’s Eve and was promised three wishes - one each year – after survival. He could not remember why he speed away angrily from the party in White Plains and was actually dead for a few minutes.
Money cannot buy the love of the woman, he fell in love with and he was blind to the danger, which surrounded him, due to his actions.
Release dateMay 29, 2015

Abbie Christensen

The author was born in Germany but spend her childhood years in New Rochelle, New York. In 1991 after she had lived in Germany for many years, she visited her old home town and noticed many changes in this suburb of New York City.

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    A TYPICAL MAN - Abbie Christensen

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    A Typical Man


    A Typical Man

    @ 2015

    Abbie Christensen


    There are many songs included to intensify the feelings of the characters. If possible, you can click on the link and hear the song while reading. I have included the lyrics.

    It`s A Man's Man's World

    James Brown

    This is a man's world

    This is a man's world

    But it wouldn't be nothing, nothing

    Without a woman or a girl

    You see man made the cars

    To take us over the road

    Man made the train

    To carry the heavy load

    Man made the electric light

    To take us out of the dark

    Man made the boat for the water

    Like Noah made the ark

    This is a man's, man's, man's world

    But it wouldn't be nothing, nothing

    Without a woman or a girl

    Man thinks about a little bit of baby girls

    And a baby boys

    Man makes them happy

    'Cause man makes them toys

    And after man's made everything

    Everything he can

    You know that man makes money

    To buy from other man

    This is a man's world

    But it wouldn't be nothing

    Not one little thing

    Without a woman or a girl

    He's lost in the wilderness

    He's lost in bitterness

    He's lost

    3 Wishes

    As if traveling by a hushing express train, the thoughts were constantly changing their views in the mind of a young man taking a long curvy dark road home. Did he want to go home to his lonely apartment or should he turn around and return to the New Year’s Eve party, which he enjoyed until a fateful moment? He felt furious and jealous of the man who kissed his girlfriend before midnight, when it was allowed and could still visualize her surprised face as she noticed he appeared. Was he acting like a child? She probably thought so, and why should he ruin his relationship of two years because of a kiss? A kiss? What did this kiss mean? Should he forgive his loved one of two years for whom he moved to New York, leaving behind his farm and parents in the Midwest? She stole his heart and therefore, he had no choice but to follow her to the east coast.

    Ben Arnold decided to turn around on the dark road at the next possible right turn and slowed down his old car. He drove off the main road and could not believe what appeared out of the dark bushes, only visible through the bright light of the full moon still laughing down onto earth with all its fools. A terrible sight frightened him as he neared the car wreck and saw the blood stained white shirt of an unconscious young man. Was he dead? As he approached the seemingly lifeless man he heard a loud explosion in the sky, was frightened and thought at first, someone was shooting at him. He fell to the ground, covering his head, until he noticed the colorful lights of the firework exploding nearby which brought back his senses, and he knew what to do.

    After feeling the pulse of the man to see if he was alive, he took out his mobile phone and tried to call the ambulance, which was naturally not so easy at midnight where everyone wanted to wish their loved ones a Happy New Year. At last, he got through, and after waiting impatiently for what seemed like an hour, they finally arrived. Now they could take over the responsibility for the life of this half dead man so that he could hurry back to wish his girlfriend a happy New Year.

    The ambulance men carried the injured man into their truck in which the first-aid doctor plugged his heart frequency onto the machine and checked all fatal injuries. Shortly after viewing the waves on the display, the heart stopped beating. The man died. The white shirt turned increasingly red from the bleeding wound, which first had to be stopped and they then prepared the use of the electrical shocks to bring his heartbeat back.

    His soul traveled through the long tunnel with the blinding light at the end, as so many people have already explained after the electrical shock brought them back to life. Frank Martin hallucinated, speaking to an angel who he met in a foggy environment, like the riverbed on an autumn morning, where you can only hear the big hungry birds crying.

    I don’t want to die, Frank screamed within, standing next to his lifeless body, sliding into oblivion, looking down on earth and then at the translucent form next to him. He felt desperate and his only thought was to delay his death as long as possible. It seemed as if he screamed at an angel, explaining him that he was not yet ready to die and wishing to remain alive in order to live a better life, then there was still so much to discover.

    His wish was fulfilled as his soul returned to his lifeless body and his angel promised him much more - he would get three more wishes, one every year.

    You think that there have not been enough fulfillments in your life? If I give you a second chance, you will live more intensive and enjoy life more than up to now?

    You can have your life back and even more. I will give you three wishes, which you should choose wisely. One you can speak out now, the next one in one year at this time and the last one a year later. Therefore, you have a lot of time to choose your wishes logically and not make any mistakes. What has been your biggest dream or what have you wanted most in your life, which would make you happy? Without thinking long, the answer shot out of his mouth as a bullet out of a gun. A lot of money: I want to get very rich, then money makes the world go round and you can buy anything you want, was his answer. Already as a child he dreamed about being a rich man and living in a villa with a swimming pool and a beautiful wife.

    First wish

    The electrical shocks brought his heart back to function and after a few seconds of death, Frank was alive again. However, he was in a coma and in a very bad condition. They carefully rolled his heavy bed into the intensive station after the operation, where the doctors did their best to save his life. Will he live or will he die?

    Amazingly, and to his doctor’s surprise, he woke up after two days. A lawyer showed up after finding out his whereabouts and although it was January 2, he had to work and inform the sick man of his inheritance, as well as the death of his aunt. Frank got sad hearing the bad news but after finding out what he inherited, it was more endurable. Was this his first wish that came true? Did his aunt have to die in order to fulfill his wish? Her sudden death was due to a heart attack so he could stop thinking it was his fault.

    The recovery took a few months and he could not wait to go back to work so that he could invest some of his fortune in the stock market on Wall Street and multiply his money.

    His colleagues in the bank in Manhattan were all glad to see him again. As usual he commuted by train and subway from New Rochelle, a suburb. He has done that already so long, that it became a morning routine although sometimes after work he would stay overnight in a hotel in the city, whenever he picked up a woman in the bar near his bank.

    In New Rochelle, he lived in a small house in the south end that belonged to his aunt, who had more houses in Westchester County, which she inherited from her rich stepfather. She also bought many gold stocks that were now worth a fortune with an upward tendency. Actually, he hardly ever visited his aunt because he was too busy living his own life as a single and following his ambition and fulfilling his longings – if you know what a young man yearns for.

    Hey Frank. What did you do to yourself, you look horrible, laughed his colleague Peter Jones, who missed him the most because they usually went out together after work to the bar nearby, usually finding a woman for a One-Night-Stand. This practice seemed typical for the working force of these successful young people in the city that never sleeps -as often was said-, not just by men, but also women with a successful job, none of them wanting to lose their freedom to do as they wish. Frank already brought his small suitcase in case he spent the night in the city, as he has already done pretty often. He contemplated moving to Manhattan now that he was a rich man and started searching in the newspaper and internet.

    However, the person most joyous about his return was his colleague Barbara Sutan, who hurried to be the first person at work to welcome her beloved Frank back in order to let him know, how relieved she was to hear that he survived a terrible car accident. Frank, it is so nice to see you again. I am so glad that you are back healthy and I really missed you, she gave him a kiss on his cheek but he quickly turned away. His eyes met those of Peter and they communicated without words as if to say, she was nerving him again. That hurts so much.

    Barbara hoped that he would now change his ways after experiencing such a horrible crash and she would be more accepted; that he changed his cold treatment and learned to be more loving, thanks to having a second chance on life. However, he was the old Frank, as always. What did you do to your hair? he asked surprisingly with a horrifying expression as if she did something wrong. Don’t you like my new hairstyle? She whispered shyly now that her built up courage to greet him disappeared and as usual, since she started loving him, she felt as small as a mouse. Without an answer, he turned to the next colleague who came along to greet him.

    Barbara returned to her desk and served her eager customers successfully because she did a good job and had a good hand helping bank customers to invest their money in the right places. Now and then, she looked shyly with red cheeks at the desk further up where Frank worked, then seeing him made her blood pressure rise. He was also a good banker serving his customers to invest their money in the right stocks, as well as his own. He did not need to consult any other colleagues.

    After work, Peter convinced Frank to go out to the bar around the corner and naturally all his friends there were glad to see him again. He explained what happened on New Year’s Eve, although for some reason, he could not remember why he was frustrated when he left the party in White Plains to drive home although he had already drunk a lot of alcohol. On the way home on the dark curvy street he drove too fast and lost control of his vehicle, which flew like a racket over some bushes and landed on the field. He must have had a guardian angel, because if the driver of the other car had not found him in the dark, he probably would have died due to the loss of a lot of blood. Thanks to this man, - he did not know his name; the ambulance came and saved his life. He was even dead for some time and saw this bright light at the end of a long tunnel. He told the barkeeper that he would give out a round to all the people here because he felt so happy to be alive.

    Barbara arrived at this moment and was not sure, if she could count herself as one of his friends, now being treated to a free drink. Her goal was to convince Frank to love her because he was always in her head and without him, she could not be happy. Actually, she felt so miserable that sometimes she would have liked to die to stop all that pain deep in her heart. Besides, now that she has reached 30, she needed to hurry up to get children soon, before it will be too late. She looked at him with her watery blue eyes then she still had to overcome her pain from the morning, when he treated her so unfriendly. Practically every word he says to her breaks her heart.

    She was one of the best in all her classes at school and her mother worked hard to enable her to go to college. Her father drank a lot and spent most of his earned money for alcohol; often he beat her mother, who worked as a cleaning woman, because she did not give him any of hers. Her fiancé Bob Dempsey was exactly like her father and she was lucky to get away from this aggressive man before he killed her. The day his beating brought her to the hospital was the day her reason finally woke up and she left him. She hated all men until she met Frank and then love settled again in her heart, but it takes two. Maybe it would be better to remain unconcerned in life to all around you.

    After learning hard at all her schools, she got this good job in the bank -accomplishing what many other women hardly do. She should be happy that she had reached her goal and had a good salary, but was unhappy because she fell in love with this playboy, Frank. Maybe it would have been better for her if he had died in the car accident. Would she feel liberated and finally lose those chains that lock all her thoughts and soul to a man, who does not care at all about her?

    She has never been in bed with him because he made the rule not to go to bed with any colleagues. Therefore, maybe if they did not work together, she might have the chance of feeling his warm body near hers and enjoying his embrace? She knew him well, this Casanova! Playboy! Macho! All you needed were your eyes wide open to see what kind of man he was, always looking sexy with those dark brown eyes, sporty masculine body and charming smile, with which he could get any woman he wanted to go home with him. He took them to the hotel around the corner and enjoyed his nights with different women, which she had to accept and could not do anything against it. Why does love hurt so much?

    Frank caught the eyes of a beautiful woman at the end of the bar, stopped abruptly talking to Peter, and left the crowd behind in order to talk to this expectation for a hot and sexy night. Hello. I am Frank. Are you new here? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you here before. That might sound elementary but it usually worked. He raised his beer glass to hers. I’m Mary, nice to meet you. You are the one who has been missing a long time. I have already been here a couple of weeks. She was happy to see a new face because

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