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Mojo Junction: A Walk Among the Spirits
Mojo Junction: A Walk Among the Spirits
Mojo Junction: A Walk Among the Spirits
Ebook210 pages37 minutes

Mojo Junction: A Walk Among the Spirits

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An exploration of a mysterious wooded area recently made accessible to the public with an extensive collection of photographs of jaw-dropping mist and orbs. A walk into what just might be a connection to the supernatural.
Release dateMay 29, 2015
Mojo Junction: A Walk Among the Spirits

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    Mojo Junction - S. L. Yasinski


    November 2013

    It all started with a short walk. Late afternoon on Thanksgiving Day 2013 my partner, Avory Gray, and I decided to check out a newly constructed apartment complex about 15 minutes from our condo. Leasing had recently started and we were curious. There is also a small public park sitting between two of the apartment buildings. The land this complex is constructed on was an inaccessible fairly large area of very old growth. The park is what is left of this old wooded area. Again we were curious.

    The park is right off a sidewalk. As the map shows you enter the park by way of a small path that curves left then slightly right into a sort of oval. There is only one way in and out and the entire walk around the park takes about 10 minutes from the sidewalk and back. If you walk around the oval you’ll pass a singular park bench and the weirdest trees you have ever seen in your life. They twist and turn in different directions. There is a tree with swirling branches and a forked tree that reaches so high into the sky you can’t see where it ends. The feeling is one of unease and a vortex comes to mind. That is what we came to call the park, The Vortex, and we were to visit it often from now on. We returned the next day with our camera, a Sony Cyber Shot DSC-W650.

    On November 29, 2013 we took our first photos at the Vortex. We just wanted to document the strange trees. We also documented our first orb. Neither of us were into orbs and orb hunting. We both had a mild interest in things off the beaten path. Maybe an article read or a television program watched about the paranormal and so forth but nothing of any consequence.

    1 - 11-29-2013 Vortex

    2 - 05-17-2014 Forked Tree

    3 - 03-29-2014 Swirly Tree

    4 - 11-29-2013 First Blur

    5 - 11-30-2013

    6 - 11-30-2013 1st Orb

    7(6) - 11-30-2103 1st Orb

    A few words before we get started. The photos are numbered chronologically for the most part and are the images as the camera took them. Avory enhanced the contrast in Photoshop in some of the images to better bring out the details. When you see a number in parenthesis it refers to the number of the photo from which that enlargement was taken. Only enlargements and, on occasion, contrast adjusted photos will have numbers in parenthesis.

    We took thousands of photos at the Vortex and can provide you with only a handful in this book. Please visit our website to see more photos. There are over a thousand photos on the website.

    We stayed on the path on every walk we took through the Vortex. It was dark during most of our visits and there is no light back there. There is a fairly sharp drop-off down to a creek if you go past the park bench. Now to December 2013. It gets good

    December 2013

    We started taking walks to the Vortex after dinner. It was dark in there but there was enough light to stay on the path. We took flashlights but didn’t need them. The apartment building on the right is close so we felt fairly safe. On December 2nd we saw the blue orb, photo 1 in the following December 2013 photos. Now we wanted to know more about orbs so we took to the Internet.

    The naysayers claim orbs are particles of dust, dirt or pollen. Raindrops too.

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