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She Talks To Ghosts
She Talks To Ghosts
She Talks To Ghosts
Ebook24 pages22 minutes

She Talks To Ghosts

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About this ebook

Gina communicates with ghosts better than she communicates with people. Even her first love affair was with a ghost from another dimension. One day she is drawn to a beautiful spirit who happens to be undead. But why can’t this spirit stay within the confines of its own body, like the other living humans? Why does it seem to be missing a piece? Gina is determined to understand this spirit, who turns out to be more important than she expected. Follow Gina into a tale of love and loss as she revives memories, heals hearts and helps to balance the elements.

PublisherLacey Reah
Release dateMay 24, 2015
She Talks To Ghosts

Lacey Reah

Lacey Reah has worked as a teacher, a fitness and yoga guru, a healer, an actress and a writer. She has traveled the globe, living in major cities such as Manilla, Sydney, Los Angeles and New York; working odd- ended jobs such as retail sales and being a paid psychic. Wherever she went, she has taken the opportunity to track every key point of her life and document it. So much has happened in her life and with heavy bouts of sleep paralysis that it is difficult to discern the reality from the fantasy. She is on a lifetime search for truth.

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    She Talks To Ghosts - Lacey Reah

    She Talks To Ghosts

    Copyright © 2015 Lacey Reah

    Smashwords Edition

    Gina talked to ghosts. She wasn’t aware of it, but it was obvious she liked them. They liked her too—maybe because she wasn’t frightened, nor did she question their existence or who they were. They were just always there, and she never bothered to tell anyone about them. She accepted them, and they accepted her.

    She spent recess and lunchtime in the school library taking in the world of stories around her. The words were just as real to her as the people who walked by her every day, just as genuine as her ghosts. She never bothered to socialize. She kept to herself. Some children thought Gina was mute, but they didn’t seem bitter about it. Her silence brought no malice from her schoolmates. It was as if the ghosts covered her with their invisibility and protected her from any attention she didn’t want. They knew she didn’t want to be seen, so she wasn’t. This way she could go about her business without being bothered, without having to speak, without having to socialize with anyone but them.

    To Gina, the ghosts were more real than the people. They were closer to her. They often floated by smiling, making little comments the way only ghosts can—not with their mouths or voices, for they didn’t have any, but with their souls. She would respond the only way she could. It was a talent of hers no one else could comprehend. Gina could communicate with them, and any live person who saw her would have no clue, for she didn’t use her voice either. She shared something with the specters, something she latched onto; something she never forgot when she was born into the material world.

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