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Ebook53 pages39 minutes


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On New Year’s Day, Ramona visits a shrine in Tokyo, Japan with her cousins and Grandma. After she unknowingly takes a shrine offering, they fall under a curse turning them into spirits! In order to become humans again, they must complete three good deeds before sunset. However, not all spirits are out to help them. The clock is ticking in this fast-paced, funny, and heartwarming novelette.

Release dateJun 26, 2015

Phil Garbrecht

Phil Garbrecht's mission is to provide value for family audiences. A writer of screenplays, books, content, copy, and more, his work has been watched or read by millions of people. Visit to connect.

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    Kamigami - Phil Garbrecht



    Phil Garbrecht

    Copyright © 2018 Phil Garbrecht. All rights reserved.

    Published by Phil Garbrecht at Smashwords.

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Dedicated to my family

    Table of Contents

    Part One: The Curse

    Part Two: The Boy Without a Bike

    Part Three: The Lost Necklace

    Part Four: The Runaway Girl

    Part Five: The Judgment

    Part Five: The Blessing

    About the Author

    Part One: The Curse

    It was New Year's Day and Ramona, her mother, and father were visiting family in Tokyo, Japan. There was unbearable bickering in the red townhouse as Ramona’s parents fought with her aunt and uncle about whose recipes to use in tonight's dinner feast. Wanting to escape the crazy eight person house for a while, Grandma San swept Ramona and her cousins Yumi and Taro onto a train, to visit a shrine and pray for blessings in the new year.

    Ramona was a shy, twenty-four-year-old illustrator who grew up in Japan and moved to the U.S. at ten. Twenty-two-year-old programmer Yumi had the style of a punk-rocker and a serious personality. Yumi fought with everyone, but especially with her bowl-cut brother Taro, who was a nineteen-year-old waiter and quite silly. Grandma San was a sweet, spry, seventy-year-old widowed homemaker. They all had no idea that they were about to become spirits.

    Are we there yet?! asked Taro loudly on the crowded train. Ramona and Yumi stood nearby him as Grandma San was resting in her seat.

    Shut up, Taro, said Yumi. Try not to be annoying. Yumi then bumped Taro with her shoulder. He stumbled backwards, into Ramona and a few other people.

    Ouch, replied Ramona. Watch what you're doing, Yumi!

    Ramona sighed. Exchanges like this one were becoming more common among her family members in recent years. As a kid, Ramona hadn't noticed family fighting that much, probably because her parents tried better to hide it then. But as she and her cousins got older, they and their parents seemed to have less patience for each other. The only person who hadn't changed was Grandma San, and Ramona looked up to her highly for that reason. This family holiday was supposed to be a happy time, but Ramona was just glad it would end tomorrow.

    Don't worry, said Ramona. Today is the last day we have to put up with each other.

    You might not know it now, but you'll miss these days, said Grandma San sweetly.

    Ding-Ding! The train slowed to a stop as they arrived at Harajuku Station. Everyone filed out of the grey subway corridor into a wonderful park area surrounded by trees. This place was known as Yoyogi Park and it was like an oasis of nature in

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