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Love and the City
Love and the City
Love and the City
Ebook223 pages2 hours

Love and the City

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About this ebook

Martha lives in a small town and her biggest dream is to work as librarian, when fate suddenly gives her a lifetime opportunity – she goes on the internship as a journalist in one of the largest newspapers in the country! Her first task is to reveal the machinations of the well-known businessman Victor Oaker, suspected of numerous crimes. But what to do when the unexpected feeling happens, and the suspect becomes her beloved? Will Martha be able to unravel Victor’s mystery and prove his innocence?

Release dateJun 1, 2015
Love and the City

Jessie Valetta

I’m writing interactive stories from many years, but creation of stories of any kind interests me from almost childhood. I developed dozens of different games, tabletop and computer ones, but the most pleasant project was preparation of script for popular PC game "The Witcher", sold around the world in four million units. It was always fascinated me a simple question: "What would have happened if I had chosen / selected differently?". Have you ever wondered what would happen if you were in some key moments in your life decided otherwise? Or if your favorite book hero went to the left and not the right? Or maybe he killed the princess and married a dragon (well, it is rather unlikely)? While it is difficult to live your life again, you can decide about the proceedings and decisions of others. This may become even through interactive stories that you'll find on my webpage under the joined title "Unfinished Stories".

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    Love and the City - Jessie Valetta


    FB: myunfinishedstories


    All rights reserved

    Copyright by Jessie Valetta 2015

    ISBN: 978-83-941669-6-0

    Dear Reader!

    You hold in your hand the world's first interactive story in which YOU can shape the course of the story. After reading a piece of text you can decide what will happen to the characters, choose what they should do, and what to give up. Are their lives turn out happily? It's up to you!

    Our heroine is Martha, recent graduate of journalism, who lives in a small town in the south of the country. Has just received an offer to work as a librarian at the local school, but in her dream she sees the lights of the big city...

    As few days passed from this memorable evening , but still I can’t pick up myself. I’m just not able to understand why a man whom I loved, and with whom I associated a common hope and happy future could do something like THAT?! I can’t describe what I felt before... before THIS, but the word closest to my soul at this time was happiness. Yes, this state of heart, when you are finally sure that you’ve found the man of your life – this only one who never betray you, which support you in harsh time and bring you flowers to your work at no reason...

    And just when I’ve touched this state, Ian fucked another girl.

    My long time friend Joan…

    I sit alone at home and this shitty situation brings me just to howl in despair! This asshole called me regularly by whole afternoon, then pounded to the door, but I pretended that I’m not here. But in fact I was hidden in the bedroom, under the covers, swallowing tears of anger, despair and grief. By mind's eye I see Joan, when she gives him deep, wet kiss, and then they laughs from my stupidity and good heart...


    After a long time I was able to pick up myself enough to call Annette, my best friend. Two bottles of my favorite wine (YOSSA V.S.O.P. 1995) are lying in the cabinet; I want to drink a few glasses and talk with… someone. Finally, there is a duty of friends of the heart after all, right? But of course they are never at hand when are most needed!!! Annette ’s phone was stubbornly silent, so I decided that I drink alone – I need some alcohol, especially today. I stood along the cabinet, thinking about the choice of the appropriate glass, when my eyes fell on a pile of letters, thrown carelessly on the fridge – apparently my roommate emptied mailbox and left my part at the agreed place. She always puts my letters on the refrigerator, while I’m leaving her correspondence under the mirror. But do I really want to view them now? If I skip it until tomorrow, today will be one bad news less. A few weeks ago I replied to an advertisement for an internship. It was a very large and well-known newspaper, and probably they troubled themselves to send me a negative note, in which in polite words they wished me the great successes in career development – unfortunately not with them... I’m not in mood today for another defeat. I prefer to drink some wine and think about my future carrier as provincial school librarian. Well, but if... if they not refused me? What then?! Am I really ready to go to the big city, to begin new life?

    I'll have a glass of wine, and the mail can wait until tomorrow

    I’m going to Immediately check correspondence

    I take out a bottle from the cabinet and slowly pour the wine into the glass, savoring it color, texture and bouquet, and finally a beautiful, harmonized taste. Hmm, maybe enough of that? Whom you are trying to deceive, poor girl? After all, you can’t distinguish the harmonized taste from any other. I just like this wine, so there's no sense to feign the sommelier. At the end of the first bottle wine it’s really outstanding, but when I opening second one, the thoughts about Ian suddenly grasps me again, and memories are coming back with a painful force! I remember that I tried to call Annette again, crying into the phone on the whole damn world, and then... I think I went to bed?


    I’m nervously searching through the mail – outdated greetings, gas bill, bank note... Yes, that’s it! Elegant envelope with logo of mine newspaper! I tear paper rapidly, my hands shakes, so I have problems with decipher the letter. Madam! Thank you for your application... Come on, come on! We are happy to welcome you on a three-month internship...

    My emotions are so high that I’m just sitting on the floor. They took me for an internship! So all my sleepless nights and my dreams – spells almost! – finally have a chance to meet!

    I'm leaving from here!!!


    I wake up in the morning with a terrible headache and a horrible hangover. Well, I drank yesterday two bottles of wine... I am moving slowly to the kitchen, and then, still almost blind from pain, swallow aspirin, strong painkiller and a sedative, then, ignoring the protests of the stomach, sip it all with milk. I remember vaguely that I had something to do today… but what? Go out? Well, of course – check the mail! I’m nervously searching through the leafs of paper – outdated greetings, gas bill, bank note... Ach, it is! Elegant envelope with logo of mine newspaper. I tear it rapidly, my hands are shaking from emotions, so I have problems with decipher the letter. Madam! Thank you for your application... Come on, come on! We are happy to welcome you on a three-month internship...

    My emotions are so high that I’m just sitting on the floor. They took me for an internship! So all my sleepless nights and my dreams – spells almost! – finally have a chance to appear!

    I'm leaving from here!!!


    Well, but when I have to be there? I look back to the letter – the day after tomorrow?! But I do not even have a place to stay, and besides that, what I have to wear?! It's a great newspaper and I need to look absolutely professional, not as provincial librarian! I’m turning upside down all my wardrobes, but except clothes good enough for barbecue or countryside disco I can’t find absolutely NOTHING! In desperation I grab the phone and call Annette, begging her in my soul to be somewhere nearby at this time. And she is, thanks to the God!

    – Well, sweet, you will not believe what happened! – I’m triumphantly declaring the good news. Just after an hour of conversation our plan of action begins to be more clear. Annette has a sister, with whom I will stay for some time, and tomorrow we go for a round over shops to supply my wardrobe. I want to start a new chapter in my life – with a clean sheet and... without Ian.


    Well, so when I'm supposed to be there...? I look back to the letter – the day after tomorrow?! But I do not even have a place to stay, and besides that, what I have to wear?! It's a great newspaper and I need to look absolutely professional, not as provincial librarian! I’m turning upside down all my wardrobes, but except clothes good enough for barbecue or countryside disco I can’t find absolutely NOTHING! In desperation I grab the phone and call Annette , begging her in my soul to be somewhere nearby at this time. And she is, thanks to the God!

    – Well, sweet, you will not believe what happened! – I’m triumphantly declaring the good news.

    – I know very well – she interrupts me with cold voice. – Yesterday you’ve recorded on my cell a few minutes of drunken gibberish, something about internship in the newspaper. Now I understand from your tone that it was a positive message – because yesterday it was hard for me to judge.

    I accept her malice stoically, without commenting them even without a single word – apparently sedative is working. Just after an hour of conversation our plan of action begins to be more clear. Annette has a sister, with whom I will stay for some time, and tomorrow we go for a round over shops to supply my wardrobe. I want to start a new chapter in my life – with a clean sheet and... without Ian.


    It was really crazy raid around malls, but I’ve hunted two pretty good jackets. Packed in only three suitcases, I’m saying goodbye to Annette and after a few hours of train journey landing in the capital. My flat is located far away on the outskirts, but is clean and nicely decorated, and Karina, my roommate and Annette ’s sister, seems to be pleasant and kind girl. Quite good beginning, I said to myself, dressing up in a new jacket, bought especially for the first day to work. It is true that it is only an internship, but I hope to that after it I’ll get a real job and stay here for longer than initial three months. Following Karina’s advice, I left home in advance, adding time for traffic jams. Fortunately I’m arriving on my destination at time (still a lucky day!), as headquarters of the newspaper are located at office building in the center of the city. Along with a few other people I’m going into the elevator and the doors had already started to close, when at the last moment high, slightly breathless woman ran to it. Everyone instinctively moved away from her, as she looks not as woman, but the fiery lightning. Fury bursts through her body, from the tips of high heels to the mane of fire-red hairs, which curls around her face – even pretty, but now contorted in a grimace of rage. She turned on her heel to the door, showing all people around how tires her even this temporary company; her movement was so violent that workbooks she kept scatters on the floor of the elevator. The woman turns furiously on our side, then looks straight at me.

    – Well, what are you standing there, you idiot?! – yells at me furiously. – You scattered it, so be kind to gather now!

    I collect and give her workbooks

    I refuse

    Her anger have almost physical impact on me. Without a word of protest I’m collecting scattered papers, and then giving them to flaming fury. She measures me with scornful eyes, then smiles contemptuously and turns to the door, no longer gracing me with her attention. I stand like paralyzed, almost afraid to breathe. The elevator stops at the next floor and now we are only two in it. In my head borns terrifying suspicion: have we going to the same floor? Well, the elevator panel illuminates only one digit. And it means... it means that we will work together in the same company. With all the strength I’m trying to keep a straight face – how nicely my work begins! Or maybe I’ll leave it all, turn around and go home? I will probably have to work with this harpy every day. Oh God, what if she is my boss?!

    I take a grip and go on higher floor

    Waiting until she gets off, then back on the ground floor

    – I'm sorry, but I didn't do anything – I answer proudly, looking her straight in the eye. – Unfortunately you've got to collect it herself...

    If looks could kill I would lie already on the floor of the elevator, turned into a pile of smoldering ash. Woman looks at me with red fury in her

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