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Blood Dance (Blood Dance #1)
Blood Dance (Blood Dance #1)
Blood Dance (Blood Dance #1)
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Blood Dance (Blood Dance #1)

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Valentine's Day is just not what it seems. Two friends long ago discovered their deep dislike for the lovey dovey holiday, Now they realize it holds much more meaning then frilly hearts, love and chocolates when a party leads them to a bloody fun house and a demon that's been around since the dawn of time...

PublisherA.R. Von
Release dateFeb 12, 2015
Blood Dance (Blood Dance #1)

A.R. Von

A.R. is an animal lover who was born and raised in Bronx, NY and is the oldest daughter of two girls. She holds an Associate’s Degree in Computer Science and Information Technology, which was only briefly used. She’s a mother of two entertaining boys (as well as a large menagerie of pets, all of which she considers her babies.) She’s also a wife to a delightfully handsome, amazingly supportive and outrageously funny man-beast who wants nothing more than to see her dreams thrive. A.R. loves tattoos as well as anything dragon and fantasy related. In her free time, she enjoys playing with her babies, exercising, writing, listening to music, hiking, cooking, dancing and reading. She also loves a great adventure in and out of a book! She writes to free her mind of its constant wandering and clutter. She thrives on the fact she can share it with readers that have the same passion for a great escape from everyday life. She also loves to hear from her reader's and chat away, so feel free to reach out to her any time.

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    Blood Dance (Blood Dance #1) - A.R. Von


    No one knows the real history and reasoning behind Valentine’s Day.

    Okay, maybe there are a few out there who know the real truth. But these people are really not people at all. To tell you the truth, they’re beings that no one who needs food, water and oxygen to live would ever want to meet in a dark alley.

    Humans—those delicate beings, which could die with the snap of a neck do not have this knowledge. The dark entities that do know these secrets have kept them within their circles for millennia.

    What sort of dark beings are we talking about here? I’m afraid you’ll not be told about any of them here and now, other than one. The one and only entity which is still celebrated cherished and coveted on this planet…this plane.

    You see humans as well as other beings have a variety of holidays they celebrate. There are birthdays, Christmas, Easter, Halloween and so many others within all cultures and walks of life on earth. The one you’re to concern yourself with for now, is known to all as the one and only holiday that is full of love, sex, gifts and a ton of history…Valentine’s Day.

    There are many stories to how Valentine’s Day started and even who started it. The most popular one is the story of St. Valentine, a priest that married people in secret. Why is that such a big deal? Well, at the time of these occurrences, marriage was banned completely. Long story short, the priest was eventually found out and put to death for doing what he felt was right. All that the priest did was all being done to benefit the soldiers of that time period. It’s a sad story really.

    Another story of Valentine’s Day roots that was spread far and wide is of a young man named Valentine. A young man who was in prison for helping persecute Christians. This man fell in love with his jailors blind daughter, and it’s said, he restored her sight. I’m not sure about the order of the two, what I do know is love did not prevail in this tale. He was executed. But before his execution, he sent out a letter to his beloved which he signed ‘Love, your Valentine’.

    So many more stories are out there and each holds a very small bit of truth. That’s all except for thee one, the one and only true story of Valentine and its origin. Yes, you read right. Its origin.

    You see, Valentine is not a human, a saint, a fae being or an angel. Nothing like any of those delightful, happy ending, good representing beings. No, Valentine was born from darkness, in darkness, lives, breathes, bleeds darkness and releases nothing but darkness, death and destruction.

    The truth of it is, Valentine is a demon. A wicked and evil demon who has roamed the earth, right beneath all of our noses for hundreds of life times, a seductress of sexes and taker of lives. A bringer of death, hatred and fornication.

    Valentine does not represent love. It—the being—represents death, destruction, horror and finality. There’s nothing positive about Valentine, not to humans and their lives. Not to anything or anyone good and pure.

    It can take on any form it wishes, this demon known as Valentine. It can come to you as a male, female, animal, even the freaking Easter bunny if that is what it desired. But that’s beyond the point here.

    For over a thousand years, Valentine has had a secret coven, a clan if you wish, in which followers help to make Valentine even stronger by bringing in people to celebrate this false holiday of love. A private party promising good times is usually the hook, line and sinker.

    Once the humans get a small taste of the free feeling and sensuality Valentine can give. It then entices the humans by making small promises, laying out various temptations that make humans weak, causing them to cave in to temptation. To give up all that is them, their heart and soul to Valentine and only Valentine.

    It’s so easy for the demon to gain followers with the small promises of wealth, a girl, a man desired, long existence, a fantasy come to life, even a dream home or a trip back in time. It all depends on the individual, the follower and their worth to Valentine. What none of them knows is; most of the people who have been brought into this celebration will never come back out, never receive what was promised to them. Those little sheep, those followers are what in truth strengthens Valentine and is what has kept it alive throughout time, death.

    Death is what gives it power.

    It requires the heart of its victims along with the very soul within the body. Valentine tortures, mutilates, plays with, and then ingests them like it’s nothing and continues to live on and on...

    Here’s just one tale, one small story of an instance of Valentine and its following at work. Please do not continue if you dislike kinky sex, gore, violence and moonshine…


    The Beginning Of The End…

    Everything is red, freakin pink and all heartsy. Everywhere! It’s driving me insane. Stacey, seriously, I’d rather stay in my dorm room watching porn off my PC than walk around in this girlie-colored splattered mess. No offense.

    She just laughs at me while simultaneously flipping me off. None taken, my friend. Let’s just go and have some fun. Please, Sean? It’s something different and it sounds really cool. I doubt you’ll see any frilly stuff there from what I’ve heard. Oh, you’ll probably see a bit here and there as we’re walking over, but I can’t help that. She taps her finger against her chin. A wicked smile blooms on her lips. Oh, brainstorm! I can blindfold you, if you want. She’s shaking with happy energy and giving me the flutter eyes.

    I just can’t say no to her, ever! Alright, Yeah. I’ll go with you. No blindfold, though! Give me a minute to change my draws and put on a decent shirt.

    Dude, seriously that’s TMI and gross! Hurry up!

    Stacey and I have been friends since middle school. Believe it or not, we met on Valentine’s Day in eighth grade. I remember her beanpole body and her long strawberry blonde hair along with her bright green eyes full of terror. She was being picked on by two girls for wearing some frilly Valentine’s Day ribbon in her hair with a matching top which apparently, sent two emo chicks into a frenzy of insults, pushing and physical harassment.

    I watched for about a minute before I went to save her from further humiliation and harm. I felt so bad. She was going through all of that for simply wearing something she liked. For being…her. It was ridiculous.

    Everyone else just walked by, pointing and laughing. There were a few others who actually tossed in their two cents by either verbally assaulting her, or giving her a quick rough push further into the corner she was already trapped in.

    I recall placing my stuff on the window ledge while keeping my eyes on the three girls. Then I walked in-between Stacey and the two emo chicks, placing Stacey directly behind me as I told the girls to just buzz off. At first, they looked me up and down, laughed at me and told me to go play with a football or some crap.

    I guess they assumed I was on the football team because of my size. I was pretty large for an eighth grader. My chocolate brown hair was what I like to call floppy. I have hazel eyes and stood at five foot seven inches at the time. Yeah, I was pretty muscled for my age. It’s all because I followed my gym-rat brother everywhere and he showed me how to ‘grow some muscle’, so I ended up a bulky teen. It worked for me when I think about it now, being considered a muscled jock and all that. People thought me stupid and incapable. Almost all of them underestimated me. Oh, how I loved proving them all wrong!

    I stood there staring these two chicks down, showing them I meant business and wasn’t going to budge. It took a while for them to realize I was not moving. I made it abundantly clear when I turned to Stacey, moving her closer to my side instead of behind me and asked

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