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Truth Or Dare (Book Two)
Truth Or Dare (Book Two)
Truth Or Dare (Book Two)
Ebook29 pages29 minutes

Truth Or Dare (Book Two)

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Sarah had been quiet, shy, and sheltered, up until this summer, when Tyler introduced her to a whole new world of adulthood. The summer draws to an end, but Sarah finds herself on a road to a new beginning, with Tyler there to lead her. He has given her confidence in her body, which they are both determined to show off. Sarah trusts Tyler to lead her to new experiences that she never would have done without him, and the farther she goes, the farther she wants him to take her.

PublisherFiora Perle
Release dateMay 31, 2015
Truth Or Dare (Book Two)

Fiora Perle

I've been a writer my whole life, but decided to pursue it as a career the day I realized that I was looking forward to jury duty because it meant a day away from my desk job. When I'm not writing, I'm usually reading, cooking, or spending time out in the sunshine.

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    Truth Or Dare (Book Two) - Fiora Perle


    By Fiora Perle

    Copyright 2015 Fiora Perle

    All rights reserved.

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    Smashwords Edition

    A few short weeks ago, Sarah had been just another shy, sheltered college girl, trying to figure out who she was outside of the realm of her parents’ over-protective, conservative influence. This summer with Tyler was shaping up to be an exciting journey of discovery—especially since Tyler realized that her inner exhibitionist wanted to come out. The thought of other people seeing her naked—like the neighbor who had watched her having sex with Tyler in his backyard—aroused her more than she had expected. After all, she had only recently just lost her virginity. But when Tyler asked if she wanted to try exposing herself in public, she had told him yes. He had talked her into flashing strangers a few times on the subway, which had been exciting, but Tyler noticed it hadn’t been enough. After all, it was practically child’s play after losing her virginity in front of an audience, albeit a small one. Tyler wanted to push her more, and frankly she was looking forward to it, knowing that he would keep her safe and wouldn’t push her to do anything she really didn’t want to do.

    Tyler. She’d met him at the end of the school year at university, and couldn’t fathom why a guy so handsome and outgoing and sweet could be interested in her, but he was. She still felt butterflies when she looked at him, with his baby blue eyes and gorgeous smile. More than that, though, Tyler was the perfect complement to her. He was both her teacher and her equal in this new world she was discovering. He drew her shyness out of her and transformed it into something else. After years and years

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