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Truth Will Prevail or SS (Social Services) Gone Potty Over A Potty
Truth Will Prevail or SS (Social Services) Gone Potty Over A Potty
Truth Will Prevail or SS (Social Services) Gone Potty Over A Potty
Ebook147 pages2 hours

Truth Will Prevail or SS (Social Services) Gone Potty Over A Potty

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About this ebook

A controversial true story, of how a father was evicted from his home, for being the only adult present, when an unfortunate accident occurred there, owing to the over zealousness of social services, and the blatant incompetence of the medical profession, who after a series of unbelievable cock-ups, reveal their ineptitude, and then try to cover up their mistakes, and shift blame.

Addendum NOW with LEGAL ADVICE, quoting court cases etc.

This covers a multitude of sins, from the lack of procuring and preserving exonerating forensic evidence, and the chain of custody of same. The withholding of exonerating evidence (content of transcript of telephone conversation) which was available early in the examination, simply to try and frame the father of the child, and make money (adoption fees), by attempting to sell the kids, on an adoption site, the modern day equivalent of human trafficking, as well as keeping everyone in the dark, while they carried out their works of darkness, while in the service of SATAN, by exploiting the shortcomings of the present legislation.

A case where people are guilty until proven otherwise.

See also its prequel cum sequel The £400 Rip Off, also available for downloading.

Release dateMay 27, 2015
Truth Will Prevail or SS (Social Services) Gone Potty Over A Potty

Sigurjón Helgi Kristjánsson

Born in Reykjavík, Iceland 24th. December 1959.Graduated from Commercial College in Business Management 1978 and from Breiðholt Comprehensive School in Business Administration with Computing 1980.Has worked for Icelandic Government and local government in the UK.Now freelancing as a translator/interpreter/localizer/proofreader and copywriter.Married in 2009 to Jane Kristjánsson, and they have 2 children, a girl and a boy.

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    Book preview

    Truth Will Prevail or SS (Social Services) Gone Potty Over A Potty - Sigurjón Helgi Kristjánsson

    Truth will prevail


    SS (Social Services)

    Gone Potty Over A Potty


    Sigurjón Helgi Kristjánsson

    ISBN 9781311360465




    Copyright Sigurjón Helgi Kristjánsson 2015

    Other books by the author

    Published by Smashwords:

    SO38E © 2012

    Truth Will Prevail



    (Social Services)

    Gone Potty Over A Potty


    Sigurjón Helgi Kristjánsson


    Published through Smashswords

    Copyright Licence

    The copyright holder, hereby gives the owner of this book, the right to directly quote up to 200 words from this work, in any manner whatsoever, provided the work is cited. This work may not be otherwise resold, redistributed for a fee or stored in a retrieval system or used for financial gain, as it is provided free of charge.


    Index .....................................................................................................

    Preface ...................................................................................................................

    Introduction ...........................................................................................................

    Chapter 1 Building Rapport and Friendship .......................................................

    Chapter 2 Love at First Sight .............................................................................

    Chapter 3 Holy Matrimony ................................................................................

    Chapter 4 Sudden Death .....................................................................................

    Chapter 5 The Pencil Pusher ..............................................................................

    Chapter 6 The Out of Hours Social Worker .......................................................

    Chapter 7 Good Bye My Love Good Bye ..........................................................

    Chapter 8 The Third Degree ...............................................................................

    Chapter 9 Family Home Evening .......................................................................

    Chapter 10 Observation at the Awesome School ..................................................

    Chapter 11 Criminal Record Bureau Check .........................................................

    Chapter 12 Child Protection Conference ..............................................................

    Chapter 13 Review Conference ............................................................................

    Chapter 14 Order In The Court ............................................................................

    Chapter 15 Here Comes The Judge(ment) ...........................................................

    Chapter 16 MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY ......................................................

    Afterword ..............................................................................................................

    Annex I 1st Letter to the Prime Minister ............................................................

    Annex II 2nd Letter to the Prime Minister ..........................................................

    Annex III 3rd Letter to the Prime Minister ..........................................................

    Addendum .............................................................................................................


    Social services, also known as SS or even the modern day Gestapo, based on their work methods, have become a rather infamous entity in modern day society, and failing to do their duties, and lobbying for laws to be changed to allow them to function in the most unethical manner conceivable, to finance their lifestyle, legalized form of human trafficking, a.k.a. adoption fees and fostering. - More on that later in the book.

    The deplorable events, that have taken place in U.K. society, is enough to make ones hair curl (mine surely would if I had any (but this is why I am able to baldly go where no man has gone before)).

    I am not writing this book, to make a profit, but to try and counter act, a dangerous trend in our society, where children are being taken from their families, simply because, the so called professionals, haven't a clue what they are doing, or in plain English; Don't know their arse from their elbow.

    I and many others, including one, where a child was taken off a couple, for alleged child abuse, when the actual cause, was the doctor's inability, to make a proper diagnosis; i.e. couldn't diagnose slapped cheek syndrome, from an actual slapped cheek, resulting in the parents losing out on two years of the child's life.

    This and many other cases, which have been reported in the media as well as magazines, barely scrape the surface of the injustice people are facing in the United Kingdom, as well as other European countries and continental U.S.A. This book will make you cry and very angry.

    Where possible, the details of conversations have been adhered to, but this is not always a known quantity, and for this reason, some conversations, have been fictionalized, for dramatization purposes.

    It is my hope, and those of the victims, that this book, will encourage a discussion on social networks, talk shows and in the media in general, to lobby against this legal form of modern day, social injustice and human trafficking,

    The Victims


    As one starts delving into the inner workings of government and local government, we find, that they are not all what they appear to be. They are NOT civil servants, i.e. they do not serve the civil public, nor are they very civil(ized), but instead, serve themselves, and as stated previously, are fighting for their own income and existence, without a care for anyone else.

    During the gathering of information for this e-book, which is written not for profit, for it is being given away, but for the truth to come out, to make a difference.

    Parents who have fallen victim to the over zealousness and incompetence of social workers and medical professionals (if what they do can be called being professional), have found their children up for sale (albeit adoption (for which the local government charges adoption fees (the modern legal equivalent to human trafficking))) on websites like; when at the same time, the courts are saying no reporting allowed, to protect the identity of the children – yet that same website (, is divulging the name, age and description of the child, and in some cases even the actual photograph of the child (in other cases substituted by photographs of actors/actresses of the same/similar age and ethnicity), even before the case is over.

    Is this in harmony with social services declaration and normal excuse, that they are first and foremost a safeguarding body - I ask you; Is it safeguarding children, by advertising to all paedophiles, that children are up for sale? For anyone can register for a login to that website.

    There are also numerous cases, that have come to light through magazines like Take a Break, where people have related their horrific ordeals, all due to the over zealousness of the medical establishment as well as that of the social workers.

    But one thing they all have in common, is that the ones persecuted the hardest, are Caucasian Christians. This is due to the change in legislation, to fight against the racism against, Asians, Negroes (YES, I wrote NEGRO. It is derived from the French word NEGRO, which means black, and my BLACK friends have said it is alright to use it, and that they do snot believe in this politically correct mumbo jumbo of saying African American, or Afro Anglican etc. (so there you Westminster hypocrites) and those of the Islamic persuasion. In fact, this so called political correctness, has gone to the extreme, that the Caucasian Christian community, is now the new ethnic minority in a Christian country, where celebrating Christian festivals is on the way out, as those of other religious persuasion, might take offence; This now includes: Nativity plays and Christmas decorations, yet we are expected, to have our children make cards for their parents to celebrate Eid and Diwali.

    There is nothing wrong with learning about other religions and their festivals. It promotes or should promote religious tolerance and respect. BUT it must work both ways, otherwise we are not being fair. After all, this is suppose to be a Christian Country, and if people want to live here, they might as well get used to the idea that we celebrate Christian festivals, an more importantly LEARN THE LANGUAGE and customs.

    I am all in favour of their children learning about their parents heritage, but if they want to live here, because they are better off, then they will have to learn about their host nation, its customs, heritage and languages.

    Getting back to the cases I've come across, during my fact finding period, I should like to draw your attention to a news clip, aired on stv (Scottish Television (see if it is still on It was about a grandmother in Glasgow, in Scotland, and her grandchildren. The grand children's mother, had been a widow for a number of years, till she passed away suddenly in 2014.

    As usual, Social Services, saw a chance to make a couple of quid by selling them off, by putting them up for adoption. The grandmother, who was looking after the kids after their mother's passing, suddenly found herself in a custody battle with Social Services for her own grand children.

    Social Services, tried to maintain, that she couldn't look after the kids etc. The grandmother (a Christian Caucasian you will be shocked to learn) ended up saying to them: Who do you think you are? GOD? - To which Social Services replied: As far as you're concerned, WE ARE GOD.

    Just before Christmas, the Court ruled: ... that it would not be in the children's best interest, to separate them from their grandmother and place them with total strangers. - The grandmother related to the reporters, that had she been able to, that she could cheerfully have leapt over the judges bench and kissed him there and then.

    Up yours SS.

    I've gone back over 40 years, and I found a case in Aberdeen in Scotland (also concerning Christian Caucasians), where the grandparents weren't allowed to adopt their own grandchildren, as the grandparents were considered TOO OLD (they were aged 40 at the time (they are now in their golden years, and related to me in an interview, that Social Services were just

    being contrary, and wanted to exercise unrighteous dominion because they could just like in the case you are about to read).

    It is my sincerest hope, that by writing this e-book and giving it away, that we can fight those servants of SATAN, who take pleasure in exercising unrighteous dominion over people, and destroying the most sacred institution of all, the marriage and the family. For the Lord God hath said: Woe, unto those who cause any of these little ones of mine (i.e. the children) to sin (by placing them with people who would cause them to sin), for their blood shall be demanded of YOUR heads.

    Please help in this fight against injustice, and distribute the link to others by re-tweeting it, putting it on your social website or whatever. My only means of following how many read this book, is by following how many downloads it gets.

    Peace and blessings to you all.

    The Author

    Chapter 1

    Building rapport and friendship

    Our story starts in a call centre, where our victim, Saint-John Victrix, a Caucasian Christian, had just started work as a sales representative, and a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

    One day, he is asked to train up a

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