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Strongest Passions
Strongest Passions
Strongest Passions
Ebook46 pages44 minutes

Strongest Passions

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

She’s over halfway through with the claiming, and Kitty must now find a way to love the bookworm. How can she love a man who spends all of his time in a book? But how can she give up on the pack?

Stuart’s brothers fear he will be the one to screw up the claiming, condemning them all to a lifetime of existing only as wolves. Stuart will not give up trying, though. The truth is, his need for Kitty runs deeper than any passion for his books. He wants Kitty, and he’s going to have her.

Release dateJun 9, 2015
Strongest Passions

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    Book preview

    Strongest Passions - Sam Crescent

    Published by Evernight Publishing ® at Smashwords

    Copyright© 2015 Sam Crescent

    ISBN: 978-1-77233-380-0

    Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

    Editor: Karyn White


    WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

    This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


    The Pack Claims a Mate, 4

    Sam Crescent

    Copyright © 2015

    Chapter One

    Kitty lay on the bed sleeping while Stuart sat in the corner reading a book. Surprisingly it was a romance book, and he was trying to find the right ways to woo this woman, this goddess who smelled of the pack. Licking his dry lips, he kept glancing up at her. The negligee she’d worn was bunched around her waist, and her hair was still dirty from the ground. The last thing he wanted to do was scare her by taking her for a wash.

    Tom, Roy, and Guy had come and visited her to see if she was fine. Each of the three men had asked if he was going to wake her up. Stuart didn’t want to wake her up in case he startled her.

    Someone knocked at his door, and he knew without a shadow of a doubt it would be Mark and Joey.

    Placing his book on his chair, he made his way toward the door. They both stood together, both appearing identical, but their scents were slightly different so the pack always told them apart.

    How is she?

    She’s still alive and sleeping.

    Opening the door, he allowed the two men inside. They stopped at the edge of the bed, staring at her.

    Did you know we’re going to have to share her? Joey asked.

    I thought sharing was your thing?

    It is, but this is a mating. We’ve got to work hard for her to accept the both of us, Mark said.

    Usually we just fuck the woman who falls at our feet, no questions asked. This came from Joey.

    Look, we’re all feeling the pressure right now. Stuart rubbed the back of his head wishing with all of his heart that he could say something that made total sense to everyone. He came up blank. This was what he hated, not knowing what to say to make everyone feel better.

    With all the books he read, he should be able to make everyone feel better, yet it seemed all he did was make everyone feel worse. No one trusted him, Guy being the main brother who believed he was going to fuck this up.

    He didn’t realize he was speaking until Mark and Joey

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