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Something Old, Something New
Something Old, Something New
Something Old, Something New
Ebook222 pages2 hours

Something Old, Something New

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Since her boyfriend went down on one knee in Central Park two years before on their first visit to NYC, London-native Amelia has dreamed of returning to the city to get married there. Now the dream is about to become a reality and after a few bumps in the road along the way, she and Cody plan to get married in the beautiful Central Park Boathouse by night.

There, overlooking the lake lit up by floating lanterns, they will pledge their vows among a small gathering of family and friends. Amelia can’t wait; finally she gets the chance to be part of a real family again as her parents died when she was a teenager. After craving family laughter and love for so long, she can’t wait to share her happiness with all her friends, never mind get started on having a family of their own soon after. She’s sure that Cody feels the same way. But when they arrive in New York a few days ahead of the big event, she notices that Cody seems distracted and restless. Is he getting cold feet?

Though she adores her best friend and business partner (they run an Italian restaurant in London together) Elizabeth is dreading Amelia's wedding. For one thing, she can’t stand Cody, who she thinks is an idiot and nowhere near good enough for kind-hearted Amelia, and she’s suspicious of the fact that he played little or no part in the wedding preparations, while Amelia threw herself into it with the kind of passion she gives everything, including her cooking. Elizabeth knows she can’t risk their friendship or business by voicing her honest feelings to Amelia; that she thinks her friend is making a big mistake, and that she has no use for the brash, bustling city of New York, Which she’s sure she’ll hate.

Making matters worse, Elizabeth is also dreading the wedding because of another invited guest; her ex Flynt. They broke up almost a year before, when Flynt moved back to Dublin, Ireland; a move Elizabeth couldn’t handle due to the uncertainty of a long-distance relationship. It doesn't help matters that the proverbial ghost of Flynt's deceased wife Madeline seemed to be ever present between Elizabeth and Flynt, exacerbating her fear of letting him and his gorgeous nine year old daughter, Ellie, down. Flynt and Amelia are old friends and Elizabeth knows he and Ellie will be in New York City for the wedding. How will she be able to face him, not to mention see the hurt and disappointment in little Ellie's eyes?

Though he is still hurt by her rejection, Flynt can’t help but feel happy about seeing Elizabeth again at the wedding. Ellie adored her and yes, there were some obstacles to overcome, but he truly felt they had something special together. He’s sure she loves him; can he use the romance and magic of NYC to convince her to give their relationship another chance?
Ellie wants her dad to be happy more than anything. She adores Elizabeth and wants them to be a family. She’s concocted a clever, but unorthodox plan to bring them together again, but can she turn a short three days in The Big Apple, convince Elizabeth that they belong together?

Will Amelia and Cody’s dream wedding go ahead as planned? And can the romance of the city bring Elizabeth, Flynt and Ellie back together for good?

PublisherAdam Jackson
Release dateJun 12, 2015
Something Old, Something New

Adam Jackson

Adam has been sharing his musings of the world around him for more than ten years as a freelancer. His writing has appeared in a number of online publications including When he is not distracted in the field of technology, he is spending time with his Partner, two children and their dog in Columbus, Ohio.

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    Book preview

    Something Old, Something New - Adam Jackson

    Something Old, Something New

    Adam Jackson

    Published by Borderline Publications

    Copyright 2015 Borderline Publications

    Smashwords Edition

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold, given away or reproduced in any way without the express written consent of the author. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this ebook and you did not purchase it, please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23

    Chapter 24

    Wedding Day

    About the Author


    "The Ballad of John and Yoko is about John Lennon proposing to Yoko Ono and eloping. See, Paul had married Linda and a couple of days later, John and Yoko are on their way to Southampton to get married at sea. What happened, though, was they can't get married in Southampton because they don't have passports, so he decides to go to Paris. They get on this private jet to Paris and John tells his people to set up a small, quiet little ceremony there and one of his guys tells him they can't get married on such short notice and to go to Gibraltar instead; because it's under British protection and since John is British they can get married there." Cody Vinesky didn't move his eyes from the ground as he awkwardly recounted the tale of the most important moment in his hero's life. His girlfriend, Amelia Llewellyn, watched Cody out of the corner of her eye. She was enamored with how handsome he always looked. His dark hair always in place and styled, providing a contrast to his icy blue eyes. She always felt safe next to his muscular, yet not bulky, form. As they walked, she knotted her fingers tightly through his and laid her head on his shoulder as they strolled through Central park.

    The park was one of Amelia's favorite things about the city. Cody forced himself to focus on the leaves rustling in the breeze and the many joggers calling out warnings as they passed the young couple; anything to take his mind off of the end of this date; anything to distract him from Amelia's classic beauty. He knew that looking into her deep green eyes, framed by her honey blonde hair combined with a body that had a way of making him forget his own name, he would never get to the question he had been working up the courage to ask for weeks. He forced himself to concentrate on every word he was saying, choosing them carefully. The alternative was to face the reality that they would be the last words he'd be saying to her for a while.

    John and Yoko get married in Gibraltar, Cody was saying.

    And then they head to Amsterdam for their Honeymoon. Amsterdam is where they did the whole 'bed-in' thing. Where they lie in bed and let the press in, all as a message for peace.

    That's really beautiful. Amelia said.

    Yeah, Cody said quietly, hesitating before asking,

    So, when's your flight?

    I don't want to talk about my flight, Cody. Amelia moaned.

    Babe, when's your flight? he prodded.

    Ten o'clock tomorrow. Cody smiled as her English accent thickened around the word o'clock and he squeezed her hand affectionately.

    Back in London what, 15 hours later? he asked. She playfully dug her elbow into his ribs.

    More like 8, silly. she laughed.

    Oh, he said sheepishly.

    Elizabeth's picking you up at the airport? he asked.

    Yes. But let's not talk about such unpleasantness. she said, laying her head back on his shoulder. They walked in silence a few more moments.

    Amelia, Cody said, stopping and turning to her.

    Can I ask you something?

    Is it about my trip back to London? she teased.

    Well, sort of, yeah. he stammered.

    See, the thing is. Well, that story I was just telling you, about John Lennon and Yoko Ono and the song and stuff? There was a point. he took a step back and gestured to the ground beneath them. Amelia followed his gaze and saw she was plainly standing on the word Imagine.

    When I was a kid I used to think that New York got the best of England when John Lennon moved here. That he somehow made the city better. I also used to believe that England got something out of the deal because now New York is always connected to England because of John Lennon. he wiped his forehead nervously. Amelia chuckled.

    Are you alright? she asked, playfully.

    I'm trying to say, he swallowed hard,

    I'm trying to say that I don't think that's true anymore. I think I got the best of England when I met you, and Amelia, he dropped to one knee and took her hand.

    Will you marry me? he asked, slipping a diamond ring on her finger before she'd had a chance to answer.

    Amelia blinked, dumbfounded. She looked at the ring on her finger and then at Cody. Then back to the ring. Then back to Cody.

    You're not serious. she said.

    I'm dead serious. I love you. I want to be with you. You're moving here anyway, I want part of it to be because of me.

    Cody, I don't even know if that's happening yet. I won't know for a couple of months.

    Then we'll be engaged for a couple of months and take it from there.

    Oh gods, Amelia said, in shock.

    "You're serious."

    Well, I’m starting to get a little worried now, Cody said.

    A guy usually likes his gal to give an answer to a question like this.

    Oh Cody, yes! she smiled, jumping into his arms.

    Yes! Of course I'll marry you! her arms wrapped tightly around his neck as several onlookers began to applaud. Cody broke away from Amelia and gave their observers an informal bow.

    What now? Amelia asked.

    Cody took her in his arms, as he'd seen done in dozens of movies and kissed her passionately as if the only observer to their betrothal had been the ghost of John Lennon himself.

    Chapter 1


    Amelia sat on a bench in silence, somber. Her face wore the mask of long held grief and her shoulders were slightly slumped under an invisible weight. She contemplated two roses held loosely in her hand. She rolled them between her thumb and finger for a moment, staring at the flowers hard; as if she could bring magic forth from the petals by concentration alone. Then, with finality she set one of the roses on a stone in the ground to her left; the other on a matching stone to her right.

    Daddy, she said, tears falling down her face at last.

    Mom, I've come to tell you something. And I'm terribly, dreadfully sorry for not telling you before now. You see the truth is I've been avoiding it. Because … because … be- she choked, as sobs shook her chest.

    Because saying goodbye to you was hard enough at fifteen, I don't think I can manage it at 28. she wiped the corners of her eyes in a vain attempt to preserve the integrity of her mascara. She willed the stones to answer her, if for no other reason than it might make her appear less crazy.

    Daddy, you'd really like Cody. she smiled at the thought of her fiancé.

    He's respectful and kind, and he makes me see the moon and the stars everywhere I go.

    She looked toward the sky, shielding her eyes from the sunlight with the back of one hand.

    Mom, I don't think you'd ever want me to leave London; much less leave for America. In the end, however, I think the magic of New York would win you over too. It's simply a wondrous city. Unlike anywhere I've ever been before.

    But you're gone now, she looked down at the gravestones, crying again. She tried to hold a distant resolve in her voice. She failed.

    And my life is in New York with Cody. I've got to say goodbye. As if in response, a soft rumble of thunder came from the distance. The noise was an uncharacteristically insistent interruption on a day such as this one.

    Of course I'll visit whenever I'm in London! She hastily added, startled by the thunder.

    Amelia? She screamed, clutching her chest,

    Jesus, Mary and Joseph!

    I'm sorry, love. It's only me. The voice was thick with an Irish brogue.

    She looked at the newcomer, deciding if she should be truly angry or merely embarrassed at having been startled. She saw a man about her age, handsome in a weather-beaten way with sandy blonde hair and a red beard streaked with the beginnings of gray. Matching gray eyes were the only thing that betrayed his sadness. Attached to his left hand was a strawberry blonde girl, who couldn't have been more than nine years old. Her shoulders were shaking in silent giggles, no doubt at Amelia's shock and ensuing exclamation.

    Flynt? Flynt Paulson, what in the world are you doing here? Amelia asked, sounding only slightly annoyed. Flynt looked at the ground and answered,

    We're visiting her ma. He nodded toward the little girl.

    Oh! Of course! I'm so sorry, please forgive me. Amelia said reaching out to hug the man.

    It's okay, Flynt said,

    You were startled. Don't mention it.

    Amelia looked at the girl, as if seeing her for the first time.

    This … this is Ellie?

    Yes ma'am. The girl chimed in.

    Yeah, Flynt tousled the girl's hair,

    That's my Ellie. She's nine going on nineteen, aren't you? He said with a nudge of the girl's head.

    It's not my fault I've got to be the adult in this relationship. Ellie chided, playfully.

    Why, I haven't seen her since- Amelia stopped abruptly, remembering the occasion of the last time she'd seen the girl only seconds too late.

    It would have been Madeline's funeral, wouldn't it? Flynt asked with a nod.

    It couldn't have been that long ago, could it?

    Three years this September. He said quietly.

    Amelia felt suddenly overwhelmed by the embarrassment of her situation combined with being surrounded by grief and death. Flynt's widow, Madeline, had been her business partner and close friend. The two of them had followed their shared dream of opening the Bistro Amaranno in London straight from culinary school to their grand opening, a decade ago. Madeline had been responsible for much of their early success, having specialized in Italian cuisine. After her death, Flynt spent less and less time at the restaurant until, well, it was three years since she'd seen him.

    Flynt, I'm afraid I've been a terrible bitch. Ellie giggled at the curse. Amelia smiled,

    Would you come for a coffee with me so I can make it up to you, Flynt looked at Ellie,

    What do you think, boss? He asked her. Ellie looked Amelia up and down as if sizing her up, then nodded her approval.

    The three of them began walking, breaking their silence as they passed through the cemetery's gate.

    Are you really going to New York? Ellie asked.

    Ellie, don't be rude. Flynt scolded the girl.

    No, it's okay, Flynt. Really, Amelia addressed the girl,

    Yes, I'm afraid I am.

    "And you're not going to come back are you? To see your

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