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The Towering Baloney of a Microscopic People (2) A Re-Animated Socrates Critiques Modern Society
The Towering Baloney of a Microscopic People (2) A Re-Animated Socrates Critiques Modern Society
The Towering Baloney of a Microscopic People (2) A Re-Animated Socrates Critiques Modern Society
Ebook137 pages1 hour

The Towering Baloney of a Microscopic People (2) A Re-Animated Socrates Critiques Modern Society

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This book is about answering the following question: what would the smartest person of all time know if he were living today in our postmodern, porno-preferrin’, politically corrected, projectile-vomit-inducing, classless, celebrity-worshippin’, no-mercy givin’, grossly under-medicated world?

And what wisdom could he impart to us today, to save us from many of our foolish expenditures of time, money, blood, sweat, tears, our sanity, and even our very lives?

Well, maybe not quite the kind of wisdom you’d think.

The reason for this can be found in the very nature of wisdom, in the very nature of Socrates himself. Socrates knew that knowledge, true knowledge was almost always the direct opposite of the popularly prevailing notions that are on offer within the general population at any given time.

Release dateMay 31, 2015
The Towering Baloney of a Microscopic People (2) A Re-Animated Socrates Critiques Modern Society

Christopher Volkay

Life? Was it what you expected? I'm not praising it, I'm not crying about it, Only saying it was absolutely nothing like what I thought it would be. People? Wow. I remember when I was young I suppose I loved everybody and everything, it was peace love and grooviness MAN! How's this for a quote-by the time we're sixty everybody finally has the face they deserve. Well almost.. Sad to say I probably live by one of George Carlin's brilliant sayings. I've used the following quote my whole life from Carlin and it really, actually does help. The quote, "We're all f**ked, it helps to remember that." And it really does somehow. You might change the f**ked to maybe crumbs, a bit more palatable. Also, there seem, to be at least two types of outrageous pricks. 1. People like Billy Carter (Jimmy's brother) or maybe the banjo player over the river in Deliverance. Pricks but they don't know it. 2. Then there is a second kind, Pricks, fully aware of it, but won't stop because being a shameless prick is just so god damn much fun. It's great "pricking" or piercing their delusional pretensions. Hmm? I wonder which kind I am? I gets pretty good coverage over on Free Republic-one of the biggest conservative sites in the world with 100,000 hits per day and about 20 million views per month. Also, look for me there or over on Goodreads, Facebook, Smashwords and other suspects

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    Book preview

    The Towering Baloney of a Microscopic People (2) A Re-Animated Socrates Critiques Modern Society - Christopher Volkay


    (Essays of Humanity)


    Chris Volkay

    "Anybody that can see the opposite of what’s

    going on, I think is exceptional.

    Any place you go, if you see 50 people standing

    in one line and 4 people standing in another,

    you know which line to get into, dontcha


    The masses are always wrong. Wisdom is doing

    everything the crowd does not do.

    All you do is reverse the totality of their

    learning and you have the heaven they’re

    looking for.

    It’s a basic wisdom, whichever way the crowd

    goes, run the other direction.

    Through centuries they’re always wrong and

    they will always be wrong."

    ---Charles Bukowski, The Charles Bukowski



    Just about everything we believe about god, country, politics, religion, sex, marriage, drugs, science, money and dozens more is wrong, wrong, wrong. My goal is to show you how and why we live largely in illusion and how to free ourselves from the pain, misery and financial drain they engender.

    Come with me now to the edge of the cliff, hand in hand, now we’re falling backwards through time, to a familiar place, not only of sight and sound but of mind, your next stop, the Twilight Zone. Hmm…there’s Rod Serling in the cancer ward.

    In our new world we see all of the episodes of that classic TV show running endlessly in the canopy of the clouds. William Shatner is seeing that freaky monkey on the wing of that plane. Why can’t anybody else see him? The beautiful girl comes out of her bandages and sees the ugly doctors and nurses all pitying her. Then there’s poor Jackie Cooper who can’t escape his own dummy when it comes to life.

    In this special world nothing is as it seems. Everything is turned on its head. Dummy’s speak, ugly is beautiful, and a whole plane full of people can’t see what’s real, what’s out on the wing, what’s right in front of their very snozzolas. This special world I speak of is our world actually, the world that you and I are marking time in right now. Shhhh…quiet…can’t you hear the dummies coming to life?

    So, one day you’re strolling around a familiar byway and you happen to spy a great pair of tits jauntily bouncing your way. Perhaps they are even attached to somebody. You ponder the tits ponderously until the mental imagery produces progress in your pantaloons.

    But are tits really that drool-inducing? Or are they just the same as any other hunk of flesh that only seems yummy because the image is filtered through our minds, which are controlled by DNA, whose only real purpose is to have us fuck like madmen so we can produce more wetware mobile units for our creator, DNA.

    Nothing is real for us. Yes, there is objective reality out there floating around somewhere but we, through our biologically controlled, necessarily subjective, illusion- filled, superstition-stewed minds have no hope of ever perceiving what it might be.

    In fact, there isn’t one world here, there are 7.3 billion of them, one for each of us, filtered through our various neurosis and psychosis, then beamed through the prisms of our prejudices and finally, before shipping, one last quality control check by our supervisor DNA, until the finished product arrives on the shelves. 7.3 billion little crazy worlds. And that one world that IS actually here? It quietly whirls through icy, barren space, a miraculous diamond, thoroughly unknown to us.

    So where do many of our thoughts and ideas emanate from? Isn’t every idea we have on any subject simply the words and thoughts of others programmed into our wetware circuitry? All of our ideas about politics, people, places, things, business, addictions, drugs, psychology, religion, sex, relationships, morality, the proper planting of petunias, are simply imported into us.

    In fact, have you personally ever had one original thought about anything? Original? Our parents, schools, priests, politicians, friends, relatives, newspapers, TV, radio, all like armor-plated conquistadors, astride their heavy-hooved, muscular stallions circle around our cribs waiting for the first signs of life.

    Many years ago I escaped into the desert, and there, in some lost red rock canyon, I began erecting the scaffolding of one wee little idea. It sang to me like a cartoon bird woo-doo-do-do woo-doo-do-do. As I turned, the last thing I remember was the glistening of the iron hooves. Smackdown. And it was no more. My little birdie was crushed in the scarlet desert sands.

    But when we are perplexed, vexed and hexed, we can always turn to our government to set us straight, to bring us back to some shimmering mirage of reality. So we crack the textbooks: We Hold These Truths To Be Self-Evident, That All Men Are Created Equal. Why…these are the two concepts that give the world it‘s working reality, aren’t they? The two core beliefs that our very lives are founded upon. Our divine creation and the equality of men.

    And so, the law professors swoon, the politicians, like Miss Scarlett, get the vapors, and the public wets their pants. Well, just a couple of minor points: there are no such things as self-evident truths. What we have are biased opinions that we choose to believe, so we dress them up in snazzy top hats and tails that even Fred Astaire would be proud to jitterbug in. But nothing is self-evident. Just ask Hitler what was self-evident to him. Mao? Stalin? Manson?

    People are not and never have been created. We just sorta dribbled up from the ground like a big heapin’ helpin’ o’ bubblin’ crude. None of us are equal. As products of evolution we all are endowed with divergent physical characteristics, genetics, cognitive abilities, intelligence. In fact, we are as different as our fingerprints themselves. Barreling grooves on bullets, snowflakes, diamonds, never to be duplicated again. But other than that…they just about got it right.

    My inquiry is based on the following maxims that have guided the life of another writer, Ted Nelson. His 4 maxims are:

    1) Most people are fools

    2) Most authority is malignant

    3) God does not exist

    4) Everything is wrong

    Other than that…as they say…

    Let me take a stab at summing up what’s wrong with all of us in one or two sentences. The world is in the delirium tremens-inducing shape it’s in for just one reason really, our insistence on living in illusion. Or putting it another way, mankind, being possessed of emotions, desires and its endless discontents, believes what it prefers to be true, not what is true. This is my attempt to deconstruct these grand palaces of illusion that we have walled ourselves up in.

    This is the real Faustian bargain humanity made with itself long ago. Reality was so vicious, jagged, like a broken bottle in a back-alley Detroit bar fight that we didn’t want any part of it. So we merrily set about prestidigitating all manner of myths and lies to keep us cruising dreamily on our Good Ship Lolli-Pop through the piranha-infested waters of reality.

    It all initially seemed innocuous enough, one supposes. Fill our lives with the agreed upon lies, what we prefer to be true, and so what? Anodynes to assuage the dry heat of adulthood. And so, like master craftsmen, we set about building our own individual dream worlds. Religion, psychology, politics, love and marriage, sex, the paranormal, in fact, everything we believe and act upon in our lives is part of this great Faustian bargain.

    If there were some type of special magical glasses, we would be able to see each of us walking down the street with our own little dust clouds of fantasy swirling about our heads like one of those twisters that destroys mobile home parks in the Midwest.

    But here is the rather inconvenient truth. These illusions are not value neutral. In fact, they’re downright poisonous. Mental equivalents of the flesh-eating disease. By shielding us from the unpleasantness of reality they serve and conspire to keep us weak, wee little tots. Our creativity, our abilities to think and stand on our own two feet are torn asunder. In fact, what is the prime directive of one of the biggest offenders, religion itself? Down, down I say on your weak, feeble, little bony knees. You are flawed, weak, sinning, pretty damn stinky, in need of salvation, in need of a fix. This only conspires to keep people child-like. It’s really no different than the alcoholic hitting the Ripple to assuage his torrents of horror. Yes, in the short term it dulls the inevitable pains of life, but in the long term it’s what’s killing us.

    We have adopted the supernatural view of the world, instead of the natural one. The natural view relies on logic, reason, empiricism, evidence and proof, all that yucky crap that the guys in the white lab coats adhere to. Just ain’t that much fun. But in the supernatural world, The Good Ship Lolli-Pop world, all manner of stink-free fun is possible. For in this world we only need wish it to be true, and my French amis’ might say..."voila,

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