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Meeting James Chapter 8
Meeting James Chapter 8
Meeting James Chapter 8
Ebook44 pages37 minutes

Meeting James Chapter 8

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About this ebook

James and Melanie meet Gianna, and then spend an intense evening at the Bellagio.

PublisherMelanie J.
Release dateJun 15, 2015
Meeting James Chapter 8

Melanie J.

I'm a recently married woman. I've finally finished graduate school and I've had the time to write erotic prose. I hope you enjoy.Mel

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    Book preview

    Meeting James Chapter 8 - Melanie J.

    Meeting James

    Chapter 8


    Melanie J.

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2015 Melanie J.

    I felt as if my heart was going to beat out of my chest as James and I drove west on route 95 towards Summerlin. Had I been alone in the SUV, I would have texted Gianna to let her know that James and I would be dining in the restaurant this evening. However, with James sitting next to me, giving her an advanced warning didn’t feel appropriate. I tried everything I could to hide my nervousness, but I felt as if James could see right through me. Did he know what a nervous wreck I was? Normally his hand on my thigh had a calming effect, but tonight, it didn’t help.

    It felt like the powers of the universe were conspiring against me. James insisted that we dine at his restaurant so we could sample entrees which would help him to decide who to hire as his new executive chef. This would have been fine on any other night, but tonight, my girlfriend Gianna was finishing her shift as a server in James’ restaurant.

    It had been a difficult twenty-four hours and nothing seemed to help sooth my guilty conscience. I had participated in a threesome with James and Megyn and I tried to reassure myself that because of James’ dominant nature, I didn’t have a choice. However, I had chosen to spend the remainder of the evening having sex with Megyn once James had fallen asleep, and that was impossible to justify to myself and even more difficult to explain to Gianna. Like James, she evoked so many complex emotions within me. Part of me missed her terribly and couldn’t wait to see her. The other part of me dreaded the thought of being in the same room with her.

    About twenty minutes later we pulled up in front of the restaurant. A valet opened the passenger door and greeted me with a warm smile. I stepped out and walked around the Escalade just as James was handing the keys to the young valet. James pulled me to him and possessively put his arm around me.

    He leaned in and whispered into my ear, Stop fidgeting, you look beautiful.

    Unconsciously, I was pulling at the short hem of the neon yellow, scrunch halter dress that James had chosen for me to wear for the evening. When he pointed out what I was doing, I immediately released the hem, letting it fall on my upper thighs. I couldn’t remember a time when I was so nervous, but I tried desperately not to show it.

    We walked into the restaurant and we were met immediately by David, the manager, who I recognized from our last visit a month ago.

    Good evening Mr. Moretti, David said, as the men vigorously shook hands.

    David appeared to be much more relaxed than the last time I had met him when he and James were dealing with financial issues that arose when an assistant manager was stealing from

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