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The Older Man
The Older Man
The Older Man
Ebook24 pages23 minutes

The Older Man

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A girl named Libbi walked the beach in a small Florida town when she met an older, beautiful man named Abbas, whom was visiting family from London, England. She helps him find a safe place to stay as he misses his family at the beach and she gives him her number so he can call and let her know everything turned out alright. After receiving no calls or texts, she runs into Abbas and his family at her place of work. He waits for her to get off work and takes her on a surprise romantic date. As she starts to catch feelings, she teases him with naughty texts and pictures. Does Abbas feel for Libbi what she feels for him, or is this a simple young woman's crush on an older British gentleman?

Release dateMay 22, 2015
The Older Man

Kristen J. Shallot

Kristen J. Shallot is an author, predominantly in the erotic romance and paranormal romance genres. She has been writing since she was eleven years old and takes great joy in bringing her fantasy worlds to life. She can be found on Wattpad, Twitter, and Facebook! She has a few projects lined up for summer and fall 2016; including a book of poems, the sequel to her story Her Firemen, a thriller, and a zombie trilogy!

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    The Older Man - Kristen J. Shallot

    The Older Man


    The Older Man was written by; Kristen J. Shallot

    The Older Man was published by; Kristen J. Shallot at Smashwords

    The image Couples In Romantic Mood is courtesy of [David Castillo Dominici] at FreeDigitalPhotos.Net

    Copyright 2014 © Kristen J. Shallot

    When fate reaches out to you, there is no stopping what it has in store for you.

    That was certainly the case for Libbi Pierce and Abbas Scott.

    It was a gloomy Saturday afternoon. The sky was overcast and grey, and rain was threatening to clash down at any given moment. But still, Libbi was spending her time at the Golden Sands beach in Central Florida. It was the first time she had gotten a day off in weeks, and she was determined to spend most of her day walking along the edge of the beach, right where the soft white sand and the bountiful blue ocean met. Her pale skin seemed to shine under what little of the sun that was showing.

    Not many people were there, just her and a couple with their twin son and daughter.

    As little innocent droplets of rain began to fall, the family on the beach evacuated, leaving Libbi to enjoy the beach all by herself. She was lost in thought as she sat on the sand and stared ahead at the violent waves, coming and going, stopping right at her small feet. The winds began to pick up and the waves grew in height, Libbi knew it was time for her to go, before she got caught in the middle of a nasty storm.

    As she was leaving the beach, she saw a man in a nice tailored suit standing at the entry to the beach. His eyes were covered behind dark sunglasses, and he seemed to be waiting for someone. It wasn’t too

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