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Pennie Apples: Deleted Chapter
Pennie Apples: Deleted Chapter
Pennie Apples: Deleted Chapter
Ebook43 pages33 minutes

Pennie Apples: Deleted Chapter

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A missing girl from a prominent, and wealthy family
An albino psychic investigator's first day on the job
An unborn baby with a psychic connection with her mother
The first riveting case Pennie assists with solving

This is the beginning of albino psychic detective Pennie Apples. Before she was Avery Tran's sleuth and confidant in The Malevolent Twin. Pennie Apples is young and living the life in Los Angeles, California. She has yet to find a career path. Until she stumbles on a detective agency run by Dennis Burke. A jolly, but thought provoking gumshoe. Pennie starts her first case, with a distraught mother wondering where her vulnerable daughter Elizabeth Wilder is. Pennie learns about twisted incidents that cause other detectives to flee. While she battles with problems at home.

Can Pennie and Burke find the Elizabeth Wilder and save her in time?

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Pennie Apples: Deleted Chapter

Release dateJun 24, 2015
Pennie Apples: Deleted Chapter

Mary Sage Nguyen

Mary Sage Nguyen is a twenty three year old writer, and freelancer. She the happiest, when she is writing. She is the author of multiple books. She an avid reader, dreamer, and book enthusiast! Mary writes multiple genres to entertain you! Mary Sage Nguyen is also the youngest daughter of Vietnamese and Chinese immigrants. Vietnamese was the language spoken at home, so the only way she was able to learn English was through the public school system. Even though English was not spoken at home, Mary became an avid reader as a young child and always dreamed of being a writer someday. You can keep in contact with her through her website:

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    Book preview

    Pennie Apples - Mary Sage Nguyen

    Pennie Apples:

    The Deleted Chapter

    Mary Sage Nguyen

    Copyright © 2015 Mary Sage Nguyen

    All rights reserved.

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    Cover Designed by Mary Sage Nguyen

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    Books by Mary Sage Nguyen

    The Malevolent Twin

    Uriel’s Absolution

    Pennie Apples: Deleted Chapter

    For all of my readers, who have read The Malevolent Twin. Here is the deleted chapter about the renowned albino psychic detective Pennie Apples!

    Table of Contents

    Books by Mary Sage Nguyen


    Pennie Apples: The Deleted Chapter

    About Author

    To engage with art, we have to be willing to be wrong, venture outside our psychic comfort zones, suspend disbelief, and remember that art explores and alters consciousness simultaneously.

    Jerry Saltz

    Pennie Apples

    The Deleted Chapter

    IT WAS A WINDY DAY IN LOS ANGELES. Pennie Apples was walking down Santa Monica Boulevard. The water was dark blue. There was not a cloud in the sky. Pennie stayed on the walkway avoiding the sand. There was a decent stream of people out walking and biking. She had taken two hours to make herself presentable. She wore a short bob cut brunette wig that framed her face. She wore a pair of red jogging shorts and a white tee shirt. Her eyes were not pink but blue. She had messed around with an airbrush earlier debating whether to let her albino skin show or not but she had eventually decided to just let it show. It didn’t bother her boyfriend Dylan Plummer. Pennie shared an apartment with him somewhere in the Westwood area. All Pennie could remember was that it was close to UCLA. She was great at remembering landmarks but not road names. Dylan was quite generous—he was taking care of Pennie and paying for all her basic needs. He understood Pennie without a doubt. They would stay late at night in bed. They talked about everything and anything. Pennie’s dream was to become a psychic detective and Dylan supported her idea. He was happy to help her stay on her feet until then.

    Look, there is an albino lady! a little Hispanic boy said. He was eating a small carton of yogurt. He looked at her

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