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Prophecy Sees Inside Out and Forward Back
Prophecy Sees Inside Out and Forward Back
Prophecy Sees Inside Out and Forward Back
Ebook850 pages13 hours

Prophecy Sees Inside Out and Forward Back

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Within Prophecy Sees Inside Out and Forward Back, Mujtaba “Muj” Attia is the central character at matter. He is not exactly though one which you’d be certain about-whether to peg him a protagonist or antagonist. In such backdrop, there is the stormy War on Terror that is still being waged a good number of years after the terrible calamity of September 11, 2001–where it may be said that one person’s hero is another person’s villain. Having innocuously gotten caught up in such terror tempest brewed by the 9/11 Attacks within the Americas during his mid-life phase –all on the pretext of his long before prior perpetrating an anti-social act, he’d come to incur a life-altering crisis. Indeed, from which he’d have a story to tell. In the course of his life in the Western Hemisphere being upended along with his subsequent banishment from such zones, he would again be wholly plunged into a global episode. Seven years to the very day after his touchdown on African grounds, he was dropped onto the moving line of a major health conflagration -the Ebola menace. Seeing spectrally the two matters of worldwide implications- then it was for him and others watchers like going from the frying pan and into an oven-all for which makes for a fascinating social commentary-and not to mention literary fodder.
Here, the author proposes that-in a world of rainbow-filled pots we all have in each of us that butterfly quality. Such being the ability to flutter on air to prodigiously pollinate something flowery for self and society to which there’d leave a colorful legacy across for all to see and history to note.
As for the tenor of this piece –it takes on a no-nonsense tack in which to task will go all the proffered falsehood that certain parties would attempt to deposit into history. This then forming the e-book tempo where the writer would embrace Napoleon Bonaparte’s quaint quote- “History is a set of lies agreed upon.” Further as to the mood of this book, such will leave the reader –should one actually partake in an eye-feast of this piece, running the gamut of temperament .This in whirling the reader from sympathy, outrage, satirical applause to other times indignation of the writer himself for his having made some morally bankrupt decisions and even sometimes foolish missteps in his life. On another note-for some readers a long book-and this one is somewhat lengthy, might get into a more frustrated outlook as taking the piece to be prolix. To sooth such souls, there then turns to the review by Eli Bendersky of Leo Tolstoy’s War and Peace-which happens to be set in the heat of the Napoleonic Wars, in which such critic offers on such timeless piece that “its length can be justified...his writing is easily readable and the pages just fly.”

After reading Prophecy-, one is bound to say the same about this treatise here. Frankly, it is widely held that “Muj” –who is never inhibited in his work, couldn’t write a short dry piece if he tried. So he is- a stickler for detail, background and depth in writing for which he aims to put the reader in touch with person(s), events or issues being covered in non-fiction mode. This just the same where prolific author James Patterson does very little non-fiction work saying; “[I]n general, non-fiction is not the format for me-it’s too restrictive.” With this said, creative juices must be allowed to flow with the author’s writing current. Do then give Prophecy-a shot as it will become a cyberspace classic read. Seen then from War and Peace, in ascribing of the sign of times in societal upheaval much ink is to be let loose-where nowadays-many megabytes would be taken.

PublisherMujtaba Attia
Release dateMay 20, 2015
Prophecy Sees Inside Out and Forward Back

Mujtaba Attia

Mujtaba "Muj" Attia is a 48-year old freelance photojournalist, human rights activist, author, social commentator-and while you're at it-throw in philosopher of sorts. All to make him one who seeks to make his mark-or colophon-as you might want to term it, onto the pages of e-publishing. Such being where his plain message is to be reached by as many souls as possible on this little orb of ours whirling in space. This to unfold with the least amount of hassles-as opposed to what he would endure in dealing with the a** holes at conventional print syndicate-otherwise known as the gang of literary agents and the misfits at paper publishing outfits.Actually having been trained as a welder and then onto civil engineering, such -e writer in waiting would arrive at self-publishing insomuch as to pursue his passion in the likes of the love of words and not to mention that of colorful imagery. With such said, he has established for this undertaking a group called the "E-Writers' Due Drop" that would allow a host of self -published authors, individually, might have their little say onto the title page of their e-books. This commentary effort by authors is to lie outside that of the actual subject matter bearing on some pressing issue in the world today which need be brought to the forefront of public attention-all being submitted for publication on the web-where everyone has a shot at being heardAccordingly, the piece here on the Smashwords platform will have plenty to say in terms of witty phraseology that is to titillate readers. Again such work in the visual context is filled to the brim with snapshots within the pictorial section of the e-book. This such that the viewerss are as if placed snugly on board the story vector for a funky visceral thrill. Further, as being the crux of his work, the author here seeks to change the way people think for the better-that is-towards the truth of things-if it at all matters anymore in this prevaricating world we live in, Just as well such tome would move to see readers improve their individual selves under his vibrant mantra of-"In Enlightened Discernment is to be so Kind- So Bliss I'll Find as Butterflies Flutter in My Mind".

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    Prophecy Sees Inside Out and Forward Back - Mujtaba Attia

    Prophecy Sees Inside Out and Forward Back

    By: Mujtaba Attia

    Save the Rainforests …

    and while we’re on the topic

    let’s get those engaging in the

    trade of timbering falsehood to

    cut down on such dry lies. In turn

    this would make the world a better

    place to live, work and play-all then to

    quench Mother Earth’s thirst for The Reality

    Dink Offers to Enrich Minds Into Coffers

    So Do Drink Up From a Deep Think Cup

    For You to Savor the Flavor of Lit’ Labor

    Such To Drench Every Indent of the Soul

    So Do Pour these Words Here To Behold

    Let’s Show The World We Care About Our One World


    Copyright © 2015 Mujtaba Muj Attia (a/k/a Salim Abdul-Malik)

    All rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    ®The Gold Mask & Good Hands symbol is the trademark of such same named publishing entity. Again, such symbol is the copyright of Mujtaba Muj Attia a/k/a Salim Abdul-Malik for which such exclusivity attaches to this portion of intellectual property seen in Prophecy Sees Inside Out and Forward Back. Furthermore, such trademark is duly noted as being said publisher’s colophon which is herein displayed in a pair on the cover image of this literary piece.


    Within Prophecy Sees Inside Out and Forward Back, Mujtaba Muj Attia is the central character at matter for which, initially one mightn’t be able to ascertain whether to peg him a protagonist or antagonist. In the backdrop of the story, there is the stormy War on Terror that is still being waged a good number of years after the terrible calamity of September 11, 2001. This where it may be said that one person’s hero is another person’s villain. Having innocuously gotten caught in such terror tempest stemming from such 9/11 Attacks which occurred in the US during his own mid-life phase, he’d be taken into custody. This on the pretext of his long prior perpetrating a criminal act. In it, he’d incur a life-altering crisis for which there’s a story here to tell. In the course of his life in the Western Hemisphere being upended along with his subsequent banishment from such zones, he would again be wholly plunged into a global episode. Seven years exactly after his touchdown on African grounds, he’d be dropped onto the moving line of a major health conflagration-the fight against Ebola- in what was the Menace Mondial. Seeing spectrally the two matters or which are of worldwide implications-for him and others watchers it is like going from the frying pan and into an oven. Unquestionably, such which makes for a fascinating social commentary-and not to mention great literary fodder.

    In this e-book there are notable moments and figures from the annals of humankind which are presented in sometimes wry routing. In the breakthrough of the congealed conflicts of this treatise is that through hope, reconciliation, and keeping in sight the specter of our mortality -and thicker than that-the end of the world where we can find our true purpose in life. Hardly though is he some apocalyptic freak but just a fellow who thinks far forward by stepping into the shoes of our future generations. As he contends, we’d all come to terms with our humanism above the baseness of our animal framing for better living as the splendid creatures intended in the grand design. Purposely, such non-fiction work that touches the high-flung clouds on philosophic levels in the fly-off from a murky quagmire. Here, the author proposes that-in a world of rainbow-filled pots of gold we all have in each of us that butterfly quality. Being as it is, the ability to flutter on air for just that one moment in time-to prodigiously pollinate something flowery for self and society. When all is said and done and you have faded to black-there’d leave by your presence on Earth a colorful legacy across the sky for all to see and history to note.

    In tenor, this piece-takes on a no-nonsense tact where to task will go all the proffered falsehood that certain parties would attempt to push off on society- where still again move to deposit such into history. With such, the writer embraces Napoleon Bonaparte’s quaint quote on what history has become. Further, the mood of this book will leave the reader to run the temperament gamut. On another note-for some readers a long book (and this one is lengthy)-might sight a more frustrated outlook-taking this piece as being prolix. To sooth such souls, there is the Eli Bendersky review of Leo Tolstoy’s War and Peace-which is set in the heat of the Napoleonic Wars. Such critic offered his remark on such timeless piece saying -Its length can be justified…his writing is easily readable and the pages just fly.

    After reading Prophecy-, one is bound to say the same about such treatise as was said above on War and Peace. Frankly, it has been widely held that Muj-who is never inhibited in his work, couldn’t write a short dry piece if he tried. So he is-a stickler for detail, background and depth for which he aims to put the reader in touch with the person(s), events or issues being covered in non-fiction mode. This just the same where inexhaustible author James Patterson does very little non-fiction work saying; [I]n general, non-fiction is not the format for me-it’s too restrictive. With this said, creative juices must be allowed to flow with the author’s writing current. Do then take a swim in Prophecy-. Seen then from the scope of War and Peace-to thoroughly ascribe of the sign of the times in societal and personal upheaval, much ink-or megabytes nowadays, would be let loose so as to make the truth as clear as night and day.


    Herein this e-book lies my attempt to give recognition to all things-animate and otherwise, who and that which would give inspiration in this literary effort-thus all making possible for me to present this piece to you. Accordingly -there is firstly on the shortlist-the concept-an illuminating and feel-good one too, being worthy of mention here in the section. Such being the idea of upholding the prosaic truth- or should I term it-The Truth-this where anything so proper and distinguished deserves some upper case capitalization in its name. This virtue, I’d maintain stands as a towering monolith in life to those of real understanding to discover with zest in sort of Burj-ul Eureka that pierces the blue skies of the mind where in its shadows is the low-level fortification of falsehood. Admittedly, the latter in this day and age has more of an allure by the masses than that of this truth concept. Still, such base bastions of mendacity, behind a smart facade of prideful egotism and material wealth-the usual motivations of trading in such lies and falsehood, shall indeed one day collapse and crumble to dust. However the benign strongholds which remain upright in truth and justice shall continue standing as the true pinnacle of success-that is telling it like it is. Being what it is, the theme of this book and the mantra of the overlapping movement that I have embarked here will soon see rise for which all other people, places, and things just fall in line.

    On the level of dedicated acknowledgements I am behooved to firstly make mention of my deceased mother, Mardeh -whom I had heard of being referred to by another individual The Angel. Undeniably, without her nurturing and instilling of certain values-and not to mention passing on of particular genetic traits, I would not have the mindset or heart that I possess to pen this treatise. Certainly, my mother’s past advice and prophetic words would come to bear on me in roundabout ways which I’d come to rudely realize later on in life. This so much so that one Frenchman with a love for Latin-who’d supposedly be the most famous secular prophet ever-Nostradamus, would’ve loved to have chatted with our lady-my mom Mardeh. Cie la víe! Notwithstanding this, for certain less than obvious reasons, I touch on-but delve not too far into such matters lest readers are to get the wrong impression of the theme of this treatise here.

    As it was otherwise with other profile figures, my mother’s idol was, peculiarly, that of Elvis Presley with all his rock-and-roll twist and gyrations. In a bit of poignant coincidence, Elvis along with me would see the loss of a mother at a rather early age. This in which was to no doubt have a distressing effect on both youths. As for the song and dance superstar who was very much troubled-as such being the operative word in this literary piece, there was inconspicuously a problem in paradise beneath the varnished veneer. Behind the fame and fortune Elvis would, in his prime, begin to beg for death behind the sudden death of his Gladys years earlier. Such desperate desire of his was such that son and mother could reunite somewhere like the Hereafter. For me, from the time of Mardeh’s passing, within my pubescence-a period within my own unsettlement, I became a giant freight train that had veered out of control. In the course of this and through my aberrance I had implored whoever-or whatever, it was calling the shots in the maintenance of the galaxy -to allow me the meet-up one day somewhere-somehow with Mardeh.

    Acknowledged in my thoughts of this possible rendezvous -but as I must-live my life- where there is the chilling reminder to take with you message bottled in a memorable line from the movie Shawshank Redemption. Get on with the business of livin’ or get on with the business of dyin’-it was sis by character seen in the flick as jailhouse philosopher. Taking heed to this in the former in the meanwhile where then I’ll reach such most formidable crossroads by a cause not in my control; I have in this late stage in stand up resoluteness inherited my mother’s moving legacy for me.

    This along with my having been left a reflection of my mother in this realm -in soul, countenance and virtues, right within her daughter-in which of course we’d each spend time in the same womb. Serena-or S-Dot-as I’ve affectionately dubbed my elder sister-is the one and only I speak of now. No doubt, S-Dot would be the next individual who need be mentioned here in such acknowledgement. This in which she, yet another to be mentioned herein and I are all in an exchange set to ponder on the road traveled thus far. Just as well, we’re set to try to look ahead to the remaining legs left to our respective journeys. So then we have in each other, as symbiotic-and still perhaps elsewhere feudalistic, siblings, to see how best we are to manage on our own. This in the fulfillment of such unsaid covenant made with our mother in life who was once here with us in the flesh but remains now as is in our hearts.

    Still again as far as the actual making of this piece, I must still yet acknowledge Ginny Porter-or GP, as I informally call her, my enlightener and upcoming editor. Such being again on general principle in her being a gregarious people-person, she wishes for nothing more than to see others succeed in life in whatever capacity they’d be set in. Never doing such to be seen by others, this multifaceted mentor can be found assisting the less than privileged in her environs in not only getting them an education but inculcating the necessary life lessons onto these needy individuals. Indeed, it was such South African solution maker, having once been a literary agent, who first put it into my head that self-publishing was the way to go for aspiring writers. This being platinum advice for new writers, where since the advent of the profession -the conventional literary agents would tell such penners starting out- sometimes those novices with incredible writing skills and stupendous pieces, that their work didn’t quite fit.

    In such boilerplate rejections it was as if such manuscript was some kind shirt or something but really such boilerplate brush-off was standard industry practice so as to skirt a dirty little secret. Yes- from my own experiences well before meeting GP I found out that the cliquish hard copy publishers of the world-through their overly servile doorpersons-the literary agents, have created a discriminatingly insidious velvet rope situation in the business. One that sees many print-worthy pieces needlessly dropped into the cobwebbed slush pile. As a consequence -the sometimes potential-filled writer would get slumped totally into frustration after successive rejections by this collusive group of literary. Further, GP would diligently mull over the concepts of my e-manuscript to iron out all the wrinkles in the story-line so then much kudos to her in her collaboration with this project.

    Lastly, there is left for the mention, empathy, and accolades which are to go out to the acolytes of this prosaic truth that everyone knows of but not all who would embrace it. Spoken of is this small corps of people of the world of different colors, creed or religions who just won’t stop marching to the drummer’s beat in that of the naked reality. This in having to sometimes go against interests-if necessary, or other times even sacrifice their lives and careers behind it. To these reasonable minds of Mother Earth who openly reject obvious falsehood, my thoughts remain forever with them. Hopefully then after this current battle which I-along with others, find ourselves in-the current Ebola crisis, which is near ended, we can continue on in this campaign against falsehood as truth warriors. Such in the cause of the elevation of that blessed principle of The Truth. All of course to lead the charge within my sometimes-on the level stark -other times off-the-hook sardonic blog of General Muj’s Tao. In following this mission of mine-and conceivably yours as well, I hope to see your comments, posts, and feedback soon after the upcoming launch of the blog! Ciao.


    As for us as-the human animal-the most terrific creature on Earth-we move with seat belts fastened and air bag intact for this planetary orbit run around the sun-and for the most part loving every moment (well…. mostly) of the ride. Seeing things for what they truly are here there should be-as with all else, a firmly trellised virtue if we’re to plant something worthwhile for future generations. At first thought and in the initial endeavor to pen the e-book, Prophecy Sees Inside Out and Forward Back, I found such to be as difficult as that of completing the Twelve Labors of Hercules. In the end, it was one task that I actually became titillated with in which through it my love for words and fixation phraseology grew more even more. All for which within life’s rank, I remain the logofile for life and even onwards while some statement inscription onto a tombstone is perhaps a thing eschewed in the culture I come from-I hope to have a few words dropped there that would epitomize this burning desire. During the seven years in the making of this piece-in terms of acquiring the forage to make such a fairly decent read, there would through such toil and storyline struggle decidedly bring home a magnificent message. Insomuch of this, more material would come in to augment into the narrative that for me would complete my own circle of living and learning that I believe might form a useful curriculum for others who to yet come forth from the womb.

    Shucks-I felt at one point that I needed to turn this literary project into a mini-series or something. This in just the same manner that co-authors-David Simon and Ed Burns would do with their bestselling pulp and ink book The Corner in re-formatting such into The Wire. As to the latter, it took on a life of its own as a full-fledged series surrounding the illicit drug use and trafficking in Baltimore, Maryland. So it was the show which was inspired from the fairly long critically acclaimed treatise went on to be the smash HBO cable TV hit. Similarly, here I wanted the readers to feel the texture of the scenery as well as gain some real depth onto the characters giving sensorial gratification to such audience-wherein the end the gravamen of the situation at hand is grasped. All the more, conventional wisdom took over in my moving for some screen adaptation to which I opted to try to move a couple of book units first before undertaking in such a step; It makes sense right? Still the scribing process and then e-book formatting was no walk in the park-let me tell you. As it is, the narrative within this e-book hinges on the not-so-narrow sagacity of some real rap-from the Delphic grounds of ancient times seen by notable figures such as Socrates, Plato and Aristotle.

    Within this circumference -there need be acknowledged a party as having remained virtually unknown -but yet was very much integral to such learning circle. I introduce to you then-Pythia. This unfaltering female was in fact the high priestess of the venerable institution. Within Pythia would astutely articulate the Oracles and so-called prophecies issued within such forum. Enveloping the open air lectern were words built on sound syntax still enunciated by speakers with rapid fire delivery all to resound through the valley so in leaving those of the countryside totally mesmerized. As time went by, the Delphic Oracle would be characterized by such type of profound expression aimed at offering exceptional guidance-mostly being of the secular species, for which the average man, woman and child would take to heart in everyday life. Becoming then a dais set to relate revealing tales bound for dissemination throughout Greece and still the rest of the known world, such learning circle syllabus would only see resurgence some one millennium and 590 years later-outside of Oracle.

    Taking it to the fast forward of modern times, we are brought to the Adelphi Street circle of learning -or as it may be called, the Out Well, being largely inspired by the solicitous lifestyle that has spread throughout the guts of Brooklyn. These confines being home to such esteemed lyrical thinkers of our times such as Jay-Z, Biggie Smalls, Mos Def/Talib Kweli and Lil’ Kim. With seeing the impact that these figures have made on pop culture, one begins to think-is there some link between the old circle of Delphi and new one of Adelphi? This for which others would doubt that there is any connection between the two and any serious thought as to such would be utterly preposterous.

    This largely being where the circle of the past was placed in quite more Arcadian surroundings in the highlands of an island in the Aegean Sea. Again, such ancient loop was dotted with aging White folks of impeccable standing in being learned to the utmost. On the other hand the new circle would be envisioned to be set on some heavily loitered inner-city street corner filled with young to middle aged Blacks-who probably left off secondary education and skipped higher learning altogether. Relegated, it would seem, that they’d be sitting around engaging in lowly rap ciphers-this along with many of them having rap sheets as thick as the old Yellow Pages. On the surface, the naysayers might win out-but then again maybe not. Going more in-depth, one is to look to the more telling indices from snippets from that of what is considered more than anything Americana- the box office thriller. For sure there is insight there where they say life is imitating art-or maybe again it’s the other way around.

    Pointedly, there saw from the screenplay of the thriller The Matrix, corporate-looking White men who would seek to intercept and neutralize anyone who would hear and take heed to the ethereal pronouncement of The Oracle. If I’m not mistaken, such prophetic character was portrayed in the film as some chain smoking-cookie baking-60-plus year old Black woman apparently on public assistance. Looking at the backdrop of the scene where the hero Neo meets up with The Wise One it would appear that she actually resided within in a big city housing project more in stereotypical fashion of those of the less-savvy of society in the industrialized world . In real life-there is actually some sought after sage figure who has got even more commercial-type White men following behind her. As seen in living color, such chase being for the purpose of getting an earful of the soundly structured -or matrix advice of this woman. In this case of course such pursuers seek not to do harm to such woman’s s persons. Moreover they stand to comfortable gain from the prudence of words of The Wise One in her persona as the sitting diva of day time talk and queen of communications.

    That’s right you guessed it-I’m speaking of the communications maven-and mavis, Oprah Winfrey. One who while coming from humble-and somewhat troubled, beginnings in the less than endowed US state of Mississippi is far from being any welfare recipient, where it seems that she is someone to watch and listen to. This as Oprah has become one of the most influential persons in the world over the last 30 years. Ably, perched on her nest in Chicago she chirps out soothing lectures amongst guests who sit on the proverbial couch in which such syndicated wisdom is beamed out to hundreds of millions of viewers daily. Such oracular acumen of Oprah is not only in economics but spills over to the humanities-the most important study there is-of people. Such understanding sees in her genuine interest in society at large-all to make her the true altruist. So it is then that such solid insight dissipating out into the world these days is coming from those from such demographic of that of Oprah Winfrey. Those it would seem being once of privation or just as well former students of the Out Well-which has spouts for those of all different flavors to have their say of something meaningful in the ever changing world of today.

    Personally, I’d tend to think then that a thing can largely be judged by its mass and selective appeal-or lack thereof- right along with what it notices overall down the road. This in which when the person who sits at the seemingly most elevated station in world -the office of the US presidency, seeks the opinion and perhaps even advice of an Out Well alumnus on text-believe then what I suggest here in very voluminous context. With that been said-it is safe to say that the oracular torch of the past was passed on to those in this age. Those who would have again tendered The Experience and/or obtained such an education in the realities-where often time nowadays you will find that they are again pegged as sages of the future with otherwise foolish pasts. All for which the wisdom of these various circles blows like only the wind underneath the meandering butterfly knows.

    Seeing such breezy sendoff filled with faith it is to vane a change in cerebral posture and in such take one invariably onto a more positive direction in life. Being then as it may, the learning circle at Adelphi now is nothing less than a redux of the Delphic Oracle of before. In such, the womanly touch on such learning bases gives the therein messages-which no doubt cut through race and class partitions, more relevant basis. Properly, those thinkers of old and certainly those of the new who had gained firm footing onto these concentric circles of learning, had in their finest moments, drafted a laudable plan. One that called for refinement in the lifestyles of people through examined thought on the part of self while blocking out backwardness all to expand throughout the world bring us closer to Utopian totality. To make such keen observations-in a quest to ameliorate the things in your circumference and sharing with all such plan of improvement all being sparked by a thought , this puts you within the company of those oracular-whether those of past or present. That’s right-your own little franchise on philosophy-to up your take on life-hot off the grill. Imagine that!

    Crucially, it must be said here that despite what this e-book cover might suggest-along with the many references I’d make herein such treatise referring to ancient empires, the Caesars and the Delphic Oracle, that this piece is not some celebration of Greco-Roman culture. Still again by my use of certain buzzwords such as prophecy and deliverer this work is neither for the purpose of to paying homage to religious figures of likes of Muhammad on back in relevant scriptures. Moreover it is in recognition of anyone or any group who had said something iridescent in truth that may be applied to bring about change. Tangentially, we all could put to use some ripe philosophy in our life’s journey for spiritual, emotional, and/or financial advancement.

    Properly, such may come from the thinkers of circle of Delphi to your area square mall- from Wall Street to Adelphi Street- from Darwinism or Taoism. This where again wisdom may derive from not so oddly-a notorious Nazi party leader or even a massively corrupt police character who’d all meet a scoundrel’s end in which means of their deeds could not be justified. Yes indeed-a thing truthfully enlightening may come from anyone situated within any given place in the world. From a red-nosed derelict eating out of a garbage in Los Angeles’ Skid Row amidst the capital wealth of America to a going-nowhere goods marketing mother green with envy at the opportunities in this promise land across the waters as she is held Accra’s poverty stricken district of Old Fadama.

    Again as it would go to the title of the book for which there remains the question of whether there will be some startling predictions or chilling prophecies made by me as if I’m some type of Mujidamus-or something. Nope -it not that type of party-I don’t have a clairvoyant bone in my body or a crystal ball sitting on my night table. In truth, I merely make the effort to recognize the surrounding portents and appreciate the bearing for which such significant matters from the past offer those with a degree of keenness insight into the future. Further with all of the travails I herein detail, one might get the impression that this is tale of woe type jeremiad for which I am left bitter or desperate. \

    On the contrary, with all the grittiness I could muster I had come to the realization of an awesome thing about people in general. Likened to this is the take on the most in-demand human emotion there is-where folklore hero Mark Twain would quip- Happiness is coming to know that the world (the folks in it-that is) is not a very nice place. Having affirmed this in my own little odyssey-I am at a point in life to which I am rather content. This where the presage of this malignancy with Earthlings-I now readily recognize such as if they were the neon lights on Broadway. All again to rehearse what was taught to me by a most wise one before his passing. This for which he proffered that in every manifestation that is seen in the universe-there are the signs to such being and doing -it just remains on how readily one recognizes such omens. How astute of the old timer-wouldn’t you agree?

    Critically, in some subliminal harkening from the past it seems, there would witness certain duplicated happenstance in events that touched my life. Such in which seeing my prismatic assessment of such, it was widely commented that l should have written a book on-and so now I have finally gotten around to it-with of course putting to the side the libretto version. Compelled then I was to do so, I broached on it his e-book with two of the most pivotal events in our modern times. Such for which I would further urge that the historical implications be looked at very carefully and from a broad scope by all who’d read this piece.

    In what I term as my having the eyes and ears of the visionary, such would therein give me a most searing insight when interposing the basic knowledge that I have of human nature for which of course would the personal drama makes for read that one could better relate to. Further experienced I am to know that these elements are often piqued when subjects are felt by crisis, controversy, and/or clash of ideology. All the more such, necessitates that we all on every errand try and find the middle ground. Still for which there are those who won’t budge an inch from being errant-it is part of the life cycle that gives philosophers subject matter as to the be the discerning arbiters of right and the wrong, the beneficial from the losing proposition, and further again the exciting from the stolid.

    In reading this non-fiction work-that you’ll find to be one of greatest of true stories never told. Even more I will skip you down the halls of history -to which for me such scamper has always been not only fun-but consequential. This where I took that of the past and juxtaposed such into the present corridors where the resonance from the sayings of those of old you will find as being ever relevantly amazing. Be it as it may- it has been underscored here in this e-book the fact that our past unquestionably predicates our future. Driven into these digital pages as if nails under the hammer in a fixer-upper, it become so vitally important that what is entered-or "deposited’ into the accounts of history is true and accurate if we are to see a tomorrow for the children that stays with rectitude.

    In such, this piece goes on to ask what legacy in touch with the reality you will leave when it is all said and done. On opening this book - I’d say let’s take that probative walk to close out the mystery on where tomorrow’s footsteps will lead us. In doing this, we will most propitiously use the why, who, what, how, and when tools along with helping hands to make our little outing a bit easier. So then shall we? Where for all it’s worth on such course -keep in your sights the single most pivotal idea there is on the planet-One World!

    PICTURE #1-The Oracle of Delphi-Circle of Learning

    PICTURE #2-The Out Well of Adelphi Street-Circle of Learning

    PICTURE #3-The Evolution of the Circle of Learning

    PICTURE #4-Papilio Machaon Pollinates the Scabiosa Atropurpurea* *Pin Cushion Flower Smooched By Swallowtail Butterfly

    PICTURE #5-Condone One Should-The Mighty Atlantic in a Tide Stem On Some Salone Sand at the Magnificent Aberdeen Hem







    PICTURE #1-The Oracle of Delphi- Circle of Learning

    PICTURE #2-The Out Well of Adelphi Street-Circle of Learning

    PICTURE #3-The Evolution of the Circle of Learning

    PICTURE #4-Papilio Machaon Pollinates the Scabiosa Atropurpurea * Pin Cushion Flower Smooched By Swallowtail Butterfly

    PICTURE #5-Condone One Should-The Mighty Atlantic in a Tide Stem On Some Salone Sand at the Magnificent Aberdeen Hem

    Chapter 1. Malaria, Typhoid, and Other Parasites of Persons in the Troubled Tract of West Africa

    1.1 Malaria and Typhoid Go Hand in Hand Skipping Along the Stretch

    1.2 Incubating Merrily Amongst the People of the Troubled Tract Is a Vile Pathogen That is Driven Like an Old Black Pathfinder

    1.3 A Twisted Ball Made of Demonic Call & Tribalism Shawl Entwines the Stretch With its Troublesome Pall

    Chapter 2. The Good in People Should Not Be Forced But Allowed to Come Out Freely and Fairly

    2.1 The Bad Karma of the Quirky Kiwi Chameleon

    2.2 Salone’s Keystone Kops Keep Knocking for Cash-Not as a Loan and Never In Advance They Phone

    Chapter 3. A Magic Confab’s Refrains Were Haunting In Their Call As a Hemorrhagic Conflagration To Come Would Make What Remains Daunting for Us All

    3.1 An Unexpected Visit by the Cos’ Who’d Make You Sick Being Near Him

    3.2 You Know How We Do-Cornbread Obama and Me in Osu

    3.3 Girls- Turn on the Water Works and Work It-And It’ll All Work Out

    3.4 What Manna of Maladies Are Those in the Troubled Tract

    Chapter 4. The Lies That Lie in Liberia & Whether Breached Border or Bush Meat-Old Plagues Never Die -They Only Take on New Ghostly Shapes In The Troubled Tract Order

    4.1 The Invention and Patent of the Trifling Lie in the Freed Slave Homeland

    4.2 A Contagion Intruder Enters the Swath Where When Compared To Other Plagues of the Past Was Even More Ruder On People in its Path

    4.3 Innuendo of Some Vast Riches That an Outlander Could Pad & A Caste System Which Would Even Make a Hindu Mad in the Troubled Tract Tab

    4.4 Who’s That Stepping Over My Bridge? And While We’re at it...Why Are You Digging Up My Diamond Mine?

    4.5 Dipstick Immunity For Those of the Liberian Ambassadorial Corps Lap to Enable the Ambit of Partying-Saudi Style; Hard Core Sex, Drugs and Rap

    4.6 So to Speak-The Summit of Mt. Brownnose and Those Who Would Climb Such Type of Peak

    4.7 Swath Players Stripped To their Essence & A Tight Lipped Mandingo-Arab Alliance Presence

    Chapter 5. The Knowlden Legacy Wrapping the Diamond Trade In the Troubled Tract-Made for A Prophetic Promise Fulfilled In Fact

    5.1 The Aural Ball of the A&H Office Protocol Was Pretty Hard to Call

    5.2 They Hop to Set the Smooth Stage for the Rough Stone Swap Page

    5.3 Creating the Allure of the Diamond Sees Such Move as Forever

    5.4 In the Swath Diamond Hut-Each One, Teach One, To Leach off of Another

    Chapter 6. Gola Rainforest Saviors Versus the Exploitation Wretches & There’s No Place Like Home in These Stretches For the Indigenes Where Maybe a Few But For the Lebanese-a Slew

    6.1 Upfront Activists get to kicking Behinds and Taking Down Names

    6.2 Twisters Move along Life’s Travel Path-And You Can’t Avoid

    6.3The Brave Doctor Khan of Kenema & the Inference of Infertility

    6.4 The Lebanese and Their Outlander Ambitions as Riders of West Africa

    6.5 Darth Invades the Swath-The Dollar is Majesty as Self Hate-the Tragedy

    6.6 Acts Menial Sees the Falling Apart at the Seams of What Seemed Congenial

    6.7 Life Imitating Art-or Vice Versa?

    Chapter 7. Guess WHO’s Coming to Dinner? Napoleon Bonaparte Along With His Canon to Battle History’s Distortion

    7.1 The Less Than United Nations and its Schismatic Permutations

    7.2 The Big Truth From the Little General, Kipling’s Six Honest Men & The Romp of the Rommels’

    Chapter 8. The Unpleasant Surprise of the Possibility of Ebola Tom, Dick, or Harry In a Search for Unnamed Patients -1, -2 and -3 for Which World Health Authorities Tarry

    Chapter 9. The Undue Hullabaloo Over the Bonobo Habitué & Mainstream Media’s Hype Which Festers Enmity Between Nations to the Mushroom Cloud Heights Chapter

    Chapter 10. The Coda to the Guinea-Conakry Outbreak Slant Would Clearly Be By the Inadvertent Transplant of the Zaïre Strain Ebola from the DRC

    Chapter 11. Illicit Traffic of the Swath Permeates It With Sizeable Gridlock and Wealth While Corruption Creates Great Havoc On the Care For Such Society’s Health

    Chapter 12. Those of the Swath Bear Responsibility for the Scourge of Plagues & The Robber Barons Of the Media Who History Will Hold as Vague

    12.1 For Some in the Stretch Who Couldn’t Spell that Ole’ Black Magic’s Still Had Such Groundswell in a Spell

    12.2 Fact-Psychosis in Troubled Tract is Obscured by a Lax Precocious Tact

    12.3 Prestige Press in Ebola Towel Wring of the Truth-Hardly to Impress

    Chapter 13. The Dry Season of Discontent in Qualms With the Mainstream Media I’d Vent in Alarms

    13. 1 Prelude to Deluge of Press Lies as Flood Gates Were Opened Wide

    13.2 The Holy Grail of Media Distortion-As History Now Has Its Portion

    13.3 The Newspaper Chase Where Some Try to Save Reputational Face

    13.4 The Oval Office/UN Power Seat & Seeing the Chaff from the Wheat

    13.5 A Bag of Better Days, Silver Linings and Rays of Sunshine

    13.6 Now Go Tell Pharaoh

    Chapter 14. Empire Rising-Again

    14.1 A Tide Shift of Virus In Swath Sees Stride Lift in New Rome’s March

    14.2 Sham, Scam-No Thank You Oval Office Man-You’ve Screwed Enough

    14.3 US Soldier Boys Keep Keen Eyesight on a Pack of Four Daughters & Three Nieces-or the Seven Sisters -If You Like , In the Troubled Tract

    14.4 The Empires of the Future Are the Empires of the Kind Mind

    14.5 So As it Was Written So Shall it Be Done

    14.6 No Fear-A CIA/Army Pair Goes Nuclear on Detainees in its Gitmo Lair

    14.7 As it Bears -The Pilgrims’ Promise Kept As Natives Wept on a Trail of Tears

    14.8 Bad Blood Would Feel in the Night of Broken Glass and Mangled Steel

    14.9 Caught in an Airport Accost -There Saw the Flight from a Paradise Lost

    14.10 Offing as a Gag-Only to Lose it Agog Held in US Immigration Gulags

    14.11 During Trials Let No Hearts Grieve- Widen Horizons by Miles-So Read

    14.12 The World Empire Pageant-Who’ll Win the Crown as Most Adamant? The Revulsion Will Not Be Televised as Iron Fists in History are Despised

    Chapter 15. The Hiss in the Dark of Old King Cobra & Amiss Is the Amusement in Park Rides Which Are Never Over

    15.1 Half Baked Battle against the Corrupt Snake’s Rattle

    15.2 What ‘s Ebola Got to Do With It-Just An Old Pathogen for Judah’s Kin

    15.3 Pin it on the Usual Suspects in a Spin on Trade in the Slavery Respects

    15.4 The Slow Crystallization of the Global Diamond Bourse That Would Then Gloat Civilization‘s Bauble Gift and Curse

    15.5 Oppression and Apartheid Form the Cog’s of Israel Occupation

    15.6 Assad Aside -Other Asinine War Crime Creeps Need Take ICC Seat

    15.7 Heavy was the Head of He who Wore A Crown-But Light was his Heart

    15.8 Seeing Scant Problems with the Scandinavians Sponsoring Peace Deal

    15.9 Gone From the Green Planet I’m Still Touched by it-Hard as Granite, Now I Bemoan such Brooklyn G-Zone in Which Like No Other I Lament

    15.10 Red Grand Poobah Took Over Cuba-US Casino Bosses Were the Loser

    15.11 A Jungle Out There -Black Panthers Prowl-White Elephants Cry Foul

    15.12 A New Beginning

    15.13 Take My Advice -Carry Bags and Mark Tags of Your Own in this Life

    15.14 In Trek Rapport the Overlapping Oracles can Take One Door- to-Door

    Chapter 16. The Road to Eternity is Far Less Traveled but Well More Fulfilling

    16.1 If You’d Tell Me Tomorrow You’d Still be Here Nearby-You’d be Telling a Big Lie

    16.2 Using a Little Guile-Try the Change Things From the Inside Style to See a Most Interesting Tile

    16.3 All’s Well-Going very Much Dutch to Quell the Energy Resource Fuss

    16.4 In the Africa Pile Its Best for East to Meet West in a Collaborative File

    16.5 I was Told in a World so Cold-There’s a Need for More Like Diogenes

    16.6 History’s Beat Goes On and On-A Repeat and Forward Back Play Feat

    16.7 Please Leave a Mark-Big or Small, so Stark on History for All to Seize



    PICTURE #6-A Clear Blue Sky Sees the Black Butterfly On a Road Less Traveled Needing to Be Fluttered on Even More

    PICTURE #7-Footprints in the Sand In the Path of Easy Does And the Shadow of the Man That Once Was

    PICTURE #8-Along Beach Cliffs In a World So Banal-Beseeched Lips Atone On The Sure Reality Nearing Shore Totality of an Eclipse More Cranial

    PICTURE # 9-In Humankind’s Need to Stand up Straight-Each and All, Is a Kindred Spirit Which Flaps Forth in Kaleidoscopic Color

    Chapter 1. Malaria, Typhoid, and Other Parasites of Persons In the Troubled Tract of West Africa

    1.1 Malaria and Typhoid Go Hand in Hand Skipping Along the Stretch

    The world over, travelers preparing for a trip destined for some part of Africa-and especially so of West Africa, are to be strenuously advised on a certain matter of what should be of great concern to them. Almost mandatorily, the candidate passenger is to be warned about the potentially fatal-but more often than not physically tormenting, illnesses that they might encounter on such a journey of apprehension. Still again before such voyager would depart -if indeed the then jittery individual then apprised of the situation actually decides to fly to such location, there is likely to be urged onto such party a thing. That is to take on preventive measures so as to contend, in a preemptive manner, with such ailments of dread. This in which these health perils are no wayfarer fables but do in fact exist in which some in the world are infinitely more at risk than others of contracting the sickening parasite. With this, the realness of such hazards has been painstakingly documented by statistics and furthermore incised with a canine grip in the memory of people by the myriad of horror stories where there is the parasite’s bite without any previous bite.

    Ticketing reps of the various airlines along with on-point travel agents, regularly direct would-be travelers to some dispensary/pharmacy-in such being more as a courtesy than that of an obligation, for what would be treatment take before befalling to illness. This being seen as a moral duty by such personnel to give the wayfarer an opportunity to obtain the almost de rigueur medications that experience would say that such items are really essential for the trip. No doubt, such drugs would avert one from contracting this disease the where medicines should be packed with the traveler along with the old toothbrush to be taken regularly once on ground in West Africa- and such other type settings. Besides the happy face offered by the originating airline service agent-the medicine should keep such a traveler with smiles for the duration in having purposely prevented a possible infection from this parasitic ailment which has no friend.

    As such, prophylactic (the malaric type and certainly not the other kind) usage, when in such zones of this sickness, could be held to be some genie in a brown plastic bottle that would yield to one’s wish to stay disease-free. When released from the bottle and taken, such tablets-which traditionally have been portray in their wedding dress white appearance strides down the aisle of one’ immune system to have and to hold in glowing health. Additionally, there is common complaint of such tablets having a highly caustic taste but for which they are still reluctantly taken for such salubrious cause over the unpleasant savor. In response to this, these pills are now available in Lifesavers-color coating so as to protect one from the life snatching parasite incursion-all to form a marriage made in health heaven to guard against such creepy malady.

    When timely taken, these tablets would ward off the malaria heebie-jeebies-and the infection itself that if such bug were to develop by the supersonic parasite spread in the body-you’ll likely be grounded faster than the Air France Concorde. As once you step off the plane onto such rain forest patches of the continent such incidence of contracting the disease is heightened in the right armpit and shoulder of such land mass-West Africa the invasive organism will move to gang up and put such a hurting on you-you’ll tell your grandkids about it. As intractable as the parasite is, the quinine pills-even the chalky tart tasting ones, are an absolutely necessity to fight off the onslaught all for the sake of your soundness of body and soul. Personally, my take is that the older quinine pill of yesteryear is more effective than the new day candy-like bubble gum-lollipop fare of the medication. Who is to say then that bitter is not better?

    Make no mistake about it-as far as usual tropic ailments are concerned - malaria has long been the Real McCoy in terms of susceptibility, case prevalence, and even mortality rate-up until lately, which is compelling enough considering that this is in fact an easily preventable disease. As any research cadaver- if somehow such once live-and-well human being were able to be brought back to life, could therein recount for you, such malaric ailments can be very much deadly. Pertinently being it seems the possible consequences of traveling to this giant island called Africa without a Hefty bag full of the these pills but taking such tablets lower the risks that the paradise of this life is not lost to a hellish tempest that enjoys seeing no survivors.

    According to legend and modern medical lease-this cinchona tree bark extract has traditionally been one of the most effective treatments and preventative drugs for this malaria ailment. Yes- this being a disease that should not even exist in the 21st century anywhere in the world. Still such disease continues due largely to corruption, ignorance, and apathy. Indeed, malaria and similar other diseases are alive and thriving on the planet for which the people of the African continent -by irresponsibly behavior have formed a formidable breeding ground for such type of diseases. On a rough estimate, Sub-Saharan Africa accounts for 90 percent of all malaria cases reported in the world each year!

    Along with this would be any of the number of trade names of the topical solution sold over-the-counter containing chloroquine for which repels mosquitoes-the silent carrier of malaria. This in turning away such biters who would kindle a fire onto your corporal self to veritably become a malaria prophylaxis for those who must venture to this part of the world where they wear clothes made of kente. Chloroquine, in fact, is an active ingredient in the newer drugs which were intended to make a rugby-style tackle of the malaria parasite once it would enter within the fielding of the human body. All this is being said-largely from personal experience, for which I can tell you I know the procedure. In any number of plane trips outward of America; I’d depart from JFK Airport in New York on regular air bound cruises over that almost endless horizon-tapered sea as sorties of awful recent memories veered in my head. Without so much as the asking, I’d set out to see what I-the orphan could do for myself as there were my people-familial and otherwise, but still again with rare exceptions would not do anything for me but foul things up even worse.

    Catching malaria for the first time-such during the course of a defining trip to Liberia in 1983 that was to escort my mom’s body for internment next to her mother in the rural village of Chea Town, was a baptism by infection. As the procession marched on during the somber trek into the interior of Liberia a peculiar parched throat first appeared with me. With its suddenness no doubt it was the symptom of something developing for which holy water came to mind. Further to see in this cortege would be a sea of tears would flow onto a bouquet of eulogistic praises for the departed mother of mine and sister of the soil who died far too young. Such current again along with the Atlantic Ocean which I’d just crossed to land at the first crossroads of my young life. All of such bodies of water I could have easily downed-the heavenly and the salty tasting ones were considered to contend with this dehydration caused by the onset of malaria. Yes-the thirst, such is the initial indicator that you will sense whence such type parasite is upon you-severe dry mouth of a Saharan quality.

    In this harbinger, if such symptoms turn out to be part of a malaria condition, the ailment will bring about tough times where if the parasite were to advance, such internal mortar shelling would hit hard key parts of the body and impair their functions. Sometimes, the spread of the disease inside the body might be slow-in other instances within the system such would move faster than Mark Fuhrman from the Million Man March (Hey what ever happen to the arresting policeman who would inadvertently get O.J. off -in which he would end up doing better for the defendant’s Dream Team. Of all things, I’m hearing of a rumor that he is a bestselling author-well go figure!). Still then again you will not readily forget this war waged onto the red blood cells of the body all within the green foliage topography of this West African rim.

    Undoubtedly, there are those who move about in Premier and First Class of such global heir-craft-which in of itself is largely dependent on what situation you are born into in life. Perhaps sounding somewhat elitist but all the more true- these individuals in their class placement would be stratified well above such travails of the malaria onslaught. If such person were compelled-or wished for on their own volition, to travel to these malaria hotspots, such group hadn’t any need to fret much. Likely, in their being among such privileged crowd, these souls would be probably staying at hotels with posh enough accommodations- usually situated at some beachside location, in which the featured accoutrements would be enough to keep mosquitoes at bay. Topping off the list, in addition to the daily disinfection of their hotel rooms, there would be air conditioning along with fine screens on all windows and doors to deny access to such blood thirsty insects which reconnoiter all before they strike a target.

    For this lot who’d zealously wish to remain in First World health-seeking out fairly sanitized lodgings is rudimentary to fend off such rude invaders -for which this is rather easy to achieve in the malaria zones. When the matter of proper accommodations is paired with the pertinent administering or medicines, one -and anyone I mean, could obtain sufficient protection from these aerial attackers. All for which such issue of being covered then condenses down to having-or having not adequate funds to leverage such cease fire in a then no-fly zone. If you do have enough dollars-then such dainty safe digs are to be unearthed for you-to which this excavating idea would largely be applicable to a whole range of those from industrialized nations. Still, those of the African Sub-continent would likely see that their standard of living would not allow for on par accommodation as those from the First World.

    This then bring us around to the tough cousin of malaria-the terrorizing typhoid tick, in which it is to be said is even less likely to be contracted by outsiders. Such being where the West African typhoid strains mainly originate from and dwell in tainted water. All for which it is seen that the parasite skinny dips in the wells which a good number of the locals drink from -naturally at the peril of contracting this malaria-linked ailment which literally tortures victims. Soon later after my arrival in Monrovia-Liberia’s capital, I would learn that the typhoid parasite-along with other viral agents, don’t just hang out deep in Africa’s rural community wells as if some troublesome imp. These parasites also walk about at their desire as if they were gentlemen of leisure on their esquire strolls within urban settings.

    Casually ambling through these areas often time packed with food and beverage vending operations such parasites would tote around with them such sickening taint-this is a scene involving such parasites. That’s right-the locals for the most part should not trust such street food prepared by the load of sellers along the strip of major road arteries in the cities of this typhoid region. You see-bottled or plant treated tap water would of course cost money and again overhead costs are a thing very much considered by such vendors-most of who are unregulated by the encompassing state agencies, to be avoided. In such lesser expenditure pick there would often time register more profit? A series of inspection of the practices by this plethora of roadside or walk-through food vendors in such zones would reveal that a good many health, sanitation, and just common sense corners are cut in the daily routine. In such, the only the prospects then of saving prospective consumers from contracting the highly fatal typhoid malady-this is applying cooking/warming heat or significant enough chilling which would be dim-as such techniques see extra expenditures. With this it is seen that these deadly parasites may come at humans in high risk areas in various manners but at the end of the day such recklessly uncaring actions by other human allows such free reign.

    Again- there’d be no real worry for the more upscale hotel guests in West Africa of typhoid infection in which there is no shortage of said establishments. Such which largely cater to United Nations-UN, types and NGO workers who frequent such disease ridden grounds. One will find that all the fluids gushed around those places are bottled aqua or water which has been imported from abroad after being triple filtered. There are however no such amenities for the masses born and living within the malaria and typhoid marshes of the Sub-continent in which they are relegated to sachets of what is said to treated water which is has seen a wide enough proliferation in recent years. Still throughout the peak of such varied infestation periods in such zones-in which such is seen up until this day, the ailment pair has been victorious. In past marched past those tyrannical arches and pylons to prevail in the sheer numbers and prevalence -right along with the field being made unfair by the lack of concern by other inhabitants. This seemingly in triumph where the deadly duo is to say that they won out in the fight between the zone outsiders for individual healthiness and the disjointed forces in the zone allowing widespread sickness-delivering to this subjugated impoverished segment of the world trials upon trials of aches and pains during the course of the onslaught.

    Unnoticed by these well-to-do guests in the tidy inns, there are these out of sight and of course out of mind native souls -all laying just outside the Premiere Class’ swank enclaves in West African cities. Invisible to the outsiders, there remains the dank housing for the droves of natives who would be stung by the malaria and typhoid bugs and how they cope with this and other these tropic infirmities. As far as these illnesses which the various government officials of these zones only glimpse at in which the situation their view is from a narrow obstructed self-centered scope-if they even look at all. In a more long lasting worldview, I’d come up close and all so personal- taking in these souls who the overseas hotel guest hardly see- these poor port-of -call-less inhabitants of West Africa and the rest of the Sub-continent to which I would, in my fish-eyed vista, dilate my pupils in eyeing the situation outside of these limits.

    Back on the other side of the Atlantic with the malaria and typhoid brace would continue to bring on its debilitating effects on souls in the West African spread that see a set of symptomatic conditions. This where outside of the high octane migraine racing through your brain, the mongrel malady twosome again produces sweat of the likes of some race horse in a run for the roses towards a Triple Crown title to which the throbbing twinge tears at the victim’s tendons and muscles alike. In describing the feeling-it would be akin to being caught in a wicked storm with constant heaving, listing, and swaying on a rickety boat-that is, the bed you would be helplessly bound to, for days on end to render you castaway from the coziness of wellness. Such squall would all be occurring while there is- what on you feels like a hellacious stampede of hot to trot Arabian stallions for which the torturing pangs would be tamped over the body. One that in your delusions you’d beg and bawl for healing salvation -as if some attending party was at your beck-and-call. All for some unrealistic request for the aide to scoop up the entire batch of the sorcerer’s special blend potion from some apparitional apothecary within the mall of the mind.

    In your touchdown on such diseased wasteland parts of this zone, you’ll find that many of these other folks interned there by poverty-your typical native, try to imagine an altogether breakaway from such maddening bondage to the territory. Dream on they would if they were to believe that some permanent relief from malaria that would come by perhaps some hocus pocus exactitude where all of the hapless of such zone would be free and clear of the horrendous parasite. In the reality of it all, these folks are left to weather such uproar and thereafter remain languishing in this patch which in of itself is a wall-less prison made so by the witchery of the inconsiderately strong. This is the vicious cycle dealt with by the cross-section of the swath.

    Therein these souls, in a bid to survive, would exercise resolute mundanity in swatting, with do-it-yourself swiftness, the next to originating source of this malaria plague-after corruption-the mosquito. As these insects would operate on- there is the swarm and storm technique in which the mosquito may very well be oblivious to the destruction it causes to the lives of such African and - even wider seen other, Third World inmates. On the other hand, there are those human beings in these zones who are heavily involved in corruption with their steal for real attitude-know at this point know very well the damage being caused by their actions that certainly carries over to health care.

    In doing a leap of fielding such equatorial ranged diseases, we’d have to examine that of yellow fever (having the same infection concept as malaria but for which there are different names attributed to this culprit parasite). Such home turf here is Latin and South America for which similarities are striking. Long before my first bout of the accursed one-malaria, moderate paced research studies had been launched to find a cure to this yellow fever often time seen as being even deadlier than malaria and typhoid. What materialized was an all-purpose vaccine that came to be as part of the code decryption from the natural antibodies of persons infected with such displeasing disease -within a onetime hot spot in the Amazon River Basin.

    Within such malady trio, the individual ailments are rather easily detected by the evidenced symptoms within their victims. Of this among the group there are those symptoms of the dislodgement of ingested food, heavy percussion headaches which would throb on the skull plate like nothing else, and of course straight lethargy still again spiked with aches and pain. Yellow fever -so it seems-has had some real historical placement within the Western Hemisphere. Namely being when the Spaniards invaded a north-south stretch of such zone which turns out to be the largest land-grab in history. This

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