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Rome in a day
Rome in a day
Rome in a day
Ebook31 pages21 minutes

Rome in a day

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Meet Romeo, or Rome, as he likes to be known, one of the main characters of ‘Chasing Happy’. Not featured all the way through the book, he plays a big part in the main protagonist [Kieran’s] life and story. ‘Rome in a Day’ re-tells the story of the two meeting, but his version of events. It gives you further insight into his situation and you’ll learn first-hand how he really feels about Kieran.

Release dateJul 1, 2015
Rome in a day

Laurene Bobb-Semple

If you’re anything like me, you’re usually curious about the person behind a book you’ve read, or plan on reading, so I thought I’d share a little about me.I was born in London, England, and have lived there my whole life. I am currently a stay at home mum to a wonderful and cheeky toddler who most definitely keeps me on my toes! I am also in the process of setting up my own Virtual Assistant business.My greatest passions are, of course, writing, reading, listening to music, travelling the world, shopping and spending quality time with my family and friends.My other interests include, dining out. Gosh! You would not believe how much I love food. My favourite is... that’s a tough choice, I can never really choose between Indian or Mexican cuisine. Still it’s usually washed down with a cocktail, or three:) I also enjoy dancing, visiting the theatre, and cinema, though to be honest I don't get to do too much of these activities these days!Chasing Happy which is the first book in the Chasing Happy trilogy was not meant to be published (I’ll get to that in a few), writing it was just a bit of fun and I stopped and started over a four year period then one day I decided to finish it, plus it was only ever meant to be one book.But as I added new characters, they became central to the plot and the ending (no spoiler alert here), I knew I had to write a sequel - 'Chasing Dreams', which I actually started before I’d even finished Chasing Happy. That became so long that it, too, had to be split and the final installment 'Chasing Forever', was born.During this time, members of my family and my friends read ‘Chasing Happy,’ and told me how much they enjoyed it and loved the characters and encouraged me to publish it. I decided to pursue releasing it officially, which was nerve wracking as I had kept it close to my heart for a very long time. I hope everyone who reads these books fall in love with the characters and enjoys reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them. All three books are available on kindle and Paperback.I have also Co written a book called 'Hidden Sparks' with Cherry Ann Carew. It is the first in a series of books we are working on called 'The Millionaire Girls Secret'. We are working on the second title which we hope to have completed soon, its very tough finding writing time when you both have busy schedules!That’s about it for now, thanks for stopping by and I hope you visit again soon!Laurene xoxo

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    Rome in a day - Laurene Bobb-Semple

    Rome in a Day…

    Laurene Bobb-Semple

    Copyright © 2014, by Laurene Bobb-Semple

    This is a work of fiction. The events and characters described herein are imaginary and are not intended to refer to specific places or living persons. The opinions expressed in this manuscript are solely the opinions of the author.

    Rome in a Day…

    All Rights Reserved.

    Copyright © 2014 Laurene Bobb-Semple

    Cover Photo © 2014 - Dreamstime. All rights reserved - used with permission.

    This book may not be reproduced, transmitted, or stored in whole or in part by any means, including graphic, electronic, or mechanical without the express written consent of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    About Rome in a Day…

    Rome in a Day is about one of the main characters of Chasing Happy, ‘Rome.’ I thought it would be a good idea to write about his perspective to share with readers, as the book is predominantly from the main protagonist’s point of view.

    I hope you enjoy learning more about Rome and if you know of anyone who delights in reading fiction romance, please do refer them to where they can download ‘Rome in a Day’… gratis.

    The Writing’s On The Wall

    Rome looked at his watch. Time was going fast and he knew he’d have to think of an excuse soon. If he had any regrets about his holiday, it was meeting Simone… and kissing her.

    That act alone had gotten him into trouble. Well, that and alcohol. If he hadn’t been under its influence he wouldn’t

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