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BE: Then It Begins
BE: Then It Begins
BE: Then It Begins
Ebook163 pages3 hours

BE: Then It Begins

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The whole idea of the book is to make people to be reflective and receptive towards every situations of life. When we are in receptive mode then we hear a song from heart which no one else can hear. When we heed more and more to that inner rhyme then mind becomes sharp, intellectual, transcending, jovial and calm. This makes life progressive. Only when mind progresses towards Truth then only it becomes positive. It is so because everything else falls apart as only truth triumphs in the time flow. That which makes the mind remain free is the positive state and that which makes the mind to cling on things that bounds are negative. All the good things are possible only when mind feels inspired. Inspired mind becomes reflexive and receptive. Thus pray for getting inspired.


31 Chapters Highlights Positive Attitude
Mindful Matters Towards The Middle Path
Sufi Wisdom In Quotes And Stories
Vegetarianism And Spirituality
Way To Become Veggie
Insight About Real Believers
Difference Between Religious & Believers
Difference Between Debates And Discussions
Marriages, Love, Divorces In Relationships
Ways To Reduce Stress
Does Cries Helps Or Not?
Fundamentalism & Secularism
Materialist & Spiritualist
Spiritualism V/S Materialism
Highest Charity Among Charities
Ramadan Fasting
Talk on Terrorism
Real Reader.

PublisherRajesh Nanoo
Release dateJun 25, 2015
BE: Then It Begins

Rajesh Nanoo

Rajesh Nanoo. Born and Bought up in Kerala/South India.From childhood onwards, I had a deep inclination towards spirituality. After the studies, I was fully engrossed on mastering subtle philosophies (like Vedas, Zen, Sufism, Taoism, Buddhism etc), Semitic philosophy (Judaism, Christianity, Islam etc) and Healing modalities (Reiki, Yoga, Herbalism, Naturopathy). Acquired a Master Degree in alternative medicine and practiced as healer for chronic diseases and also did counseling.This study was completed at the age of 25, so I moved on to Multimedia and learned the fundamentals of computer programming. Soon, I was evolved to don many roles starting with Author, Poet, Column writer, Motivational speaker, Freelance Designer, Art director, Creative director, Script writer and Director.Even after all these metamorphose, unto now, I define myself only as a spiritual person as the greatest power in me is spirituality. It is due to the spiritual power, I could evolve to many roles. Just like the water when poured into different vessels or glasses gets a particular shape, similarly my writings, designs and film making transitioned from spirituality to that particular format. In every work I did, from creativity to healing, this spiritual undercurrent can be clearly traced. Due to this mentality I do every work, not as a work but as worship, with utmost sincerity, hard working and deep focus.Interests & Passions - Social networking, blogging, microblogging, networking, music designing, reading, researching, analyzing and watching moviesAchievements in Creative Field :My columns and books were published by the top most publishers of that area.Scripted for Malayalam Feature FilmWritten and Directed two english short films and an animation short film

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    BE - Rajesh Nanoo

    Thus Spake Thy Heart

    Wisdom is a combination

    Of different alphabets

    You would be wise

    To meditate

    On the words

    Not expressed


    Writing is an art and also a flow. A good writer writes mainly because he cannot stop the flow of words from heart. It may have diversified branches as it flows through different topics. This book is written in that way. It is reflection of social issues and penned during a period from 2010 to 2015. All these essays are connected to Vedanta ideology on an abstract basis.

    Writing is not an easy thing, particularly writing about Vedanta, it is a huge task. And to write Vedanta in an understandable language and communicating in different modes and different style so as to please diverse audience is still more difficult. But when grace of the masters is so vast, it will embrace you wherever you move.

    I wrote what they taught me, in the purest form to the best of my abilities. So all the credit goes to them, and all mistakes are mine. I regard my writings only as an extension of spiritual discipline, so as to fix my mind 24/7 in the Vedantic Ocean, so all my work force and deeds will naturally transcend as a meditation for me.

    I am deeply thankful to Sunita Jugran not just for proof reading and editing but also encouraging me to compile these 30 essays into a book. This book may not have happened but her judgment of the potential of the contents, which I wrote for social media made it possible. All those writings are random thoughts from time to time from spontaneous reflections from what I saw, heard, read or it illumined through flashes when my mind absorbed while doing normal things in life.

    1. New year Message

    It is the fate that is unfolding every gift and each person helps it to happen by his own little efforts. Can I, who has no role in both of these things, interfere in these matters by wishing a Happy new year? My role is just a courtesy saying, so it will be best if it is put in this way.

    Let every one get what they deserve and let them be content with it. It does not mean to be in despair if nothing happens. If put in other way it means, those wishful deeds are not chosen (destined) for you. No one in the world can take away things, which a person deserves, and no one can bestow things, which the person doesn’t deserve, that is the law taught by our ancient rishi’s and lauded highly by Swami Vivekananda too. Thus, the way to remain cool is by making yourself content, so that the losses do not frighten you and the victories do not take you out of sight.

    The whole teaching of Spirituality can be summed up in 2 sentence - helping others is the positive sign of life and cheating others is negative. If we remember this and practice it, then worries won’t worry us. Let me wind up this note with a poem.

    Remember the song of the soul,

    Existence is a gift for learning,

    Every day was good because

    It taught us something, and

    At least we have not perished

    From the human form till now.

    Every year is a collection

    Of those golden days and

    Reminds the soul to expand.

    This expansion continues

    As long as days are counted.

    Each new day is a new beginning,

    To learn more about ourselves

    To care more about others,

    To laugh more than we did,

    To accomplish more than

    We thought we could,

    And be more than

    We were before.


    2. Futility of Celebrated Days

    How can there be a particular day for friendship or lovers? Are not these two stuffs wedded forever? If so how can it be limited to a particular time or day?

    Days and events are limiting it. If you are limiting it in this way then you are cutting off its broader wings. Imagine a bird whose wings are cut off, how it would be? Similarly limiting love is consigned products, which can neither be friendship or love.

    All 365 days in a year is friendship day and lover’s days. As love and friendships are unaware of day and time. When asked to Hanuman which day is today? He replied I don’t know what day or week is today as am day and night engrossed in the love of Lord Rama. This is the mindset of lovers, they are not seeing anything except love and this love is a flow. By celebrating friendship day and lover’s day, I think we are limiting it.

    In this modern world, we don’t have time to make or develop friendship. Even the love shared by husband and wife is shared mostly in social networks sites. The birthday and the feelings of love for the partner are shared openly in tweets and status messages. Why cant it be expressed in the doors and whispering to ears? Why it needs an outer space? It is so because we no longer have it inside so keen to cover this we express it outside. Love has now become a format of expression than felt deep inside. It has become a commercial commodity now.

    If you want to buy or sell something then it should have a format of SEEN. That which is not seen cannot be sold as the price of the product can be valued only if it seen as we see a product with naked eyes. This commercialization of love is needed to market this product, because these two days lover day and friendship day is intent to bring sales. It’s a business day that can sell cards, gifts and parties, all these means brings cash truncation. Thus in short the idea behind to create such days are filling the pockets. For this they have to make love a commercial product and subsidized. So the 365-day thing is limited to a day.

    Those Marketing Brains made the subsidized version of Love and asked the masses to celebrate friendship days/lovers day are celebrated. Celebrations are meant for rare occasions. No one celebrate anything, which happens every day, a party can be thrown out only on rare occasions, not for an event that can happen daily. So when we celebrate lover’s day and friendship day we are also prone to that marketing strategies and confessing that love and friendship is also RARE thing.

    When taken into account about the present scenario of divorce rates and ratio of true friendship, we have to admit that Love is rare, either as friend or partner, so I am viewing these days (friendship/Lovers) from another dimension. May be these days are made as a corporate solution for tackling the problem for the modern world to improve their relationships, love or friendship. But Alas! Love or friendships won’t progress from such corporate solutions. It needs a genuine solution directly from heart to heart, not heart transplantation. I do not want to provoke anyone. I have expressed my thoughts, which you can agree or disagree which are absolutely the reader’s choice. I wrote it in the notion that there is a freedom to express things than making convinced about it.

    Give your hearts,

    But not into each other’s keeping.

    For only the hand of Life

    Can contain your hearts.

    And stand together,

    Yet not too near together:

    For the pillars of

    The temple stand apart,

    And the oak tree and the

    Cypress grow not

    In each other’s shadow.

    Kahlil Gibran

    3. Arranged marriages Vs Love marriage

    I think everything is destined; marriage too cannot be different from it. The partner, that is destined for the person will make their presence in his/her life in the form of ‘love’ or ‘arranged’ as per the divine charting.

    Once they draw from this slot and tie knots, a few get clicked, and a few fail, which again is the card that destiny played on. Thus I am of the opinion that none of the marriage system (love or arranged) is to be blamed when things are happening beyond these systems. System is only an orchestra, which plays as per the cords tuned in by destiny.

    The divorce rate in the world is increasing alarmingly. Most people have strong preference to their partners, like he/ she should have an educational qualification same or higher as they hold. Now it is certain that the marriage is between two educated people who has resonance in an education field. But the sad scenario among these educated people is that whether the marriage happens through love or by an arranged way, the ratio of divorce rate is still very high. Why is it so?

    Considering the scenario of arranged marriage between educated people, we can say it is not as functional as it was in the olden times. In olden times mostly the bride and groom saw each other at ceremony of the marriage. Now it is not like that. Parents allow groom and bride to talk and get together before they decide to get married.

    Once they are engaged then the meetings continue via phone, social networks. They can even take their ‘would be’ for an outing to restaurants, cinema, shoppings etc. Thus the point is even the arranged

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