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Billionaire's Maid - Short Story Collection (Volume 3): Billionaire's Maid, #18
Billionaire's Maid - Short Story Collection (Volume 3): Billionaire's Maid, #18
Billionaire's Maid - Short Story Collection (Volume 3): Billionaire's Maid, #18
Ebook82 pages1 hour

Billionaire's Maid - Short Story Collection (Volume 3): Billionaire's Maid, #18

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Billionaire's Maid - Book 7

As Keira begins to make her presence in Jaden's life felt, Hayley feels increasingly jealous. But amidst the jealousy, there is also punishment. But when it's punishment at the hands of Jaden, it's more exciting than expected.

Billionaire's Maid - Book 8

Hayley learns ice cream can be used in exciting ways. And in the midst of her fluttering feelings, the reality of her situation begins to set in as the secret behind her marriage with Jaden is used as a threat against her. What would she do now?

Billionaire's Maid - Book 9

Hayley's muddled feelings reach a boiling point after she's challenged by Keira. But expressing herself isn't easy, especially when it was in the face of the confident Jaden Stark, whose presence made her tremble. What was she supposed to do?


  • Volume 3 of 5
  • 16,500 words
  • Intended for mature audiences only due to explicit content.

The complete series is also available to purchase as a novel.

PublisherAlexia Austen
Release dateJul 1, 2015
Billionaire's Maid - Short Story Collection (Volume 3): Billionaire's Maid, #18

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    Billionaire's Maid - Short Story Collection (Volume 3) - Alexia Austen

    Billionaire's Maid

    Part Seven

    Chapter 1

    I'd changed into the best clothes I had, and double checked my makeup. Jaden was already sitting in the car with the engine running by the time I went outside.

    What took you so long? said Jaden.

    What? I said. The mall doesn't close until 8pm.

    But we'll need to catch dinner too.

    Then I won't need to make any today.

    Hurry up, and get in.

    I couldn't stop smiling in the car. I was nervous, and excited. I glanced at Jaden, but he seemed calm, and focused on the road.

    What are we going to have for dinner? I asked.

    How about some kind of pasta? said Jaden.

    Oh, I love spaghetti.

    Or we can have Chinese.

    I love Chinese food too.

    Jaden paused. I think I should have some steak instead.

    I love that too!

    Hey, is there anything that you don't like?

    I smiled. I like everything.

    Food was food after all. Whether it was sweet, sour, salty, spicy, I simply loved it all. I'd always had a good appetite. Jaden's phone rang, and he put a headset in his ear to answer. I didn't catch the drift of his conversation, but I realised it was Keira he was speaking to. Jaden didn't seem particularly pleased, but he hung up the phone shortly after. He seemed to be deep in thought.

    Hayley... said Jaden. Go home for today.

    Just go home? I said.

    Or you can go by yourself. I'll meet you in front of the mall at 7pm.

    I was disheartened at the sudden change of plans, but at least I'd still be able to catch dinner. I told him I'd go to the mall, and he dropped me off at a bus station. I finished shopping relatively quickly, and only briefly looked around at other things, before standing outside the mall. There wasn't anywhere to sit, so I just stood to wait.

    I waited, and waited.

    Soon, the sun had set, and night had fallen. I was tired, and wondered whether Jaden was even showing up. It was past the time we'd agreed to meet. I rang him, and he answered with a brief hello.

    When are you coming? I said. My legs are hurting, and I'm hungry.

    It might be a while, said Jaden.

    Still a while?

    "Why are you waiting? You should go in, and get something to eat.

    I'm waiting because we agreed to have dinner, I said.

    Okay, I'm going to leave now. Just wait there for a bit.

    I felt a little energised by his reassurance, and waited again. But once again, there was no sign of him. Another two hours passed, and I found it difficult to stand around any longer. I rang him, but he didn't answer. Having had enough, I caught a taxi, and returned home. I hadn't ate anything, but I didn't have the energy to make myself anything either. I washed up, and went to bed. As I lay down in my covers, I heard Jaden's car pull up outside.

    I felt angry, and upset. I'd waited for him like he'd asked, but he hadn't even told me he wouldn't be there. I'd never felt so unimportant before. He hadn't even shown me the basic courtesy I'd expect from another person. The door to the house opened, and I heard Jaden walk up the stairs. He came to a stop outside my door.

    Hayley, said Jaden. Are you asleep?

    I ignored him, and put the blanket over my head. I didn't want to see him, or hear anything from him.


    In the morning, I brushed my teeth in the bathroom, when Jaden walked in. I didn't look at him, and kept my line of sight on myself in the mirror. He walked to the second sink beside me, and picked up his toothbrush.

    When did you get in last night? said Jaden.

    Does it even matter? I said.

    Did you wait long?

    Am I stupid that I would wait?

    I was stupid. I was the stupid one for waiting. I shouldn't have, but for reasons I didn't even fully understand, I had expectations.

    Did you buy a recorder? said Jaden.

    I washed my hands. Why do you have so many questions? It's annoying.

    I left the bathroom, and heard Jaden close the door behind me. I came to a stop, feeling increasingly annoyed. Not an apology, or an explanation. He hadn't said anything. I felt my anger rising. I stormed back into the bathroom, and caught Jaden in the midst of taking off his top.

    What are you doing? said Jaden.

    If you're not going to be there, then cancel. If you're not going to do what you say, then why pretend like you will? I shouted.

    You said you didn't wait.

    That's right, I left. But it doesn't make me feel any better. Am I that much of a joke to you?

    I was hoping for some quiet this morning. You must be kidding.

    Who's kidding?

    A guy is busy, and can't keep his promise. What's the big deal? I feed you, I shelter you, I pay you. Why complain so much?

    Is this a free ride? I cook and clean all day. I take your insults. And what makes you so great? Are you that smart?

    Jaden shrugged. You know I am, so why ask? Better than a bird brain.

    "You're a real

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