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Billionaire's Maid - Short Story Collection (Volume 5): Billionaire's Maid, #20
Billionaire's Maid - Short Story Collection (Volume 5): Billionaire's Maid, #20
Billionaire's Maid - Short Story Collection (Volume 5): Billionaire's Maid, #20
Ebook73 pages58 minutes

Billionaire's Maid - Short Story Collection (Volume 5): Billionaire's Maid, #20

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Billionaire's Maid - Book 13

Pushed into a corner with her feelings, and unable to contain her hurt any longer, Hayley finally decides to do the one thing she feared most. Were things finally over between her and Jaden?

Billionaire's Maid - Book 14

After agreeing to a divorce with Jaden, and the sudden whirlwind that was their relationship coming to an end, Hayley is left to reflect about what's really important to her. Would she be able to return to a normal life?

Billionaire's Maid - Book 15

Six months have passed since Hayley's divorce, and she finds herself waiting unknowingly. Jaden finally makes his return, but is it for the reason Hayley hopes, and can things be different between them this time? Was life really giving them a second chance?


  • Volume 5 of 5
  • 15,000 words
  • Intended for mature audiences only due to explicit content.

The complete series is also available to purchase as a novel.

PublisherAlexia Austen
Release dateJul 1, 2015
Billionaire's Maid - Short Story Collection (Volume 5): Billionaire's Maid, #20

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    Billionaire's Maid - Short Story Collection (Volume 5) - Alexia Austen

    Billionaire's Maid

    Part Thirteen

    Chapter 1

    I stared at the ringing phone. My mind still felt a little numb, but just seeing his name made me a little happier. I answered right away, and asked where he was.

    At a bar, said Jaden.

    Are you drinking? I said.

    No, I'm not drinking. I just came to meet Keira for a bit. I thought I'd let you know. I don't know how late I'll be, so make sure you eat dinner and go to sleep. And don't fall asleep by the desk. Sleep in your bedroom.

    He said goodbye, and hung up the phone. I didn't say anything to him before, but my phone remained by my ear.

    Don't meet Keira, and please just come home, I said.

    It was all I could manage. I wasn't able to say it to him, but it felt like I could muster up a little courage. Wondering how he'd respond to me saying something like that only concerned me. I just didn't know.

    Even though he said not to wait up for him, I couldn't help it. Once again, I found myself outside. I paced back and forth under the night sky, and eventually dozed off in front of the door. The cool breeze stopped me from falling completely asleep. After several hours, I heard someone call my name. I looked up, and saw Jaden staring at me.

    What are you doing out here? said Jaden. I told you not to wait, and go to sleep. Is it because you don't trust me? Or do you dislike your bedroom that much?

    I rose to my feet, unable to say anything. I wasn't exactly sure how to respond. Jaden slowly walked up to me. He didn't say anything, and then slowly moved his hand from behind his back. He held out a bouquet of flowers. They were roses. Just like I'd asked.

    Clause one hundred and five, said Jaden.

    I could only smile, and then laugh. I took the roses, and we both went inside. After setting them aside, I saw Jaden take a seat. We both began to drink some beer. Just like that, it was comfortable again. Being with him like this only made me feel better.

    You know, that day I was with Michael, and received roses from him? I said.

    What about that day? said Jaden.

    We ate spaghetti together, walked around together, and went to the park together, I said.

    You do such boring things.

    It wasn't boring. It was fun. I like buying and eating things, walking around and visiting places.

    Really? Well, you're like that, I guess.

    But you know what he said? He said he knew about everything. He said he knew that you didn't marry me because you loved me. He said that's why it was difficult for him whenever he saw me.

    I looked towards Jaden briefly, but he didn't seem as shocked as I'd expected. I wasn't sure whether he'd already known Michael knew about our situation, or because he didn't want to show that he was surprised.

    He also said something else, I said. He doesn't like thinking about what could have happened, but since he met me, he'd been thinking about it a lot. What if he had the chance first? What if you hadn't married me first? He said that that if our wedding was to end, he'd want a chance.

    What? said Jaden. So what did you say to him?

    He told me to think about it first, and tell him in the future.

    Jaden looked away from me, and I tried to read his expression. I couldn't tell, but I wanted to know what he really thought. He was too quiet. He wasn't usually like this.

    What should I have said? I asked. That's it okay, or that it's not okay?

    Jaden looked at me, but this time it was me who averted my gaze.

    You know, I said. To keep in line with the contract. We did agree to tell each other when something like this happens. Is it okay if like him?

    I looked at Jaden, my nerves on edge, and waited for a response. But none came. He slowly got up from his chair, and went upstairs. I was left confused, and unsure of what it all meant.


    I finished washing up, and went downstairs. To my surprise, Jaden was already awake, and sitting down. It felt strange to see him again like this after what I'd said last night, but I was still curious to hear his response.

    My chicken is up early to make breakfast, said Jaden.

    I glared at him.

    Oh, sorry, said Jaden. I can't call you that, can I? What should I call you? Koko!

    What did you say? I said.

    It's the sound chickens make.

    I ignored him,

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