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Material Mind Vs Spiritual Mind
Material Mind Vs Spiritual Mind
Material Mind Vs Spiritual Mind
Ebook21 pages21 minutes

Material Mind Vs Spiritual Mind

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About this ebook

Are you familiar with the battle going on inside of you? The battle between your spiritual mind and your material mind. Your actions show which one is winning the battle.Your life can run much more smoothly when you get the right balanced of the two.When you start to make the necessary changes in your thinking you will discover the love, joy, and peace in your life that just wasn't there before. open up doors that were previously closed to you. Find the motivation you need to move forward in your life. Experience the health and wellness that you were meant to enjoy. What is in this book will bring together what you know deep down inside to be true.

PublisherArlene Nassey
Release dateJul 1, 2015
Material Mind Vs Spiritual Mind

Arlene Nassey

Arlene Nassey lives in British Columbia, Canada, born and raised.She has been drawn to writing throughout her years of education. Somehow, the dream of writing eluded her until recent times. Her interests are in history, spiritual, paranormal, mysteries and lighthearted family adventures.You could see a bit of it all in the future. She enjoys getting lost in the world of writing whenever possible.

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    Book preview

    Material Mind Vs Spiritual Mind - Arlene Nassey


    The way we look at our lives and ponder the questions of 'WHY' we discover that the answer is looking us straight in the eye. Deep down we know. Our spiritual mind is speaking to us but often we are too busy to notice. The will of God is to allow us freedom to experience and understand all the love, joy, and peace of God that there is offered to us. We look at the Bible and over the years throughout history man has been giving his version of God. Religion has made God out to be this vengeful monster that wants nothing more than to make us pay for the wrongs we have done. We were lead to believe that he was watching and waiting for us to screw up, then 'All hell would break loose'. Fire and brimstone preaching has caused many to turn their backs on God. Hypocrites that preach one thing and do another all the while saying 'You need to be like me'. This is not the God of the Bible. This is the God that man has made. God has given us free will to do as we see fit. What we do with that freedom of choice is entirely up to us. We are given ten commandments that are given to us to help us make better choices. They are there to improve our lives. They are not there to make our lives unbearable. There is not a man, woman, or child on earth that can say 'You need to live like me'. We are all learning, and as we learn we stumble and fall, we get back up and we try again. There is no such thing as a

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