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Mountains of the Moon
Mountains of the Moon
Mountains of the Moon
Ebook511 pages7 hours

Mountains of the Moon

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Forty years before the Tower of Bones...

High in the Mountains of the Moon, the ruins of an immense castle conceal a dark secret. Whole families have vanished from the valleys in the shadow of the mountains, leaving no trace.

Four mages are sent to investigate. Wynn Farmer and his companions must battle for their lives against the strange beasts controlled by a rogue mage and face an evil they never thought possible.

When two are captured and held prisoner to be offered up on the altar of the Bull God who can rescue them?

Magic and mystery lurk in the Mountains of the Moon. The Gods are at war, and Neveyah is the battleground!

Release dateJun 26, 2015
Mountains of the Moon

Connie J. Jasperson

Connie J. Jasperson is a published poet and the author of nine fantasy novels. Her work has appeared in numerous anthologies. A founding member of Myrddin Publishing group, she lives in Olympia, Washington.  She and her husband share five children and a love of good food and great music. Music and food dominate her waking moments. When not writing or blogging she can be found reading avidly.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This was a wonderful series which I thoroughly enjoyed. Highly recommended!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Third book of the Otori series and equally enjoyable to the others. Unpredictable turns and strongly engaging prose keeps one wanting more and unable to put the book down.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    A nice conclusion to the series. Not much new to say, if you enjoyed the first two Otori novels, I don't think this will disappoint. My reviews are coming off as cold and meh, but the truth is I enjoyed the Otori novels.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Best Parts: Great story, love the romance between the two main characters and the writer didn?t make everything easy-peasy for them. And it helps I love Japanese culture too!Worst Parts: The ending tied up almost too quickly.Review: I?m at work so I don?t have my journal. Here is the Amazon review, which I am sure will give it better justice than I.Lian Hearn?s third installment in the Tales of the Otori series Brilliance of the Moon brings a mystical and violent conclusion to the saga of Takeo Otori as he fulfills his destiny to reclaim the Otori lands. At the climax of Grass for his Pillow, Takeo?s passion for his beloved Kaede was finally realized with their secret and forbidden wedding. As spring approaches, Takeo and Kaede prepare for war and embark on a campaign to reclaim their respective realms. But just when victory seems certain, Hearn characteristically uproots her characters with unseen treachery and the two lovers are again separated. Takeo must summon courage from his conflicted heritage as he marches towards his destiny. The fates of other Otori characters are also determined in a succinct and magical finale.This third chapter in the Otori saga lives up its predecessors. Hearn?s mythical ancient Japan is again brought to storybook life. Although the novel?s climax comes suddenly and almost unexpectedly, the afterword hints at another tale to be told by the heirs of Kaede and Takeo?s legendary rise.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A nice end to the trilogy. Again, I found it less gripping than the first book, but I still raced through it.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    As often happens with series, I'm reluctant to finish reading the last book because I hate for the saga to end. In this last of a fantasy trilogy based on medieval Japan, the plot threads woven in the first two books come together as Takeo, a young man of mixed heritage, fulfills his destiny. His mother was one of the Hidden, an outcast religious sect, and his father had been a Tribe assassin. But Takeo is also heir to the Otori domain, and with the love of his life, Kaede, heir to the Mauyama domain, he uses his preternatural talents and his cunning to lead a patched together army against a variety of enemies to unite the Three Kingdoms in peace.It's so hard to sum up a series like this because it's so much more and I don't want to spoil any of it. It's a tale of betrayal, battles, love, suffering, coming of age experiences, death, honor, and more. Only a couple of years are covered in the three books, yet it feels like so much more time passes as Takeo matures, finds his place in his world, and accepts his destiny while accepting the consequences, good and bad, that are part of it.If you haven't read this series, give it a try. The fantasy element is minimal. It's more an alternate history with a touch of magic, told in a clear, straightfoward manner that aims right for the heart.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    With the previous part of the Otori saga, I was having a bit of trouble picking up the thread and remembering who was who in the huge cast. I therefore went straight for part three, my head filled with bloodlines, alliances and allegiances. Reading two books in the same series straight after each other is not something I normally do, though. I guess I’m just too restless. And I did have a hard time getting into the book. I felt like it was just more of the same, and the addition of the clever arrow-dodging horse and droves of children and teens eager to prove themselves wasn’t really helping.But Hearn is good at weaving a good yarn, and about a hundred pages in I was hooked again. As was the case with the last book, Kaede’s fighting for freedom and power within her restricted world is perhaps the strongest storyline. But Takeo gets interesting new paths to try and balance – including the imminent collapse of the warrior clan organisation of society – and I especially like his difficult and shameful friendship with the outcast Jo-an. Doing the right thing in Otori’s world is never easy, and it’s a brave move from Hearn having a heroic character forced to such cruelty at times. Also, here the Tribe get to be an interesting element in the storyline again. They work best lurking in the shadows, it seems.It’s interesting how the world of these books seems to shrink the more the action moves up to an epic scale. In a book where the characters travel here and there, it becomes obvious that the events in the books are almost local. The Three Countries are just parts of a bigger kingdom. I think these books actually benefit form that. I enjoyed this, and look forward to reading more. Will take a break for some months now, though, I think.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Brilliance of the Moon is the forth Lian Hearn book I have read, and I find her writing incredible. It’s the third book of the Otori trilogy, and what a final installment it is. Fabulous plot, great pace, full of magic, treachery and emotion. The writing style is smooth and allows the reader to move swiftly through the twists and turns with the very likeable characters. Great series.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The final installment of the Tales of the Otori picks up right where the third left off: a secret marriage and preparations for war. Saying too much about the plot would spoil the suspense, so this review will focus more on my overall impressions. Since the major character development happens in the second book, this book didn't impress me quite as much as its least, not at first. Part one of the book is a quick and reasonably entertaining read, but a bit too predictable. This predictability could have been a serious flaw, but it may have been exactly what the author intended. With readers lulled into a false sense of security, the second half of the book is all the more gripping. I am not an emotional reader, but at times, my favorite character's suffering made me so angry I could not continue reading. Later, even though I never cheat and read ahead, suspense compelled me to peek at the final lines of each chapter. By the time I reached the climatic battle, my heart was literally pounding. This isn't a flawless book, but it's hard for me to remember my complaints after spending an afternoon so totally engrossed with the plot and characters. I do, however, feel deeply sorry that Kaede played such a minor role in this book. Her dwindling influence accurately portrays women's limited power in this time period, but I still felt the author could have done more than shunt her to the side. I was also a bit surprised at the abrupt ending. It was a plausible outcome, but it left me wondering if the author had simply run out of steam. These are minor issues though, and even hours after I finished the book, the characters are still tugging on my heart.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    See Across the Nightingale Floor.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The end of this trilogy was very well executed. The way the prophesy was fulfilled and how Takeo achieved his goals was nothing short of a great climax to a great saga. Huge props to Hearn for pulling this off.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is the end of the main part of the trilogy, and it picks up largely where the last one left off. Here, we have the culmination of the prophecy, all of the battles that were foretold, and the two lead characters' winding course around each other. In this book, we also get a couple of chapters told with Kaede's maid and confidant as the POV, but these were probably necessary to get across a couple of plot points that would have seemed fairly contrived otherwise. It does bring the majority of threads in the series to a close, although there are a couple left at the end for the sequel set significantly later, which I will not be reading right now.On the whole, the plot is pretty solid; there are still some good twists, and the characterization, particularly of the two leads but also of the main supporting cast, is sharp, with some nice touches. Even particular passages take on a style that depends on the circumstances of the character, not an easy feat. The only problem I really had with it is that the battle scenes, which are some of the most pivotal parts of the book, aren't really well served by Hearn's style; she's better at one-on-one fight description than a battle between armies, and I think that she knows that, which is why some of the battle descriptions are quite short. Still, if you just count the power of what happens in the battles as the main part, it's fine.Bottom line, this trilogy worked quite well, and stayed pretty tight from end to end. I'm looking forward to reading the last one (and then the prequel about Takeo's adoptive father, whose influence in the books are great, once it's in paperback, but not until then), but it can wait a bit. I need a break with something else.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    The end of the story about Takeo, and his move to become the leader of a peaceful Japan.Although it's been a while since I read the earlier two books this one moves, uncomfortably to my mind, into demesne level politics and away from people and magic, at least in quite big parts. The politics was always there, but this is more about establishing himself as a lord and so forth.Still, a nice easy read, and it wraps the story up neatly and with a nice happy ending, with just twists of sadness. I know there's a later book too, but I'm just not sure I care enough now to go and read it, which is a shame because I remember being enraptured by the first book.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The last of the series and things get harder for our heroes. This was an enjoyable series even if things sometimes are incredibly bleak sometimes for the heroes.