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Victoria's Secret Billionaire (Billionaire BDSM Erotic Romance #10)
Victoria's Secret Billionaire (Billionaire BDSM Erotic Romance #10)
Victoria's Secret Billionaire (Billionaire BDSM Erotic Romance #10)
Ebook43 pages39 minutes

Victoria's Secret Billionaire (Billionaire BDSM Erotic Romance #10)

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The Final Double Part Ten of the Bestselling Series:

In this two part finale, Victoria and Lord Philip Claringdale attempt escape from Saudi Arabia, the place Philip had sent his supermodel submissive, Victoria Hunt.

Revealing aspects of his character unto-fore known, Philip risks all in his love for Victoria. But passions flare when the Saudi prince Adham Nassar realizes the kind of punishment Victoria truly needs in order to make her submit to his will, and his marriage to her.

The stakes are high, and Nassar is plotting his own form of sadistic eroticism to perpetrate on the unsuspecting supermodel.

The spinning plates are about to come crashing down, unless Philip can really rescue Victoria from her truly horrendous circumstances...

Warning: This series contains BDSM and explicit scenes in this final two part installment of the erotic mystery romance series.

Release dateJul 7, 2015
Victoria's Secret Billionaire (Billionaire BDSM Erotic Romance #10)

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    Book preview

    Victoria's Secret Billionaire (Billionaire BDSM Erotic Romance #10) - Anita Dobs

    Subterfuge - 10

    Philip slipped out of the door before dawn after telling Victoria the things she must do, and what exactly was going to happen. If all went to plan, he said, they'd be out of Nassar's virtual fortress within another twenty four hours.

    Kissing her before he peeped out of the door, Philip told her,

    Don't forget all I've explained, if anything goes wrong, then we're both done for.

    Victoria nodded, gripping his arms and feeling his muscles underneath his dinner jacket. Philip looked at her, wondering if this time was to be the last he'd ever see her. If anything went wrong, he'd surely be killed, as would she soon after. But there was no other way. He'd put her in this position, and he'd have to attempt to get her out against all the odds. Seeing a guard outside still asleep as he had been when he'd entered, Philip sneaked out, leaving Victoria to work out how she'd tell Wang Li the plan.

    Prince Nassar was drunk, having crashed out on his bed with one of the many women from the harem that he'd ordered the guards to bring to entertain himself and the guests. Caressing the Nubian girl's ample breasts and licking at her hard nipples, he alternated between mumbling and ranting as to how he was going to give Victoria the beating of her life for shaming him in front of so many people. The girl remained pliant, neither commenting or reacting to prince Nassars rants. It wouldn't be the first time Prince Nassar had beaten one of the girls he owned. Many had died from his sadistic punishments, his favorite method of 'discipline' being a bull-whip that he'd thrash them with whenever his ire was sufficiently aroused. Nassar would simply get carried away, enjoying the pain and suffering he was causing so much that killing them only seemed like frosting on the cake. The guards would be ordered to dispose of the bodies in the vast desert around the city of Medina. No one would question him, and no one would dare try to alert the authorities. His family were the authorities. Nassar passed out, his tongue hanging out of his mouth, half-way on a nipple, and snoring with his mouth wide open. The girl stayed still, preferring a sleeping Nassar to an awake one.

    As the early morning came, Victoria knew she couldn't leave her room. It would have been too dangerous. The thought of Nassar perhaps attacking her would have put the escape plan in jeopardy. With any luck, she thought, Nassar would be too busy that day with his guests to care about her. He'd probably leave her punishment until after most had left, and after the wedding - if indeed, Nassar was still intending on marrying her.

    Opening the door to her room, she saw the Arab guard that had been there the previous night sit up-right from his lazily slumped position. Guarding a supermodel was obviously boring work, she thought.

    Salim. Victoria almost whispered to him.

    The guard appeared to not understand, or not to want to understand.

    Salim, Salim. She repeated more loudly, getting nervous and looking down the corridor, hoping no one else was observing them.

    The guard sighed, and got up, picking up his AK47 from the floor where it

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