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Punished by the Professor
Punished by the Professor
Punished by the Professor
Ebook31 pages23 minutes

Punished by the Professor

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Tall, dark and handsome Darius has always been the noisy one in class; the trouble maker. If he's not cracking inappropriate jokes, he's staring at professor Troy's rack. Today she's had enough and vows to teach him a thing or two that are not in the curriculum. Unwanted behaviour can only be corrected by consistent instruction and harsh & unwanted consequences, which is exactly what Liliana Troy is planning on dishing out. It’s time for hard domination and student submission. Darius won’t know what hit him. Well... sure he will. His teacher will make sure he sees the whip and the paddle before he feels them!

This story is intended for adult audiences because it contains BDSM, female domination, bondage, spanking, whipping, orgasm denial, teacher/student sex, and other explicit sexual content. Please be advised ahead of time that if such acts offend you, you will be offended by this book.

Release dateJul 2, 2015
Punished by the Professor

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    Book preview

    Punished by the Professor - Liliana Troy

    Punished by the Professor

    An erotic story in the eXplicitTales: Schooled collection

    Tall, dark and handsome Darius has always been the noisy one in class; the trouble maker. If he's not cracking inappropriate jokes, he's staring at prof Troy's rack. Today she's had enough and vows to teach him a thing or two that are not in the curriculum. Unwanted behaviour can only be corrected by consistent instruction and harsh & unwanted consequences, which is exactly what Liliana Troy is planning on dishing out.

    This story is intended for adult audiences only and contains elements of female domination and BDSM.

    © 2014 eXplicitTales

    Published by eXplicitTales

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents

    Punished by the Professor


    About the Author

    Punished by the Professor

    If everyone could open their books to page 200… my voice trails off at the sight of Darius, resident pest and troublemaker, chatting to a couple of his classmates. Looks like what could have been a relaxing end to a warm October day on campus is about to get a lot more frustrating.

    Mr. Jackson, what did I just say?

    Darius looks up, with a crooked grin exposing bright white teeth through full dark lips, while I look on, hand resting on my hip, about to lose my composure. He sure is a handsome boy, with his expressive brown eyes, mahogany skin and broad, muscular physique. But why must he be such a royal pain?

    Of course, darling, anything for you.

    "You’ll address

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