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A Virgin for the Professor
A Virgin for the Professor
A Virgin for the Professor
Ebook33 pages25 minutes

A Virgin for the Professor

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About this ebook

When shy geek Matthew approaches Professor Liliana Troy for the first time for some extra study material, she picks up on a more intimate subtext in his words: he's inexperienced in the ways of love. A Virgin. She’s always liked the idea of a blank canvas, so she'll teach him about a lot else than the impressionist movement.

This story contains explicit & erotic descriptions of first time sex between an older woman and a younger man who is her virgin student, and as such is meant for adult audiences only.

Release dateJul 2, 2015
A Virgin for the Professor

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    Book preview

    A Virgin for the Professor - Liliana Troy

    A Virgin for the Professor

    An erotic story by Liliana Troy, in the eXplicitTales: Schooled collection

    When shy geek Matthew approaches Professor Liliana Troy for the first time for some extra study material, she picks up on a more intimate subtext in his words: he's inexperienced in the ways of love. A Virgin. She’s always liked the idea of a blank canvas, so she'll teach him about a lot else than the impressionist movement.

    This story is intended for adult audiences only.

    © 2015 eXplicitTales

    Published by eXplicitTales

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents

    A Virgin for the Professor


    About the Author

    A Virgin for the Professor

    Matthew Collins

    Ok, today I'll ask her.

    Matthew takes a deep breath, preparing for what is going to be bloody scary: approaching a member of the opposite sex. This in itself is terrifying enough but the catch is the person in question is perfection personified, as well as super intimidating.

    He knows he's going to fumble over his words, panic, perhaps even get a case of the cold sweats, but he doesn't have much of a choice. His solitary ways mean he can't get anyone else to ask Professor Liliana Troy for the book recommendations he’s after. If he's going to get what he wants, it'll be from her.

    The rest of his class are slowly exiting the lecture hall, but he keeps wasting time, slowly putting his book, then his notebook, then his pens into his bag, while stealing glances downwards every so often. She always leaves last, because she’s supposed to lock up. He knows this because he

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