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The Invisible Man
The Invisible Man
The Invisible Man
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The Invisible Man

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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First published in 1897, The Invisible Man ranks as one of the most famous scientific fantasies ever written. Part of a series of pseudoscientific romances written by H. G. Wells (1866–1946) early in his career, the novel helped establish the British author as one of the first and best writers of science fiction.
Wells' years as a science student undoubtedly inspired a number of his early works, including this strikingly original novel. Set in turn-of-the-century England, the story focuses on Griffin, a scientist who has discovered the means to make himself invisible. His initial, almost comedic, adventures are soon overshadowed by the bizarre streak of terror he unleashes upon the inhabitants of a small village.
Notable for its sheer invention, suspense, and psychological nuance, The Invisible Man continues to enthrall science-fiction fans today as it did the reading public nearly 100 years ago.

Release dateFeb 29, 2012

H.G. Wells

Herbert George Wells (1866-1946) was an English author who wrote about ethical issues through a variety of genres, including history, politics, social commentary, and-what he is most famous for-science fiction. Known as one of the fathers of that genre, his notable works include the science-fiction classics The Time Machine, The Island of Dr. Moreau, The Invisible Man, and The War of the Worlds.

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  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Misanthropic and bereft of philosophy, it begins as farce and concludes in a homicidal froth. Pity.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    A disappointing read. H.G Wells has much better tales. I would not recommend wasting your time on this one.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    The Invisible Man was a jerk who was mean to people and tortured a cat. This pissed me off and has left my mentally incapable of leaving a more detailed review. I expected better.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    In H. G. Wells' classic novel, a scientist turns himself invisible and wreaks havoc in rural England. This book is a versatile classic because it could be read by someone who is young or who simply wants to read fluff, but it can also be appreciated by more careful readers who are looking for undercurrents of meaning. It's a tragi-farcical romp in 19th century England, but it's also a warning about what people might do simply because they can get away with it. This is a classic that anyone interested in science fiction should read.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    An inventive & exciting story by one of the foremost Science Fiction authors of his era, whose literary fame encompasses Histories & Philosophy. Created from the serialized tale published in 1897 in a UK magazine, Pearson's Weekly, The Invisible Man as the title suggests has a main character Griffin who becomes invisible. Wells examines the good aspects & pitfalls of such a transformation with the emphasis on the downside as Griffin becomes increasingly erratic - no spoiler here - read it for the dramatic events and conclusion.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Ein seltsamer GastIn Iping, einem kleinen englischen Dorf, kehrt ein seltsamer Gast in den Wirtshof ein. Völlig vermummt unter Bandagen und mürrisch bezieht die Gestalt ein Zimmer und lässt sich nur selten blicken. Da ist es weniger verwunderlich, dass sofort die Spekulationen unter den anderen Gästen und Bewohnern beginnen: Was hat dieser Mann zu verbergen? Was befindet sich unter der Vermummung?Je länger der Gast dort bleibt, desto seltsamer finden ihn die Menschen. Dann geschieht in dem Dorf ein rätselhafter Raub. Natürlich ergreifen die Bewohner die Initiative und wollen den Fremden zur Rede stellen. Denn wer, denn nicht er, soll diesen Raub verübt haben. Doch als dieser die Bandagen endlich löst, ergreift sie Entsetzen. Denn darunter befindet sich…. Nichts.Vom Helden zum AntiheldenH. G. Wells beschreibt hier die Geschichte des Chemikers Griffin. Zeit seines Lebens beschäftigt wer sich mit außergewöhnlichen Experimenten. Nach einigen gescheiterten Versuchen ist es ihm schlussendlich gelungen, das Unmögliche möglich zu machen: Er wird unsichtbar.Doch was ihm zunächst als großer Vorteil erscheint, wird ihm schnell zum Verhängnis. Die Menschen haben Angst vor ihm. Denn so etwas können und wollen sie nicht verstehen.Auch Griffin tut sein Eigenes dazu, denn er ist nicht gerade das, was man als einfachen Zeitgenossen schildern würde. Er wird oft von Zornesanfällen übermannt und ist ansonsten auch sehr impulsiv, wenn nicht gar wahnsinnig veranlagt.So erlebt der Leser hier einen agierenden Protagonisten, den er zwar grundsätzlich versteht, dem er aber keine Sympathie entgegen bringen kann. Und fehlt die Sympathie, bleibt auch das Mitgefühl aus. So wird der Protagonist, der für den Leser eigentlich ein Held sein soll, zum klassischen Antihelden. Und trotzdem bleibt man gefesselt, denn Wells ist ein großartiger Geschichtenerzähler. Einfach und klar ist seine Sprache. Denn obwohl der Roman bereits 1897 erschien, hat die Sprache auch für den heutigen Leser nichts an seiner Modernität verloren.A scientific romancesDer Unsichtbare zählt zu den frühen Werken des Autors. Dieser selbst ordnet diesen in seiner Schaffenszeit zu den „scientific romances“, also Romane die man heute als Science Fiction Romane bezeichnen würde.Wells zeigt hier auf, dass der Traum von der Unsichtbarkeit nicht immer ein positiver sein muss. Denn was die Menschen nicht verstehen, macht ihnen Angst und was ihnen Angst macht, das jagen sie.Ein wirklich empfehlenswerter und kurzweiliger Roman von einem großartigen Autor.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    This is such a famous novel that I was expecting a far better read. The opening chapter, as a muffled mysterious stranger comes to an inn, asking for a room and to not be disturbed is full of promise. But the rest of the story was tedious, as the invisible man loses his temper, and seems only to want to revenge himself on others. What is fascinating is the title which captures the imagination. But Wells strangely concentrates on the downside of invisibility - having to be naked in cold weather, being unable to eat invisibly, having others bump into you, without having some fun plus side moments.So, a great idea, and I'm sure this is why the novel is 'a classic' - but none of the characters were particularly interesting, the invisible man himself plain peculiar, and what he gets up to bizarre and slow-moving.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Still a great read.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Excellent! A classic thriller.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Het gegeven is natuurlijk fascinerend, maar de uitwerking valt tegen: traag en gebroken ritme. Lectuur opgegeven na 120 blz
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Mr og Mrs Hall får en pudsig logerende, der er pakket helt ind i bandager. Han er opfarende og ubehagelig. Efterhånden opdager man at han er helt usynlig bag bandagerne og at han supplerer sine sparsomme midler ved at snige sig ind hos Pastor Bunting og hugge penge. Uheldigvis er han voldsomt forkølet og nyser tit, så han har ikke succes som tyv. Han anholdes, men undslipper usynlig, men nøgen og det er halvkøligt. Han åbenbarer sig for en gammel studiebekendt, Dr. Kemp og vi finder ud af at han hedder Griffin. Han er prosektor ved et usselt universitet og opdager lidt tilfældigt at han kan gøre hæmoglobin gennemsigtigt. Han forestiller sig et usynligt menneske og den magt, den kan give, men han er nødt til at forske i hemmelighed og fattigdom. Modgangen gør ham småskør og da han endelig finder formlen for usynlighed har han ikke længere forstand nok til at udnytte den fornuftigt, men ender med at blive jaget som et vildt dyr.En klassiker og et ganske interessant psykologisk studie
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I must say that I've never read The Invisible Man before in my life; shame on me.

    Now, while I've seen movies about The Invisible Man, I actually never read the original story by H.G.Wells. While I had a glimpse of The Island of Doctor Moreau (which I also never read, double shame on me) in a Japanese B-movie I saw when I was a child (Latitude Zero — a crazy but entertaining movie nonetheless, if you like the genre,) Wells' story about The Invisible Man I've never contemplated.

    Contrary to the ultra-modernistic story told in The Island Of Doctor Moreau (which could easily be, save for wording, a 60's story — and I guess Planet of the Apes is greatly indebted to it,) The Invisible Man is a striking story told in a particular soft British tone I loved since its very beginning.

    While (third time in a row I use this word!) I'm quite sure Wells contributed to the birth and to the development of the classical British cozy mystery of which Agatha Christie will be one of the greatest champions (The Invisible Man is a British cozy mystery, included with a case of Burglary At The Vicarage — does it ring some bell?) But I think many other authors might have drawn some of their inspiration from Wells' work, for instance from The Invisible Man.

    Guess who?

    I don't know how many of you are familiar with the Lord of the Rings written trilogy (I once made a ritual of reading it anew every year, come the first September rains — this was some years ago, though,) but some of you who have read Tolkien's trilogy, after you will have also read your Wells assignment, might have the same feeling I had.

    At first I didn't realize, but then I couldn't help noticing that the description of the arrival of the stranger who is The Invisible Man at the Inn reminded me of one famous character from the trilogy.

    "... for he was smoking a pipe, and all the time that she was in the room he never loosened the silk muffler he had wrapped round the lower part of his face to put the mouthpiece to his lips ... He sat in the corner with his back to the window-blind and spoke now, having eaten and drunk and being comfortably warmed through, with less aggressive brevity than before. The reflection of the fire lent a kind of red animation to his big spectacles [in the Fellowship Of The Ring it's the gleam in Strider's eyes] they had lacked hitherto."

    "The visitor remained in the parlour until four o’clock, without giving the ghost of an excuse for an intrusion. For the most part he was quite still during that time; it would seem he sat in the growing darkness smoking in the firelight “perhaps dozing."
    Well, I've got the clear image that this was exactly Aragorn, son of Arathorn, also known as Strider by the Bree people. Now, if you remember, this scene happens in Bree, at the Prancing Pony (more on this later.)

    Now, after The Invisible Man runs out of money, in Wells' story, he steals some at the Vicarage and in the ensuing commotion he causes at the Inn, in the attempt of running from the suspicions he's risen, he reveals his nature of invisible man. That commotion will be much discussed later on by the Iping folks. That week, a village festival is underway at Iping — Whit's Monday. If you read the description of the people at the festival, and of their mood, I think you might have the feeling that there's a bit of the atmosphere Tolkien uses in the aftermath of his Bilbo's Party:

    "...After the first gusty panic had spent itself Iping became argumentative. Scepticism suddenly reared its head—rather nervous scepticism, not at all assured of its back, but scepticism nevertheless. It is so much easier not to believe in an invisible man; and those who had actually seen him dissolve into air, or felt the strength of his arm, could be counted on the fingers of two hands. And of these witnesses Mr. Wadgers was presently missing, having retired impregnably behind the bolts and bars of his own house, and Jaffers was lying stunned in the parlour of the “Coach and Horses.” [more on this name later on] Great and strange ideas transcending experience often have less effect upon men and women than smaller, more tangible considerations. Iping was gay with bunting, and everybody was in gala dress. Whit Monday had been looked forward to for a month or more. By the afternoon even those who believed in the Unseen were beginning to resume their little amusements in a tentative fashion, on the supposition that he had quite gone away, and with the sceptics he was already a jest. But people, sceptics and believers alike, were remarkably sociable all that day. Haysman’s meadow was gay with a tent, in which Mrs. Bunting and other ladies were preparing tea, while, without, the Sunday-school children ran races and played games under the noisy guidance of the curate and the Misses Cuss and Sackbut [!!!] No doubt there was a slight uneasiness in the air, but people for the most part had the sense to conceal whatever imaginative qualms they experienced. On the village green an inclined strong, down which, clinging the while to a pulley-swung handle, one could be hurled violently against a sack at the other end, came in for considerable favour among the adolescent, as also did the swings and the cocoanut shies. There was also promenading, and the steam organ attached to a small roundabout filled the air with a pungent flavour of oil and with equally pungent music. Members of the club, who had attended church in the morning, were splendid in badges of pink and green, and some of the gayer-minded had also adorned their bowler hats with brilliant-coloured favours of ribbon. Old Fletcher, whose conceptions of holiday-making were severe, was visible through the jasmine about his window or through the open door (whichever way you chose to look), poised delicately on a plank supported on two chairs, and whitewashing the ceiling of his front room."

    Now, all these people discuss the matter in another Inn, by the name of "Coach and Horses." Does it ring another bell? How far is "Coach and Horses" from "Prancing Pony?"

    It is at the Prancing Pony, where Frodo wears for the first time the One Ring and becomes invisible, causing as much commotion as his uncle Bilbo did at his one hundred and eleventh birthday at Bags End.

    I shall also add we have a specific use of a particular common room, which is found in both Wells' and Tolkien's inns, the parlor. I think the use of the parlor is strange in a mystery story. Both Frodo and The Invisible Man have the same relationship regarding the parlor -- because of the nature of both that man's and that hobbit's business, they should keep miles away from the next common room; instead, the parlor is used in both stories as a device to introduce a major change in the plot: The Invisible Man is (not) seen, so he must run and hide, the Ringwraiths are alerted to Frodo's presence.

    I think there's enough here to raise more than a doubt that Tolkien might have remembered some passages from Wells' interesting book.

    I'm halfway reading The Invisible Man, but these resemblances were so remarkable I had to put them down somewhere.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    3.5 stars A man who doesn't want to take off his clothes (hat, jacket, etc.) arrives at a hotel in a town and people wonder what he is all about, as his entire face and body are completely covered up.It was good. I am always iffy with writing styles of “classic” literature, but I was fine with this one. It was short, so quick to read. There was lots of action at the end. I'd be willing to try something else by him.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The set-up to this story is somewhat unusual, as it begins with a stranger wrapped in bandages arriving at an inn on a snowy night. Everyone assumes he's horribly disfigured, and the text goes on a bit as if that is indeed the case, but given the title we the reader are well aware that he is in fact invisible. That said, I did very much enjoy this story. It's more of a horror story than I expected, with the titular character unquestionably playing the part of the villain (as opposed to a mostly well-meaning scientist cursed by his own hubris, as with Frankenstein or Dr. Jekyll). The pitfalls of invisibility (such as being able to see through one's own eyelids, for example) added a certain spark to the narrative, and parts were surprisingly suspenseful. The Invisible Man's motivations were sort of vague and unsatisfying, but in general I recommend this book.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This was a quick read. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't great. I was surprised that we didn't get to hear the invisible man's story until so far in. From the perspective and information given, it was like the fact that he was invisible was supposed to eventually strike us as a great surprise, but... it's called "The Invisible Man." Anyway, it did pick up once we finally heard his story.From the beginning, I wanted to like the invisible man, or at least to have some sympathy for him. Oh, maybe he has a reason for not wanting to talk to anybody, I hoped, but he was just a bad-tempered jerk from the start. I feel like the author could have addressed some deeper themes here if the story had been just a little different, but maybe it's just supposed to be more of a fun read.I did find the ideas about how he became invisible interesting-- the real science fiction part of it. I also laughed at one scene where he has a dreadful time trying to convince someone he's invisible, and the end was somewhat exciting.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I was looking for something short to read and came across an old beat-up copy of The Invisible Man on our shelves. It seemed like the perfect book --- a little science fiction, a compact story, something to read while sitting on the roof enjoying a sunny afternoon.Griffin, a scientist, invents a machine that uses optics to make things invisible to the naked eye. He tests his machine, and the procedure, on himself. He completes the process but he doesn’t have time to reverse it before he is kicked out of the inn where he’s conducting his experiments by the people of the town who don’t trust him. With no options, and no desire to explain himself or his work, he leaves the inn in his new invisible state. He steals to get what he needs then enlists a man to assist him in getting his notes back from the inn where he abandoned them. When he, and his invisible state, are reported to the authorities, Griffin flips and goes on a bit of a terror spree wanting to get back at the man who betrayed him.The science fiction aspect of the book is interesting and the explanation believable. Griffin wasn’t a likable character though --- he’s arrogant, mean, and capable of murder. I kept wondering what it was that made him that way because I didn’t believe it could have been the invisibility alone. He does tell his story but it doesn’t do anything to help his cause considering he openly talks of murder, setting fire to a place to hide his work, and robbing people. I’m fine with not liking the main character and here Griffin is really just being used as social commentary anyway so I understood the reasoning for it even if he didn’t appeal to me.Having not read much HG Wells since high school, I was slightly stunned to find I didn’t like this one as much as I thought I would. Don’t misinterpret that, I did like it, just not love it. I’m a person that likes to bond with the main character and here that wasn’t possible. The reader isn’t supposed to like Griffin but even knowing that didn’t help me. For me, he was the cruel scientist bent on revenge not caring about the people he was planning to hurt along the way to get what he wanted. As I’m writing this review I’m beginning to wonder if I’m experiencing an aversion to Wells’s writing and now I’m thinking of going back to re-read The Time Machine to see what I think of that. Interesting how that happens to me sometimes.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    [The Invisible Man] by H. G. Wells First line:~ The stranger came early in February, one wintry day, through a biting wind and a driving snow, the last snowfall of the year, over the down, walking from Bramblehurst railway station, and carrying a little black portmanteau in his thickly gloved hand ~I did not enjoy this one as much as [The Island of Doctor Moreau] which I also just read. Once again, I am struck, by the dangers of indiscriminate ‘scientific’ experimentation. This story reminded me of Frankenstein although somewhat different. This time the scientist creates the ‘monster’ in himself and cannot deal with the consequences of his displacement from society. Frankenstein’s monster is the innocent victim in his story and the invisible man is a victim of his own creativity, no innocence there. The evolution of Frankenstein’s monster comes from his lack of acceptance right from the beginning and no experience at all with healthy relationships or an understanding of how to behave socially. Griffin’s situation is a devolution from years of experience relating to society and yet, when he runs into difficulty becomes a homicidal maniac. I cannot help but think that he had those tendencies to start with! (3.5 stars)
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This is another book that I loved. I remember watching the movie long, long ago. This is a classic tale of a brilliant scientist who makes a wonderful discovery, and then loses his mind.The book was long in the build up, and did meander a bit. I liked it when the Invisible Man decided that he wanted to create a reign of terror. I would, personally, have loved a little more exploration of the subject at this point. The evil genius, the evil joker, are all subjects that have fascinated me for years. HGW was such a great writer, he would have been brilliant had he delved deeper into the mind of the scientist.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Wells' novel was originally serialized in Pearson's Magazine in 1897, and published as a novel the same year. Part ghost story and part science fiction tale, Wells’s The Invisible Man begins with the arrival of a mysterious, shrouded stranger in the small village of Iping. "The stranger came in early February, one wintry day, through a biting wind and a driving snow,"(p 1)A man heavily clothed with hats, bandages and gloves takes a room at a local inn, and quickly unnerves the townspeople with his strange laboratory experiments and odd behavior. A series of burglaries take place in the village, and with her suspicion aroused, the innkeeper Mrs. Hall confronts the stranger. Removing all of his clothing and bandages, the man reveals that there is nothing underneath and that he is invisible. Terrified, Mrs. Hall flees and the police attempt to catch the man, but he throws off his clothes and thus eludes capture. After running from town to town, breaking into houses and stealing things along the way, the invisible man encounters a former associate, Dr. Kemp. The invisible man, who we finally learn is called Griffin, was a brilliant medical student of Dr. Kemp’s at the university. Griffin theorizes that if a person's refractive index is changed to exactly that of air and his body does not absorb or reflect light, then he will be invisible. He successfully carries out this procedure on himself, but cannot become visible again. "The man's become inhuman, I tell you, said Kemp."(p 127) As Griffin grows increasingly unstable, he begins to feel self-delusions of grandeur and invincibility that lead to this tale’s shocking conclusion. The Invisible Man is reminiscent of Stevenson's The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde (published a decade earlier) in the creation of an alter ego that quickly goes out of control. That is the interest of this story along with how Wells brilliantly works out the development of the theme if invisibility. If one could become invisible, what then? Certainly I found this aspect appealing when I first read the novel and undoubtedly it has contributed to the continuing popularity of this novel. Whether it is science fiction or rather speculative fiction is a critical concern but does not affect the reader's enjoyment. This novel belongs in a special place along with Wells other great early science fiction works. And if you really enjoy this story the dark side of man is even more evident in his earlier Darwinian arabesque, The Island of Dr. Moreau.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    “Every conceivable sort of silly creature that has ever been created has been sent to cross me. If I have much more of it, I shall go wild. I shall start mowing them” says Griffin: the invisible man. H G Well’s character is unsympathetic in the extreme and this is what in the end gives this book a bit of an edge. When we first meet Griffin he does not come across as a mad scientist, but rather an irascible one, albeit with a vicious streak. His paranoia increasingly takes hold of him and he fights back to such an extent that he comes to believe that his natural place is to rule over the visible fools and dolts that try to apprehend him.We first meet Griffin as a mysterious character seeking a place of refuge in a seaside town somewhere in the South of England. He rents a room in a small boarding house where he can lock himself away and work. His curious landlady and fellow guests soon interfere with his plans and he uses his invisibility first to frighten them and then to make his escape. This first section of the book has the feel of a slapstick movie as Wells has great fun describing the antics of those trying to apprehend an invisible man. There are fights, chases, robberies, near murders, until finally the invisible man becomes notorious and must now live on his wits to hide from a nation bent on tracking him down.A wounded Griffin manages to escape and blunders into the house of Mr Kemp an old friend from university days and initially tricks him into giving him some aid. He slowly starts to tell Kemp his story and this is where the novel moves up a gear. Griffin has used himself as a guinea pig to test a chemical that he has invented that can neutralise the colour in skin pigmentation. His aim was to turn himself invisible, so that he could profit from the advantages that this would give him. He had not thought of the problems of being invisible and his first venture out into the streets of London naked in January soon made him feel that he was in a hostile world. Finding shelter and food were soon problematical and Wells description of Griffin in this altogether different environment is both imaginative and exciting. Griffin’s story is told in the first person, which contrasts nicely with the first section of the book which tells of Griffin’s exploits largely in the third person where we see the sometimes comical effects on other people of an aggressive invisible man.Dr Kemp soon realises that his old friend is now nothing more than a brutally selfish individual, whose only thought is how he can use his invisibility for his own gain and his obvious delight in his ability to hurt other people convinces Kemp he is mad and dangerous. The remainder of the book takes on the appearance of a thriller as Griffin is hunted downWells’s novel has plenty of thrills and spills and there is the excitement of the chase, which rounds out the novel nicely. There is also the fantasy of being invisible and Wells brings out this aspect of his story to fire the imagination making it another early entry into the ranks of science fiction. When Wells switches the emphasis from being a mystery adventure story into something more fantastical then the novel started to work for me. Published in 1897; the novel cannot escape it’s British Victorian flavour and so we are not surprised when Doctor Kemp wonders about putting powdered glass on the road to impede the invisible man “It’s cruel I know, it’s unsportsmanlike” For me this adds to the charm and a busy street in London full of Hansom cabs and other horse drawn carriages would be just as dangerous to an invisible person as motor car traffic would be today. A 3.5 star read.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    All I can say is that I was extremely disappointed with this book after reading it. I came into it with such high expectations, and those expectations fell flat on their face. The idea(s) are there, but the execution tremendously lacked. There is barely any character development, and the story is told like a report in a newspaper. I understand that that may be the point and style of Wells, but I wasn't buying it.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Lacked a protagonist for most of the story, especially the first half.
    Good plot that felt both fleshed out and fast paced.
    3.5 stars
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    An intricate work, with several twists and turns. Certainly engaging on the question of human psychology, specifically on the potential corruption that the power of invisibility might bestow upon a man, but overall, a less compelling story than others of H. G. Wells' works. Perhaps this was due to my increasing distaste for the Invisible Man (the character) as time went on, and the final twist in the tale came too late to win me back fully.

    Even so, a good read, and a classic. Well worth the time spent.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This probably would have worked better as a short story given that there are no major sympathetic characters. But still, Wells' exploration of egomania and the practical aspects of invisibility are captivating enough that the 200-odd pages go just as fast. The climax is as taut and suspenseful as anything out of Grisham or King. And even if the writing is sometimes stilted and the action handled clumsily, the book is well worth the read and has undoubtably earned its status as a classic.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A very good story that I wish was a little reversed in its order; the latter half with its personal retelling of the Invisible Man's origins was most excellent, and I sort of wish the whole tale was told by its invisible participant. The ending was also splendidly vivid. Definitely worth a look if you are interested in the early goings of science fiction, or just want a solid tale with some tension.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    In all honestly, I would have expected an Scientist to be capable of performing this thing called "critical thinking" but reading this book, I know I expected to much.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The Invisible Man was a fun read. Clever, with a slightly sci-fi bend, but also some complex character development. The character of the invisible man is so evil and unfeeling, that you end up rooting for everyone who wants to destory him.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I've actually never read this before, and was surprised both by how detailed the science of the transformation was (though I probably shouldn't have been, because this era was big on the science in science fiction) and how unsympathetic the protagonist was. Enjoyed very much!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    From the twentieth century's first great practitioner of the novel of ideas comes a consummate masterpiece of science fiction about a man trapped in the terror of his own creation.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    About noon he suddenly opened his parlour door and stood glaring fixedly at the three or four people in the bar. "Mrs. Hall," he said. Somebody went sheepishly and called for Mrs. Hall.Mrs. Hall appeared after an interval, a little short of breath, but all the fiercer for that. Hall was still out. She had deliberated over this scene, and she came holding a little tray with an unsettled bill upon it. "Is it your bill you're wanting, sir?" she said."Why wasn't my breakfast laid? Why haven't you prepared my meals and answered my bell? Do you think I live without eating?""Why isn't my bill paid?" said Mrs. Hall. "That's what I want to know.""I told you three days ago I was awaiting a remittance -- ""I told you two days ago I wasn't going to await no remittances. You can't grumble if your breakfast waits a bit, if my bill's been waiting these five days, can you?"The stranger swore briefly but vividly."Nar, nar!" from the bar."And I'd thank you kindly, sir, if you'd keep your swearing to yourself, sir," said Mrs. Hall.The stranger stood looking more like an angry diving-helmet than ever. It was universally felt in the bar that Mrs. Hall had the better of him. His next words showed as much."Look here, my good woman -- " he began."Don't 'good woman' me," said Mrs. Hall."I've told you my remittance hasn't come -- ""Remittance indeed!" said Mrs. Hall.Still, I daresay in my pocket -- ""You told me two days ago that you hadn't anything but a sovereign's worth of silver upon you.""Well, I've found some more -- ""Ul-lo!" from the bar."I wonder where you found it," said Mrs. Hall.That seemed to annoy the stranger very much. He stamped his foot. "What do you mean?" he said.The reader realises one of the disadvantages of invisibility well before Griffin spells it out, as he keeps sniffing, coughing and sneezing due to catching cold from going about naked in winter. Although Griffin thought that invisibility would make him invincible and invulnerable, it turns out to be more of a curse, but he is such a nasty piece of work that I felt no sympathy for him at all.I really like the structure of the story, which begins when Griffin is already invisible, and gradually fills in the backstory as the book progresses.

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The Invisible Man - H.G. Wells


At four o’clock, when it was fairly dark and Mrs. Hall was screwing up her courage to go in and ask her visitor if he would take some tea, Teddy Henfrey, the clock-jobber, came into the bar. My sakes! Mrs. Hall, said he, but this is terrible weather for thin boots! The snow outside was falling faster.

Mrs. Hall agreed with him, and then noticed he had his bag, and hit upon a brilliant idea. Now you’re here, Mr. Teddy, said she, I’d be glad if you’d give th’ old clock in the parlour a bit of a look. ’T is going, and it strikes well and hearty; but the hour-hand won’t do nuthin’ but point at six.

And leading the way, she went across to the parlour door and rapped and entered.

Her visitor, she saw as she opened the door, was seated in the armchair before the fire, dozing it would seem, with his bandaged head drooping on one side. The only light in the room was the red glow from the fire—which lit his eyes like adverse railway signals, but left his downcast face in darkness—and the scanty vestiges of the day that came in through the open door. Everything was ruddy, shadowy, and indistinct to her, the more so since she had just been lighting the bar lamp, and her eyes were dazzled. But for a second it seemed to her that the man she looked at had an enormous mouth wide open, —a vast and incredible mouth that swallowed the whole of the lower portion of his face. It was the sensation of a moment: the white-bound head, the monstrous goggle eyes, and this huge yawn below it. Then he stirred, started up in his chair, put up his hand. She opened the door wide, so that the room was lighter, and she saw him more clearly, with the muffler held up to his face just as she had seen him hold the serviette before. The shadows, she fancied, had tricked her.

Would you mind, sir, this man a-coming to look at the clock, sir? she said, recovering from her momentary shock.

Look at the clock? he said, staring round in a drowsy manner, and speaking over his hand, and then, getting more fully awake, certainly.

Mrs. Hall went away to get a lamp, and he rose and stretched himself. Then came the light, and Mr. Teddy Henfrey, entering, was confronted by this bandaged person. He was, he says, taken aback.

Good-afternoon, said the stranger, regarding him, as Mr. Henfrey says, with a vivid sense of the dark spectacles, like a lobster.

I hope, said Mr. Henfrey, that it’s no intrusion.

None whatever, said the stranger. Though, I understand, he said turning to Mrs. Hall, that this room is really to be mine for my own private use.

I thought, sir, said Mrs. Hall, you’d prefer the clock— She was going to say mended.

Certainly, said the stranger, "certainly—but, as a rule, I like to be alone and undisturbed.

But I’m really glad to have the clock seen to, he said, seeing a certain hesitation in Mr. Henfrey’s manner. Very glad. Mr. Henfrey had intended to apologise and withdraw, but this anticipation reassured him. The stranger stood round with his back to the fireplace and put his hands behind his back. And presently, he said, when the clock-mending is over, I think I should like to have some tea. But not till the clock-mending is over.

Mrs. Hall was about to leave the room,—she made no conversational advances this time, because she did not want to be snubbed in front of Mr. Henfrey,—when her visitor asked her if she had made any arrangements about his boxes at Bramblehurst. She told him she had mentioned the matter to the postman, and that the carrier could bring them over on the morrow. You are certain that is the earliest? he said.

She was certain, with a marked coldness.

I should explain, he added, what I was really too cold and fatigued to do before, that I am an experimental investigator.

Indeed, sir, said Mrs. Hall, much impressed.

And my baggage contains apparatus and appliances.

Very useful things, indeed, they are, sir, said Mrs. Hall.

And I’m naturally anxious to get on with my inquiries.

Of course, sir.

My reason for coming to Iping, he proceeded, with a certain deliberation of manner, was—a desire for solitude. I do not wish to be disturbed in my work. In addition to my work, an accident—

I thought as much, said Mrs. Hall to herself.

—necessitates a certain retirement. My eyes—are sometimes so weak and painful that I have to shut myself up in the dark for hours together. Lock myself up. Sometimes—now and then. Not at present, certainly. At such times the slightest disturbance, the entry of a stranger into the room, is a source of excruciating annoyance to me—it is well these things should be understood.

Certainly, sir, said Mrs. Hall. And if I might make so bold as to ask—

That I think, is all, said the stranger, with that quietly irresistible air of finality he could assume at will. Mrs. Hall reserved her question and sympathy for a better occasion.

After Mrs. Hall had left the room, he remained standing in front of the fire, glaring, so Mr. Henfrey puts it, at the clock-mending. Mr. Henfrey not only took off the hands of the clock, and the face, but extracted the works; and he tried to work in as slow and quiet and unassuming a manner as possible. He worked with the lamp close to him, and the green shade threw a brilliant light upon his hands, and upon the frame and wheels, and left the rest of the room shadowy. When he looked up, coloured patches swam in his eyes. Being constitutionally of a curious nature, he had removed the works —a quite unnecessary proceeding—with the idea of delaying his departure and perhaps falling into conversation with the stranger. But the stranger stood there, perfectly silent and still. So still, it got on Henfrey’s nerves. He felt alone in the room and looked up, and there, grey and dim, was the bandaged head and huge blue lenses staring fixedly, with a mist of green spots drifting in front of them. It was so uncanny-looking to Henfrey that for a minute they remained staring blankly at one another. Then Henfrey looked down again. Very uncomfortable position! One would like to say something. Should he remark that the weather was very cold for the time of year?

He looked up as if to take aim with that introductory shot. The weather—he began.

Why don’t you finish and go? said the rigid figure, evidently in a state of painfully suppressed rage. All you got to do is to fix the hour-hand on its axle. You’re simply humbugging—

Certainly, sir—one minute more, sir. I overlooked— and Mr. Henfrey finished and went.

But he went off feeling excessively annoyed. Damn it! said Mr. Henfrey to himself, trudging down the village through the thawing snow; a man must do a clock at times, sure lie.

And again Can’t a man look at you?—Ugly!

And yet again: Seemingly not. If the police was wanting you you couldn’t be more wrooped and bandaged.

At Gleeson’s corner he saw Hall, who had recently married the stranger’s hostess at the Coach and Horses, and who now drove the Iping conveyance, when occasional people required it, to Sidderbridge Junction, coming towards him on his return from that place. Hall had evidently been stopping a bit at Sidderbridge, to judge by his driving. ’Ow do, Teddy? he said, passing.

You got a rum un up home! said Teddy.

Hall very sociably pulled up. What’s that? he asked.

Rum-looking customer stopping at the Coach and Horses, said

Teddy. My sakes!

And he proceeded to give Hall a vivid description of his grotesque guest. "Looks a bit like a disguise, don’t it? I’d like to see a man’s face if I had him stopping in my place, said Henfrey. But women are that trustful,—where strangers are concerned. He’s took your rooms and he ain’t even given a name, Hall."

You don’t say so! said Hall, who was a man of sluggish apprehension.

Yes, said Teddy. By the week. Whatever he is, you can’t get rid of him under the week. And he’s got a lot of luggage coming to-morrow, so he says. Let’s hope it won’t be stones in boxes, Hall.

He told Hall how his aunt at Hastings had been swindled by a stranger with empty portmanteaux. Altogether he left Hall vaguely suspicious. Get up, old girl, said Hall. I s‘pose I must see ’bout this.

Teddy trudged on his way with his mind considerably relieved.

Instead of seeing ‘bout it, however, Hall on his return was severely rated by his wife on the length of time he had spent in Sidderbridge, and his mild inquiries were answered snappishly and in a manner not to the point. But the seed of suspicion Teddy had sown germinated in the mind of Mr. Hall in spite of these discouragements. You wim’ don’t know everything, said Mr. Hall, resolved to ascertain more about the personality of his guest at the earliest possible opportunity. And after the stranger had gone to bed, which he did about half-past nine, Mr. Hall went very aggressively into the parlour and looked very hard at his wife’s furniture, just to show that the stranger wasn’t master there, and scrutinised closely and a little contemptuously a sheet of mathematical computation the stranger had left. When retiring for the night he instructed Mrs. Hall to look very closely at the stranger’s luggage when it came next day.

You mind your own business, Hall, said Mrs. Hall, and I’ll mind mine.

She was all the more inclined to snap at Hall because the stranger was undoubtedly an unusually strange sort of stranger, and she was by no means assured about him in her own mind. In the middle of the night she woke up dreaming of huge white heads like turnips, that came trailing after her, at the end of interminable necks, and with vast black eyes. But being a sensible woman, she subdued her terrors and turned over and went to sleep again.


So it was that on the twenty-ninth day of February, at the beginning of the thaw, this singular person fell out of infinity into Iping Village. Next day his luggage arrived through the slush. And very remarkable luggage it was. There were a couple of trunks indeed, such as a rational man might need, but in addition there were a box of books,—big, fat books, of which some were just in an incomprehensible handwriting,—and a dozen or more crates, boxes, and cases, containing objects packed in straw, as it seemed to Hall, tugging with a casual curiosity at the straw—glass bottles. The stranger, muffled in hat, coat, gloves, and wrapper, came out impatiently to meet Fearenside’s cart, while Hall was having a word or so of gossip preparatory to helping bring them in. Out he came, not noticing Fearenside’s dog, who was sniffing in a dilettante spirit at Hall’s legs. Come along with those boxes, he said. I’ve been waiting long enough.

And he came down the steps towards the tail of the cart as if to lay hands on the smaller crate.

No sooner had Fearenside’s dog caught sight of him, however, then it began to bristle and growl savagely, and when he rushed down the steps it gave an undecided hop, and then sprang straight at his hand. Whup! cried Hall, jumping back, for he was no hero with dogs, and Fearenside howled, Lie down! and snatched his whip.

They saw the dog’s teeth had slipped the hand, heard a kick, saw the dog execute a flanking jump and get home on the stranger’s leg, and heard the rip of his trousering. Then the finer end of Fearenside’s whip reached his property, and the dog, yelping with dismay, retreated under the wheels of the waggon. It was all the business of a swift half-minute. No one spoke, every one shouted. The stranger glanced swiftly at his torn glove and at his leg, made as if he would stoop to the latter, then turned and rushed swiftly up the steps into the inn. They heard him go headlong across the passage and up the uncarpeted stairs to his bedroom.

You brute, you! said Fearenside, climbing off the waggon with his whip in his hand, while the dog watched him through the wheel. Come here, said Fearenside—You’d better.

Hall had stood gaping. He wuz bit, said Hall. I’d better go and see to en, and he trotted after the stranger. He met Mrs. Hall in the passage. Carrier’s darg, he said, bit en.

He went straight upstairs, and the stranger’s door being ajar, he pushed it open and was entering without any ceremony, being of a naturally sympathetic turn of mind.

The blind was down and the room dim. He caught a glimpse of a most singular thing, what seemed a handless arm waving towards him, and a face of three huge indeterminate spots on white, very like the face of a pale pansy. Then he was struck violently in the chest, hurled back, and the door slammed in his face and locked. It was so rapid that it gave him no time to observe. A waving of indecipherable shapes, a blow, and a concussion. There he stood on the dark little landing, wondering what it might be that he had seen.

A couple of minutes after, he rejoined the little group that had formed ouside the Coach and Horses. There was Fearenside telling about it all over again for the second time; there was Mrs. Hall saying his dog didn’t have no business to bite her guests; there was Huxter, the general dealer from over the road, interrogative; and Sandy Wadgers from the forge, judicial; besides women and children,—all of them saying fatuities: "Wouldn’t let en bite me, I knows; ‘Tasn’t right have such dargs; Whad ’e bite’n for then?" and so forth.

Mr. Hall, staring at them from the steps and listening, found it incredible that he had seen anything so very remarkable happen upstairs. Besides, his vocabulary was altogether too limited to express his impressions.

He don’t want no help, he says, he said in answer to his wife’s inquiry. "We’d

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