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The Way of the World
The Way of the World
The Way of the World
Ebook164 pages2 hours

The Way of the World

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

One of the greatest of all Restoration comedies, The Way of the World is Congreve's masterpiece — a rich and knowing comedy of manners that not only satirizes the falsity, pretense and shallowness of the London society of his day, but also offers a depth of feeling, sensitivity, and polished phrasing that elevates the play far above other efforts in the genre.
Delightfully entertaining, The Way of the World abounds in brilliant word play, delicious verbal battles of the sexes (some consider the famous scene between Mirabell and Millamant as one of the most profound analyses of the marriage relation ever written), and scheming villains of both genders. First presented in London in 1700, this comedy has charmed audiences for over 300 years. This inexpensive paperbound edition, complete and unabridged, makes it widely available to today's readers.
Release dateApr 27, 2012

William Congreve

William Congreve was an English playwright and poet of the Restoration period. He is known for his clever, satirical dialogue and influence on the comedy of manners style of that period. He was also a minor political figure in the British Whig Party.

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Rating: 3.21093625 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I actually read an online version of this text provided by my teacher as part of my Introduction to Drama course, so this is not the same version I'm writing about, but is the same work. While it is a great example of Restoration Comedy, I personally didn't care for it much. The version we were provided with didn't include any notes or summaries, which I ended up looking up online to help me follow the events, since the language is rather hard to follow even when read slowly and carefully. Fortunately, with some help from the summaries, I was able to follow it well enough to gain an appreciation for it, even if I personally found it tedious to keep track of. Yet, there's definitely humor there, and it is rather distinct from other works we've read in the class, or that I've read outside of it. It is also a Comedy of Manners, which provides a great backdrop to see evolve over time if you read other plays in the genre. So, somewhat entertaining, but not one I'm likely to add to my personal collection, though it is worth a read.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Boring. Moliere can run circles around this guy. Even as a parody, the characters were uninteresting, unsympathetic and boring. So NOT funny.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This Restoration comedy didn't tickle my funny bone as much as either Sheridan or Goldsmith. Perhaps if I saw it performed, I would like it more... That said, it did have some funny moments and I liked the satire about Mr. and Mrs. Fainall both being unfaithful.I read my print copy (included in "Four Great Comedies of the Restoration and 18th century") as I listened to this full cast recording by LibriVox. Mil Nicholson was marvelous as Lady Wishfort but not all of the cast were of comparable quality. Overall, I would say this recording is good but not excellent.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Perhaps this is better if you actually watch the play, but reading it...

    It is witty, but the plot is too convoluted and the characters' names don't help when it comes to keeping who is who clear, much less who is doing what (or usually whom).
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    It's rare that I do this, but I have to question why this is on any "Great Books" list. I found it exceedingly dull and don't think it holds up to the standards of the other Great Books i've read (which numbers in the thousands and I'm still not quite 25 yet.) Even Aristophanes is better on the comic drama level. Maybe if there was a dearth of plays on a Great Books list I could understand it, but on any Great Books list one must include Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes, Shakespeare, Milton (Samson Agonistes, closet drama though it may be), Moliere, Racine, Corneille, Ibsen, and Shaw, at the very least. I would put Arthur Miller on there too, and Addison's "Cato". That's already well over a hundred plays. No use putting Congreve on the list, he's not in the same class.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    My third play read in this collection, so far it has been the most enjoyable to read. I liked Mr. Mirabell and Mrs. Millimant. The characters, too, seemed drawn more lifelike and less caricature. There were a number of intersecting plots, all of which were exposed by the wit of Mirabell in the end.

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The Way of the World - William Congreve




A Chocolate-house

MIRABELL and FAINALL rising from cards.

BETTY waiting

MIR. You are a fortunate man, Mr. Fainall!

FAIN. Have we done?

MIR. What you please: I’ll play on to entertain you.

FAIN. No, I’ll give you your revenge another time, when you are not so indifferent; you are thinking of something else now, and play too negligently; the coldness of a losing gamester lessens the pleasure of the winner. I’d no more play with a man that slighted his ill fortune than I’d make love to a woman who undervalued the loss of her reputation.

MIR. You have a taste extremely delicate, and are for refining on your pleasures.

FAIN. Prithee, why so reserved? Something has put you out of humour.

MIR. Not at all: I happen to be grave to-day, and you are gay; that’s all.

FAIN. Confess, Millamant and you quarrelled last night after I left you; my fair cousin has some humours¹⁶ that would tempt the patience of a Stoic. What, some coxcomb came in, and was well received by her, while you were by?

MIR. Witwoud and Petulant; and what was worse, her aunt, your wife’s mother, my evil genius; or to sum up all in her own name, my old Lady Wishfort came in.

FAIN. Oh, there it is then! She has a lasting passion for you, and with reason. — What, then my wife was there?

MIR. Yes, and Mrs. Marwood, and three or four more, whom I never saw before. Seeing me, they all put on their grave faces, whispered one another; then complained aloud of the vapours,¹⁷ and after fell into a profound silence.

FAIN. They had a mind to be rid of you.

MIR. For which reason I resolved not to stir. At last the good old lady broke through her painful taciturnity with an invective against long visits. I would not have understood her, but Millamant joining in the argument, I rose, and, with a constrained smile, told her I thought nothing was so easy as to know when a visit began to be troublesome. She reddened, and I withdrew, without expecting her reply.

FAIN. You were to blame to resent what she spoke only in compliance with her aunt.

MIR. She is more mistress of herself than to be under the necessity of such a resignation.

FAIN. What! though half her fortune depends upon her marrying with my lady’s approbation?

MIR. I was then in such a humour, that I should have been better pleased if she had been less discreet.

FAIN. Now, I remember, I wonder not they were weary of you; last night was one of their cabal nights; they have ’em three times a-week, and meet by turns at one another’s apartments, where they come together like the coroner’s inquest, to sit upon the murdered reputations of the week. You and I are excluded; and it was once proposed that all the male sex should be excepted; but somebody moved that, to avoid scandal, there might be one man of the community; upon which motion Witwoud and Petulant were enrolled members.

MIR. And who may have been the foundress of this sect? My Lady Wishfort, I warrant, who publishes her detestation of mankind; and full of the vigour of fifty-five, declares for a friend and ratafia;¹⁸ and let posterity shift for itself, she’ll breed no more.

FAIN. The discovery of your sham addresses to her, to conceal your love to her niece, has provoked this separation; had you dissembled better, things might have continued in the state of nature.

MIR. I did as much as man could, with any reasonable conscience; I proceeded to the very last act of flattery with her, and was guilty of a song in her commendation. Nay, I got a friend to put her into a lampoon and compliment her with the imputation of an affair with a young fellow, which I carried so far, that I told her the malicious town took notice that she was grown fat of a sudden; and when she lay in of a dropsy, persuaded her she was reported to be in labour. The devil’s in’t, if an old woman is to be flattered further, unless a man should endeavour downright personally to debauch her; and that my virtue forbade me. But for the discovery of this amour I am indebted to your friend, or your wife’s friend, Mrs. Marwood.

FAIN. What should provoke her to be your enemy, unless she has made you advances which you have slighted? Women do not easily forgive omissions of that

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