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Pieces of Eight
Pieces of Eight
Pieces of Eight
Ebook19 pages18 minutes

Pieces of Eight

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All that glitters is not gold and gold is not necessarily the most valuable?
What I found when looking for a fishing spot on the beach.

Release dateJul 12, 2015
Pieces of Eight

Everard Bromley

Everard Bromley (not my real name, just where my mom was born) (notes on "DIDYMUS") I grew up in South Africa before, during and after the democratic dispensation. After I read the books by Barbera Thiering and knowing about the 'Freedom Struggle' in SA I wondered what and if a similar struggle by Jews during the Roman occupation of Judea would follow the same route and how that would be. (notes on "the BEAST of BIKO BRIDGE") There was genuinely a report in the local newspaper (Daily Dispatch) of number of bodies found where I have located this story. I just let my imagination run wild with the rest of it. (notes on "a Real Surprise) Just a bit of fluff, I was feeling a bit blue for a friend of mine.

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    Pieces of Eight - Everard Bromley

    Pieces of Eight

    A short story

    By Everard Bromley

    Published by Everard Bromley at Smashwords.

    Copyright 2015

    Everard Bromley

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    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously.

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    Pieces of Eight


    I was tooling around on 'Google Earth' one evening, looking at fishing spots along the coast south of East London, I liked to look at how the rocks just back of the surf line lay because none of the parallel strata of these rocks ran straight out from the beach and if you did not pay attention you would end up casting out over a submerged spine of one of the strata and the mussels, barnacles and other shellfish which covered these rocks would

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